

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Thank you Richard for your support and suggestions on my sonnets ... :)


The chains, long forged, from dark, persistent paths
of blackened rock that smothers golden fields …
Akin to dragon's caldron swirling wraths
red scallion plates so thickly plied to shield.

Youth's steady stream of brazen, hot desires
as sunset looms on spent horizon's line
to steady reins of stallion's pulsing fires;
thus, rising bright, a new celestial sign …

Releasing now, imprisoned for so long,
the true and lasting Heaven's ringing call
in ageless joy of spirits sung in Psalms …
if one but trusts the Star of David's laud.

A rose forgiven each it's hoary thorns;
and thus made perfect, halos now adorn.

© 2024 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

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A fine write Gene but sadly the world is in bad shape at present. So much anger and violence everywhere. Staying safe seems to be on the agenda more so each coming year.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

anger and violence and more .. enough sins to tip the scales against us all eh!? love is the answer .. read more
And as if a new(ish) write from you Sir Noodle aren't reason enough to celebrate, may I wish you an almost end to that year from hell that thought playing games and messing with our heads so much that some might actually welcome trump back, for purely selfish reasons of knowing its easier to watch the idiot that doesn't realise he's an idiot!
I do so hope 2024 brings you happiness E, with plenty more inspiration added, so your words have time to bake and set fully, before unleashing them onto us.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

thanks Lorry ... there is a hope and joy that has nothing to do with our politics and confusing some.. read more
I love the progression of thought- growing maturing and discovering the true treasure of life.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

oh my dear mon Cherrie!!! so happy you found me back ... right here at the Cafe' ... your walking my.. read more
Your final couplet is so moving Mr E.

The stuff of youth plays on your conscience as you age. Yes, plenty of time for reflection once we have matured and in our latter years. Plenty of time to delve into what we consider sinful. And everyone of us is guilty of sin.

Christianity is based on forgiveness and I am reminded here of how forgiving Christ was/is

A wonderful poem.

Merry Christmas.

Chris 🎄

Posted 8 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

yes! Jesus teaches the greatest of these (gifts) is love ... first of our Father Creator and then to.. read more
What an incredible poem! Masterfully crafted, thank you! If I may take a guess as to the inspiration... Is it not a scene from The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis? That particular vignette was my favorite part of the book, I must say. :)


Posted 9 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

i am not familiar with the C.S. Lewis referenced but will check it out .. the inspiration??? mmmmmm .. read more
Every new generation disregards the lessons taught by the older one. Thus, we remain collectively and eternally stupid as a species. Ignorance would be forgivable but the young could know if they would listen. They live in denial or rush headlong into the social atmosphere, burning like meteors to their demise. I'm reminded of ee cummings' poem, old age sticks. If we survive long enough and are honest with ourselves I think we all have some regrets. But we can learn from our mistakes or simply brood over them. I much prefer the former as a course of action. Being of a contrite spirit is humbling but there is wisdom to be gained in such humility and forgiveness, both for self and others. I enjoyed the read. F.

Posted 9 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

yes! there is much to be learned from our mistakes and misgivings .. wisdom, it seems, is not bound .. read more
Your poetic ability leaves me speechless and this poem is deserving of some type of front page award. The couplet speaks volumes and the sonnet itself trumpeting halos, as rewards for the sinful mistakes of our youth, forces the reader to realize we will all eventually return to our heavenly Father for the final judgment. Great sonnet and one to be savored, as a fine wine. Thanks for posting. :-)

Posted 9 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

ohhhhhhh thank you so very much, Tamara .. i am deeply gratified and humbled by your review .. you h.. read more
Tamara Beryl Latham

8 Months Ago

You're welcome. I won't be posting for a while, so thought I'd add a reply to your poem. Have a wo.. read more

I can only imagine the feeling of sheer relief one might experience upon satisfactorily relieving oneself of the heavy burden his or her collective sins weighed upon a conscience desperate for absolution .. fortunately my conscience is clear .. but I do believe that guilt is the most destructive of all human emotions with jealousy coming a close second .. I also believe that to feel the kind of catharsis I refer to, one must first truly own their individual grief or sorrow for their own misdoings .. I was kidding by the way when I suggested I am guilty of nothing .. but then, you knew that already, didn't you Gene .. Neville

Posted 9 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

9 Months Ago

there are plenty of human emotion and thought that are plagues upon their victims .. false guilt is .. read more

9 Months Ago

they are of course what make us distinctly human .. & back at ya E :))) N.
Einstein Noodle

9 Months Ago

yes ... born in need ..........
" a new celestial sign …"
As we age we think more deeply and discover ourselves more deeply, it is one of the last steps to full maturity i think.
The mis-spent youth was only us testing the boundaries, then we made the boundaries and now we dont need them because we are so self contained that we are at one with the universe and will return home after going full circle..... Just my thoughts E about penitence and self discovery and forgiving ourselves for what was only enjoying the seeds of life breaking free.

Posted 9 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

9 Months Ago

oh my dear Stella! .. yep! .. all i can say is yep and yes to your review .. i think you feel me dah.. read more
Stella Armour

9 Months Ago

I enjoy it when poems make me THINK, so thank you for the mind exercise E ..... :)
Hi there,
I know, I know... where have I been...well, life just took over and my days have been full...
You are the first I am reading here after such a very long break.
Now this is so very different from all the others I have read of yours in the past.
I have now and enjoyed the read three times...
The music is wonderful... Reminds me of my years singing in a coral group...

Posted 9 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

9 Months Ago

i guess we two are resurrected about the same time, Lisa! I also have been laid low with the whims o.. read more

8 Months Ago

Hi there,
Glad to reconnect... but now I will be away from the computer as I am going to have.. read more
Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

time and gravity kills the knees for sure .. keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for successful s.. read more

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21 Reviews
Added on December 9, 2023
Last Updated on February 3, 2024


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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