One Enchanted Evening

One Enchanted Evening

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

I appreciate Mr. Richard Rogers for inspiring this title and for all those who sang the song "Some Enchanted Evening" :)

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One Enchanted Evening

a dory small 
two   -   still fishing 
quieting their universal substance
so to understand the fueling  
of red wine as 
bold and joyful as blushing cheeks
a certain apprehensive bliss

where thoughts become thin white wisps 
melting into the blue drifting twilight

lapping ocean sighing
two oars tapping 

into the hinterlands

One Enchanted Evening

for Sherry

© 2023 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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This poetic tale wisps you back in time to a place and era when I too shared my first enchanted evening. Funny thing about these occurrences, they can happen anywhere at anytime. I remember standing side by side with a girl from school. We were at Dallas' Love Field watching airplanes come and go. It all seems like a dream now.
Thanks for this wonderful write, and all the memories.

Posted 2 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

2 Months Ago

i feel blessed you share your memory Sir Lyle! yes ... those moments are etched permanently, i think.. read more
A bewitching write, excellently penned of an evening so special spent with somebody so special during a fishing trip. Love the personification of the "lapping ocean sighing". The visual detail is simply magical and paints a masterpiece for your reader of the evening which was so beautiful. I so enjoyed reading. Lovely work, dear poet. Thank you for sharing this little gem...

Posted 2 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

2 Months Ago

wow! ... Marie! thank you for making my visit to the Cafe' blessed .. so happy you felt this one wit.. read more

2 Months Ago

Most welcome always, dear poet. Thank you again for sharing... :))
Having those magical evening that last in the memory bank for many years fills our passion and desire when needing an escape from the mundane

Posted 7 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Months Ago

yes! the mundane is a fine contrast Ms. Poetic Beauty .. thanks for taking time .. glad you enjoyed .. read more
Poetic Beauty

7 Months Ago

As always I enjoy reading your works
Sweet and whimsical! The way you play with words while painting a scene and a moment. It felt like a dream reading it!
I very much enjoyed it!

Posted 8 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

thank you for taking time Fallon .. i am feeling blessed you felt the dream :) peace, love and joyread more

I decided to come back for seconds & stayed considerably longer .. still as beautiful as ever E. N :)

Posted 8 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

8 Months Ago

thanks Nev ... your a fine bird of a feather :) .... today the sun finally chased away our deep fog .. read more

8 Months Ago

that sun o yours must have chased the fog n rain in my direction .. good to hear tho & likew.. read more
what a perfect line...
where thoughts become thin white wisps
melting into the blue drifting twilight

It reminds me of posting a poem:)

Posted 10 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

10 Months Ago

sometimes it is so very difficult to ignite the muse within ... thank you Bunny Man ... for your pre.. read more
This is a most ‘enchanting’ poem my friend. Sitting in a dory sipping wine to the sound of water lapping against the sides, it doesn’t get better than this. The version of the song you shared is my favorite one as well. Happy Thanksgiving dear E. xxx

Posted 10 Months Ago

Einstein Noodle

10 Months Ago

your pic blesses me ol' eyes, Dara! Thanksgiving was very fine. i feel joyful this poem touched you .. read more
There's an soft, enveloping flow in this poem, especially in these words

"where thoughts become thin white wisps
melting into the blue drifting twilight"

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

11 Months Ago

oh Momzilla!!! how very happy i am to have your read and review ... thank you very much! love and co.. read more

11 Months Ago

You're welcome
"where thoughts become thin white wisps
melting into the blue drifting twilight"
....your words whisper moonlight enchantment
dear friend...softly flowing & ..beautifully rendered

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

11 Months Ago

well Ms. Fran ... i have met a wonderment of a woman .. who would have thought?? and at this ripened.. read more
You are showing a side of you that melts me down like butter on freshly made bread. So beautifully orchestrated, with the lapping ocean sighing, and two oars tapping. Enchanting, indeed, Gene!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

oh my goodness dear Ms. Legs!!! i am so appreciative of you visiting this one .. after all you are t.. read more

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32 Reviews
Added on August 22, 2023
Last Updated on August 22, 2023


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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