Oh, E, this one describes someone in my life to a tee. She is never wrong and she changes the rules of the game whenever she thinks it will favor her. Passive aggressive and never really seeing things as they actually are. She is an expert at blaming everyone around her for things she has actually caused. Ah, yes, I know Ms. Mary Malone well. It's a shame people such as her invade our lives. Lydi**
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you feel me then blessed Lydi! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) love .. read more:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you feel me then blessed Lydi! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) love and fortitude my friend .. love and fortitude
There's one on every continent so I've been told by 'Queen Miss Malone' - the She knows who knows everything but - little else. She grapples life in her own festering fashion putting down anything reasonable for no rhyme or reason because - she has neither. And so it goes on until the day will come when she and her like will 'ghettified' and left to bore each other to extinction. How do I know that.. the Queen told me!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
yes dear friend ... the Queen speaks and it's all she ever hears ... love your comment .. sorry you .. read moreyes dear friend ... the Queen speaks and it's all she ever hears ... love your comment .. sorry you know her .. it is not a pleasure is it!? love on ya Em .. love and joy
Oh i like this sir noodle!
I found out about that story on a quiz shpw here called QI and if i recall, the host of the show, saint Stephen Fry, pronounced her at the end as a bit of a scoundrel and a massive s**t of a person, referencing back to a quote when the then king was asked of tge opinion on a guy who tried to kill his wife with a gun he had, loaded with.... Tobacco!!! &!
I know smoking kills, but didnt know it could be shot at you.
Unsurprisingly she survived and tobacco man got a nice new ropm with bouncy wallpaper and wraparound jacket! 😊
I bet she wouldnt have worn a mask during lockdown either! 😊
Hope you and beaur..... Bowreg... Scooby is well 😊
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
ahahaha ..Beauregard says you need to work on speech but also sends his regards. :) yes! Ms. Typhoid.. read moreahahaha ..Beauregard says you need to work on speech but also sends his regards. :) yes! Ms. Typhoid did ot consider the risk to others she ignored. She is attributed with about 120 deaths because she refused to quarantine and when was put there by authorities .. when let out, continued to work as a cook or care giver. She is an allegory in this one as you can tell; but narcisism is most definitely applicable to the real Mary and part of the controlling narcissism of my character .. the attempted tobacco murder is at once hilarious and wicked at the same time .. how do we come up with these ideas ... wow! luv on ya bro! thanks for your thoughts on the poem and story ... i wonder if it was pipe or cigarette tobacco used .. and if it would make a difference ;))))))))))))))))))))
1 Year Ago
Woof woof and sniff! ☺
1 Year Ago
...Alexander told me that was dog for "wanna be friends?" ☺
A powerful message here Einstein; at least she was responsible for Covid but Typhoid. Lots of people are control freaks, disease carriers without knowing, whether physical or mental.
I think you are safe in the beautiful Ozarks. Lots of new facts coming out after the damage is done.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
let's just blame Mary for any and all ills this world keeps chucking ... ;) thank you for your thoug.. read morelet's just blame Mary for any and all ills this world keeps chucking ... ;) thank you for your thoughtful read and sharing those thoughts with us .. right here at the Cafe'
1 Year Ago
Yes siiiirrrrr. You are right my friend. And, welcome.
Oh Typhoid Mary! She had to work to survive… but in survival she killed her employers…. What a conundrum! What a perfect description in your whimsical voice. The contrast of your words bouncing around on the page so joyously and the darker themes in some of your poetry is so artistic. Thanks for sharing!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
i am inspired and encouraged in my writing .. i hope you will not learn to regret your uplifting rev.. read morei am inspired and encouraged in my writing .. i hope you will not learn to regret your uplifting review .. thank you so much .. you read me so well! love and peace
I have no idea who Mary Mallon is and by the way you have described her, I’d rather not know. Narcissistic people are the worse kind and are best avoided if possible. A scathing poem, truthful in its description.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank you so much for the review .. Mary Mallon was the first person diagnosed as a carrier of Typho.. read morethank you so much for the review .. Mary Mallon was the first person diagnosed as a carrier of Typhoid fever without having any of the symptoms ... typhoid was a killer back then and she refused to quarentine herself and worked as a cook and care giver without regard .. her contact with about 120 people killed with the disease is attributed to her. she was quarantined by the state several times and the last was for the duration of her life. ... i'm so glad we have met ... right here at the Cafe' :)
Oh yes. We all know someone. I liked this. I didn't realize this was inspired by film until I googled Mary Mallon. I'm intrigued!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
sadly i think you are right .. we have all had Mary coming and going in our lives .. actually, the M.. read moresadly i think you are right .. we have all had Mary coming and going in our lives .. actually, the Mary in my life inspired the poem .. did not know about a movie, tho i am not surprised one is out there. she was the first diagnosed carrier of typhoid without it's symptoms ... i will check out the movie now ... thanks for that .. and thanks again for your time taken ... right here at the Cafe' :)
I know a few of these people...you describe to a "T."
And they are mostly a danger to themselves...living in a fantasy.
Self-destructive and unwilling to see that.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
yep .. very sad for all involved .. and unnecessary if one just "looks" ... thanks always for taking.. read moreyep .. very sad for all involved .. and unnecessary if one just "looks" ... thanks always for taking time Jacob ..
This reminds me of those Black widow killers very cunning, really warped. Some women are like this Gene and no matter what you would say to correct them, you can’t argue with stupid. Scary! You captured the mood quite well with the evil and darkness.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
i think most of us know someone who fits Mary's glove .. no .. if we play we do so pay .. ;) love on.. read morei think most of us know someone who fits Mary's glove .. no .. if we play we do so pay .. ;) love on ya bro and thanks so much for the review
I remember reading the case of Mary Mallon and typhoid fever. (Ms. Mary Malone? )
I think at some time in our lives we will or have met the likes of who speak of. I'm reminded of the female killer Courtney Clenney, who was a spoiled young woman who needed attention from others and , in her jelous mind, was never wrong.
There's lots of great lines in this. Great poem.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank you for the correction, Relic ... i will make that change forth with ;) thanks for the lining .. read morethank you for the correction, Relic ... i will make that change forth with ;) thanks for the lining of Courtney Clenney .. i will go googling her as well .. i really appreciate your read and input .. your remarks are truly helpful to me .. it's sad that most likely with any bit of years of living under our belts .. we have met someone like her .. Ms. Mary Mallon ;) preace and joy my friend and again .. thanks for the great review
Dear E……I know people like this…and you just want to squeeze them and tell him the shut up! They know everything, ( at least they think they do) and blindly move in passive destruction….. and worse yet, she spreads he egotism and ugly personality to others unfortunately….. and blames all her mistakes on others….. nice E.
Warmly, B
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
yes!! exactly what i am trying to get at in this one, Betty! thanks so much for taking time and leav.. read moreyes!! exactly what i am trying to get at in this one, Betty! thanks so much for taking time and leaving your thoughts on my streets .. right here at the Cafe' :)
This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me.
There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..