First read and then the video brought me to dementia, although maybe that wasn't the intent of the poem as we all interpret things differently according to our own experiences.
A nightmare all the same, snatches of decay living and then fading into the ether lost in memory of was it real or fantasy...
Perfect video for the emotional imagery you portray here Gene... so different and i really enjoyed reading it... :)
i love how you see this one, Stella ... yes! dementias certainly play into our memory thing. aging c.. read morei love how you see this one, Stella ... yes! dementias certainly play into our memory thing. aging causes all of us to be affected in some way or another .. letting go of memories can also be freeing .. thank you for sharing specific things that moved you .. on both the poem and the music. i had to look a bit to find the song "I don't remember" ;) love on ya Stella and again thank you for the visit and review
I think when we are young there is an illusion that when we reach middle and old age that we will be ready in the same ways we were ready for transitions in earlier days. Like we will have developed wisdom and a set of tools to help us navigate the journey forward.
Yet I think what we truly learn is it is difficult to let go of our view of ourselves as forever vital and powerful and welcomers of new opportunity. Some things just naturally wane with time. Youth and youthful beauty will leave us regardless of how much we try to keep them. Our minds and bodies naturally decline, but somehow our desires for experience and stimulation and companionship do not.
Your poem made me think of these things. Our hopes and dreams for newness even in the midst of an awareness of things falling away or eluding us. Memory is a strange thing. Working backward and forward and sometimes creating a deeper awareness of empty spaces. A longing for something that feels out of reach. It’s a sad and stirring exploration as I read it like this. My mother is quickly declining with Alzheimer’s and my father has begun a quick decline as well since retiring. The human need to feel useful and a part of something that is purposefully moving forward is so strong. It sustains the spirit I think. Your poem speaks to me strongly of this and the interplay between the present, memory, and hope for the future. A powerful work.
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
i feel so gratified by your review .. thank you so much for sharing how it touched you and where it .. read morei feel so gratified by your review .. thank you so much for sharing how it touched you and where it took you. my Ma passed with Alzheimer's and it's sequelae .. thank you so much, Ellis!!! i wish you and all your family well in your journey with your parents .. God bless you!
Dear Noodle! Quite a movie you showed us! now I understand your creepy nightmares, and all the weird things you were dreaming about...very scary at times and almost like stream of consciousness ....humans and others appear and disappear as your dream continues on.... everything seems to be decaying, broken, fading,..."memories break apart and scatter"....."everything around is broken down, fallen"....
I hope your dreams improve over time.... all the best! Nice write!
Warmly, B
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
not a dream blessed Betty! my wild imagination and take on my life and times ;) you are so kind to r.. read morenot a dream blessed Betty! my wild imagination and take on my life and times ;) you are so kind to read and review ... your support is much appreciated ... right here at the Cafe' :)
1 Month Ago
i love wild imagination! always a pleasure!
Warmly B😊
Great write my friend. Seems an eternity since I dropped in on your work. Had me pouring over each stanza a few times to really taken what I was reading. Read it aloud, as I do, and it really was something to behold! I loved the Please don't throw me in the briar patch!
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
yes ... the dread briar patch eh!? :))) so joyful with your visit Mr. Underhill!! we have missed one.. read moreyes ... the dread briar patch eh!? :))) so joyful with your visit Mr. Underhill!! we have missed one another for sure .. and it has been a long time .. i'm stopping by your lanes next my friend .. see what's up wit you.
I don't think its all made up at all dear brother G .. I think you took your time and crafted this precisely as you see or saw it unfurling .. whatever way one looks at it, everything else is just history shelved .. so full of sadness & losses back on back .. and yet in spite of all our embus & prayers & candles burnt there are so many souls lost .. and the knowing hurts like hell .. doesn't it .. Neville 💜
Posted 3 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
i super appreciate your read on this one my friend .. you took the journey with me, didn't you!? :) .. read morei super appreciate your read on this one my friend .. you took the journey with me, didn't you!? :) yes .. lost souls are all heart breaking ... the most hurtful of tragedies in our human existence .. especially when a hand up is always right there at one's finger tips ... like ceiling painting at the Sistine Chapel .. God's touch mere milimeters away from that connection to man .. there is a lot of letting go in life, it seems; but the one thing to cling to is our Creator ;) luv on ya Nev .. thanks so much for reading with such sensitivity and understanding
2 Months Ago
it was a real joy to savour your fine words again my friend .. N :)
My grandmother went down this path. Losing memories in reverse. Until she clung to sparks of something. A moment almost developed then lost.
At the end I never told her my name just that I was her favorite. Then I could be whoever she could remember.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
that's beautiful, Cherrie! "I was your favorite" .. just beautiful
dear Gene... when my "Time" arrives, I will be singing "I fall to Pieces".
