"alleys of disquiet
urine musk and ...... wet cardboard"
Some lows are beyond imagination and question every belief. I love how 'Thud' transcends through different measures. My interpretation: for victims, it is the sound of the extreme below which nothing remains to get broken. for us: it is the hammer to make us grateful, (towards own blessings) and empathetic (for the victims). for almighty God: it the the sound of defeat from believers. It is a heartfelt write. '...trees falling alone...'. Your metaphors speak volumes!
- mou
Posted 12 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Months Ago
i can not feel more gratified to receive such a review, Mou ... ever so thankful .. blessings of pea.. read morei can not feel more gratified to receive such a review, Mou ... ever so thankful .. blessings of peace and love
12 Months Ago
Thank you so much, E. I love your poems that demand an undivided attention and they deserve it. It i.. read moreThank you so much, E. I love your poems that demand an undivided attention and they deserve it. It is my pleasure.
- mou
One person's sad reality is another's unimaginable circumstance. The old adage of "there, but for the grace of God, go I" seems to get lost and displaced more frequently in today's culture than ever. I think people who have experienced poverty are more generous to the poor than the wealthy. I think those who have known homelessness personally are generally more understanding of the condition than those who have not. As someone who has known poverty and homelessness, firsthand, I've seen those views validated. Mine was a circumstance of my upbringing and my dedication to my mother who I cared for the last five years of her life. When she passed away I had to start my life all over having spent my retirement trying not to be a financial burden to my mom while working eighteen hour days as a caregiver without pay. But people I did not even know who were by no means wealthy (except in love) stepped up to help me get on my feet again. Yes, I worked hard but the opportunities provided allowed me to return to the workforce...transportation, food and shelter as I struggled to reenter society at ground level. After I had some success in my endeavors the well-intentioned came around to pat me on the back and praise my fortitude. The REAL struggle was the five years of doing everything for my mom for which none of them praised me for until recently. It's difficult to understand someone else's troubles when you have none of your own. If I had it to do over I would make the same decision to help my mother, even knowing it would lead to my own health failing and becoming homeless. But I feel blessed to know I was able to care and give when and where it was needed most by someone who meant more than life to me. I just wish she could have lived to see her final grandchild. My youngest reminds me so much of my mom, she has her eyes and her smile. I just hope she's in heaven looking down with a smile of her own. I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing. F.
i think there is a lot of truth in what you say and a big thank you for sharing this part of your li.. read morei think there is a lot of truth in what you say and a big thank you for sharing this part of your life... i am humbled to think that this poem sparked those memories for you ... i also took care of my Ma for the last ten yrs. of her life as she gently slipped into the child in the womb ... innocent, helpless, unable to communicate .. you know ... most of that last yr. i could not handle things any more and she went into Hospice .. i worked full time while caring for her so a little different story .. i did 3/ 12-16 hr shifts and was fortunate to get hooked up with some good people who volunteered their time and travel .. and towards the end and wonderful full time helper who filled in the days, or nights i worked .. it sounds like you could have used some connections to services out there that can ease such burdens .. i too would never change a thing about that time .. i am pretty sure our Ma s are beaming down from heaven ... i know all her adult life she reached out to heaven on my behalf ... wouldn't had made it otherwise ... all kinds of people on the road .. good bad and ugly .. some were pushed by circumstances, some choose to be there and others are indifferent .. thank you so much for reading reviewing and sharing Fabian .. luv, peace and joy
5 Months Ago
"i know all her adult life she reached out to heaven on my behalf ... wouldn't had made it otherwise.. read more"i know all her adult life she reached out to heaven on my behalf ... wouldn't had made it otherwise" Me too my friend. Bless you, F.
"alleys of disquiet
urine musk and ...... wet cardboard"
Some lows are beyond imagination and question every belief. I love how 'Thud' transcends through different measures. My interpretation: for victims, it is the sound of the extreme below which nothing remains to get broken. for us: it is the hammer to make us grateful, (towards own blessings) and empathetic (for the victims). for almighty God: it the the sound of defeat from believers. It is a heartfelt write. '...trees falling alone...'. Your metaphors speak volumes!
- mou
Posted 12 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Months Ago
i can not feel more gratified to receive such a review, Mou ... ever so thankful .. blessings of pea.. read morei can not feel more gratified to receive such a review, Mou ... ever so thankful .. blessings of peace and love
12 Months Ago
Thank you so much, E. I love your poems that demand an undivided attention and they deserve it. It i.. read moreThank you so much, E. I love your poems that demand an undivided attention and they deserve it. It is my pleasure.
- mou
Powerful work...you create empathy for the less fortunate with your vivid words. Great job.
