Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

three senryu

Abstract 3D Rendering Of Broken Line Stock Illustration - Illustration of  explode, cool: 134464909

Gone Fishing

Just enough a hook 
to fit the size of hunger.
Pain the daily catch.

I called you today
from remote connecting link.
You dropped off the line.

Changing channels I
heard consuming monologue 
responding ........... white noise.


© 2021 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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if you tried to fish the Great Lakes this year you know the frustration. The water level was too high for the inland lakes, streams and rivers. The fish that would otherwise spawn, refused. It rained far too much during the summer months and it was cold far too long into the spring. "Fishing" is a masculine (though noble) pseudonym for being in love. You turned the poems beginning into the "Odyssey" where perplexed-bewilderedness became the Lothphagi of indolence. But it was a love poem after all. And No amount of lotus eating can make forlorn lovers listen.....dana

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

ahahahaha ..no amount of Lotus eating indeed ...dear Dan ..what a delight to have your input .. i th.. read more


Trying to reconnect with the unonnected.
This is like the bitter end and the caller probably knows it, but just one more attempt, just one to try and reconnect. Painful one this one, you sort of hope he succeeds but deep down you know he wont.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

yep! some broken love's are hard to let go .. though the line snapped a long time ago eh!? ;) thanks.. read more
a clever way of disappointment on the other side, I guess you were trying to call from afar, only white noise or someone else in the background speaking, also the fishing may be a disappointment as well, stabbing one, stabbing two....very well done.
Best, B,

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

thannk you Betty .. you are very kind ... yeah .. disappointments abound in fishing and communicatio.. read more
Do you have room next to you? I would like to do some of this fishing with you.
I see pain jumping like bass on a calm lake.
I quite like these...thematically they all bite the same hook...swimmingly.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

ahahaha what a great review my friend! you seem to have swallowed them hook line and sinker :))))) l.. read more
Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

ps. of course! there is always room for you sir! just bring your own beer! :))))))))))))))
Three little gems here Mr E. I do find senryus and haikus incredibly addictive. They can capture so much in seventeen syllables. All three linked by the word line.

The first one reminds me of a fisherman I saw a couple of days ago while in Brixham. He caught a beaut in size but then struggled to get the hook out of the poor thing. That poor fish struggled so, I certainly felt some pain watching it, until it was freed and returned to live a other day in the salty water.

The second reminds me again of struggles, only this time with the mobile phone. If you aren't able to get a decent signal, it is so easy to lose the person you are talking to, or worse still fail to connect altogether.

And then your third about white noise, oh yes another frustration. Unable to tune in to the channel to watch that favourite programme. Just picking up all that crackly noise.

Whether metaphorical or taken at face value, these are clever and it is so good to see you lifting that pen of yours. Have a lovely day.


Posted 3 Years Ago

Chris Shaw

3 Years Ago

That is quite a challenge, a haiku every day for a year. You would need to be very disciplined to st.. read more
Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

thank you Chris .. i feel you and am blessed!
Chris Shaw

3 Years Ago

Have a good week-end Mr E.

Each one of these little nuggets is enticingly golden & shines blindingly brightly in its very own light and own way sir .. write on and always :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

thanks brother .. i have hit some bumps of life and writing seems a very dense inspiration .. these .. read more

3 Years Ago

.. we do now mate I'm gonna knock up a new folder as soon as I have finished me tea ..
.. read more
I love all three sunrtus. Both have great metaphorical references.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

hey Rock and Roller!! what a treat to have you stop by! thank you!! glad you like them :)
I read this poem a few times. I really like it. There is a longing, a questioning to it. There is something left, something waiting. I like it.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

kind of like fishing eh!? :)))))))))))))))) thank you for stopping to read a-cousin!
read more
White noise can be just the ticket to lull a person to sleep....or into a creative sort of coma. Not sure I want to catch pain when I go fishing though. Senryu are not easy to write for me. I lose count of the syllables. Seems like you have it down to a science. Good ones here, E. Lydi**

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

yes it can can't it, Lydi!? its the fish that feel the pain ... at least i think they do. ;) thank y.. read more
Ahhhh you won’t believe it - I’m at the shop buying my wife and kids rods - this evening at low tide we are going fishing on rocks! I hope that I could write something triumphant…..with no grey noise ;) Well written!

Posted 3 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

Sleepless!! my old friend .. so good to see you sticking around again .. right here at the Cafe'' .... read more
well done dear E!! smart one there! that what it feels when a connection between two is broken and a one side is trying to rebuild the bond carefully by dropping the right amount or way of "willing" even change their waves to the waves of the other person, unfortunately though when this person is blocked in heart and mind, we will hear nothing in return for our sincere effort. this what your Senryu speaks to me about.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

3 Years Ago

i like your "take" on these Ms. Light! thank you for taking time to read and review. yes .. so very .. read more

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40 Reviews
Added on July 5, 2021
Last Updated on July 5, 2021


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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