I know that being around my grandchildren will make a difference; however, I will be too sad. softly, Pat
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
what a beautiful, beautiful comment, Pat! thank you so very much. may we all pass peacefully into th.. read morewhat a beautiful, beautiful comment, Pat! thank you so very much. may we all pass peacefully into the loving arms of the Creator of all things.. luv and joy!
This so reminds me of what happened to me when I died I remember watching the memories fragment before my eyes but the funny thing is they didn’t evaporate they just went somewhere else:/ it took me years to reassemble some of the pieces but they have mostly recovered
Mr. Bunny Man!! I love the humor I see in your reactions to this poem. I am always grateful for your.. read moreMr. Bunny Man!! I love the humor I see in your reactions to this poem. I am always grateful for your visits. Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving besides eating? :)
4 Months Ago
lol I am making my holiday rescue kits at the restaurant (a thanksgiving tradition) it has been a sl.. read morelol I am making my holiday rescue kits at the restaurant (a thanksgiving tradition) it has been a slow year only 55 ordered so far:)
Is romance a liquid?
Bravery a solid?
Can it be amended with enzymes, repaired via dissonance?
Am I even a memory in their head?
Why do I have a mind that covets thoughts I find useless...
Why can I not win when I think of each victory.
I guess it is all made up, this feeling of being full.
She gave me what I thought to be food.
Ending tastes like copper.
Find my face in the faded reflections of a windowless train.
I wish this poem had not been so sad, I also wish it has been sadder...
Very well written...
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
what a fantastic response from you, pennylate!! i love it .. especially what you say about the sadne.. read morewhat a fantastic response from you, pennylate!! i love it .. especially what you say about the sadness .. just beautiful, not weird at all ... i'm so grateful for you stopping and taking time here on my little streets .... right here at the Cafe' :)
I would love to film this. I can see every bit of it. It is so full of visual atmosphere.
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Ken! i feel so blessed by that .. if anyone could, it would be you .. filming or better yet painting.. read moreKen! i feel so blessed by that .. if anyone could, it would be you .. filming or better yet painting it ;) luv ya brother .. thanks so very much!
As zygote grows to fetus, it seeks and joins a soul to accompany its growth from birth to final breath … a mystery … imagined or real, sparked from the deepest infinite recesses of the unknown. Yet, we can intuitively know that nothing comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere.
Yet, lacking the power of ultimate TRUTH, humanity invents/makes up philosophies in an effort to explain what cannot be known in our limited state of understanding … some of which has become accepted as TRUTH, either by illusionary intellect or by blind faith.
As Edgar Allan Poe ascribed in his poem, "A Dream Within a Dream".
A Dream Within a Dream
Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
thus much let me avow —
you are not wrong, who deem
that my days have been a dream;
yet, if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
in a vision, or in none,
is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem,
is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
of a surf-tormented shore,
and I hold within my hand
grains of the golden sand —
how few! Yet, how they seep
through my fingers to the deep,
while I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
them with a tighter clasp?
O God! Can I not save
one from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem,
but a dream within a dream?
Well, My Friend, seems you've fanned the embers of mysterious wonderments into a fire within my mind 'n soul. But, the magick of your poetry so often has.
Love your intriguing title and ambience-setting purple galaxy artwork … perfect choices. And, who could not take pause to envy such metaphorical enthrallment as:
"the memories of a lifetime
break apart and scatter like
cracking atoms to bits and pieces
pieces speaking in faerie soughing* songs *(rarely spelt so artistically)
swirling down ebon vortex funnels
funneling fading.
water through my fingers.
withering away
all made up" (and, so much more throughout … sheesh, Gene!)
Brilliant Free Versing dances ever-so freely from the golden nib of your artistic pen.
Still catching my breath! ⁓ Richard✨
Posted 5 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Months Ago
Richard!!! what can i say ... i am stunned into silence with such a deep delve into this poem ... i .. read moreRichard!!! what can i say ... i am stunned into silence with such a deep delve into this poem ... i think your comments are spot on .. especially about our intuiting the need for the Divine and useless attempts to put that understanding into feeble words of our pea brains .. God's Creation all around us shouts His Magisty and mystery .. it is Faith that allows us into that everpresent walk with Him in peace and assurance .. in our attempts we go down many false paths .. and thanks for the Poe!!!! it does fit well doesn't it :) peace and joy and thank you so much for taking time here ... at the Cafe'
5 Months Ago
What else, My Dear Friend
Should a review be than that which the composition, itself,.. read moreWhat else, My Dear Friend
Should a review be than that which the composition, itself, has inspired in the heart, mind, and soul of its readers?
You're always welcome, Gene, for whatever little I may have to offer … Happy Autumn unto thee! 🍂
This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me.
There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..