Posted 12 Months Ago
12 Months Ago
thank you Sir Case ... for taking time to find and read .. and for letting me know you were here .. .. read morethank you Sir Case ... for taking time to find and read .. and for letting me know you were here .. easy to pass over those in the dregs .. love on ya brother
may I suggest, "Human..."
Life isn't fair, and nothing is ever "free". But we - people - can feel beyond ourselves and the empathy makes a difference.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
yes!! Human ... i watched a movie about Native Cultures in which they called themselves "human being.. read moreyes!! Human ... i watched a movie about Native Cultures in which they called themselves "human beings" .. by which, they meant .. kind, empathetic ... well ... human beings .. so tragic the concept is lost in this material world ... translating empathy into action then .. i think .. is the key .. love and respect Mr. Chris .. truly .. love and respect
such powerful poetry along with video. the ultimate humbling. draw away indeed - a side of life that many of us prefer not to see or know about. life happens whether we like it or not. we are all one step away from humility. the "thud" - perhaps when the other shoe drops ... :)
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
i am humbled and feel gratified by your sensitive review Pete ... thank you so much for taking time .. read morei am humbled and feel gratified by your sensitive review Pete ... thank you so much for taking time .. glad this touched you in such a way ..
This poem spoke to me of despair, the ugly side of life, the sounds and smells of a less than desirable world. There are so many realities out there, so many lives being lived in such vastly different circumstances, such incomparable chasms of wealth, well being and happiness. Some have it all, some a little less than them and some have nothing but the sound of 'Thud". I'm so happy the poet never witnessed it. It doesn't read pretty. Wonderful poetry, dear E.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank you Divya .. i can feel your empathy .. hugs and best of the day to ya!
I spent a brief time homeless when I was younger full of angst and drinking myself to oblivion. I used to refer to it as being "out of doors" There were entire communities of people that slept on the river banks on the River Trail mostly filled with young runaways and junkies, self-medicating mentally Ill folks that society deemed unimportant it is easy to disconnect from a world that disconnected from you long before and it is easy to find refuge in resignation in a nation that has no nurture for you! Thud is a good sound for this
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank you Bunny Man .. for your heart felt read and review .. it is far more clear for those who hav.. read morethank you Bunny Man .. for your heart felt read and review .. it is far more clear for those who have been there and still are ... i called it my "hippie days" :))))))))))))))))) all kinds of people on all kinds of sidewalks and riverbanks eh!? luv on ya brother
What a sincerely dramatic poem, it hits home, but should wallop one's need to help, nudge our help no matter how little. shove each and every one of us to think what pitch dark means to the lost people of our world.
My review appeared as a load of rubbish, no idea wh which must have looked t terrible.. even worse a glitch under the circumstances.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
there are many charitable orgs. around for sure .. it's finding those that give at least 90% of the .. read morethere are many charitable orgs. around for sure .. it's finding those that give at least 90% of the money to the cause and keep the organizers honest that can be tricky .. there are three I have found that do the job "The Society of St. Andrew" https://endhunger.org/ ... gleans food from harvested fields and distributes to poor ... "St. Judes Children's Hospital" .. you probably know about them .. and the "Knights of Columbus" ... donating is safer but hands on and walking into those alleys is ... well ... compassionate but quite dangerous .. thanks always for your support here at the Café' Emmajoy! it's been a while now .. i feel as if we are neighbors looking over the hedge and chatting ;))))))))))
I thought we were friends looking over the hedge.. as we have for so many years...
1 Year Ago
dear emmajoy ... we still are as far as i know .. what makes you ask?? i was not active here for mon.. read moredear emmajoy ... we still are as far as i know .. what makes you ask?? i was not active here for months and am back once or twice now and then .. i hope your Christmas and New Years were blessed ...
1 Year Ago
Maybe a glitch, happens, certainly have been a few lately. However, as long as you and I are still f.. read moreMaybe a glitch, happens, certainly have been a few lately. However, as long as you and I are still friends, that matters. Hope you are and have been alright, dear friend. Things have been fine, thanks, fun and games now and again, plus the occasional rest. Wishing you the coming joys of a warm Spring, light and peace. :)
I often contrast those sorry 'THUDS' with the quasimillion salaries and contracts that seem to be handed out ever more often as the years pass
It is a broken system
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
well ... certainly there are parts of the system that are broken .. many not needed .. and we ... on.. read morewell ... certainly there are parts of the system that are broken .. many not needed .. and we ... one and all are the core .. what we do one moment .. one bit of help .. one added prayer .. does make a difference me thinks .. but hey .. i am more the eternal optimist and at this point in my life have dreams and goals not related to this world ... with the caveat .. that one foot in one foot out ;) .. thanks very much for taking time to read and share your thoughts, Dave .. much appreciated
This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me.
There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..