I went searching to find more of your great poetry to read and absorb. I think of it as a courtesy to one I respect so.. I stumbled on this one and, I am so glad I did! I love the sax! I am a fan of smooth jazz myself and this is an excellent selection for your poem. It has quite the sensual mood to it. I think every kid has some kind of box they kept their treasures in. Mine was a cigar box. Don't know where it came from. You have done a wonderful job in taking this through different moments in your thoughts and dreams. Moving from childhood to adulthood while doing it. Hands cupped and spooning a table for two..... I like that line. Minds and hands exploring....so many forks for one meal.... It's as if you fade in and out of being with a woman privately in an intimate setting and then dining in a nice restaurant with linen tablecloths and finery. I have enjoyed this read as I read it multiple times. Great work, Mr. E. Temp
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
what a treat to read this review, Temp! i am thoroughly gratified and humbled at the same time ... i.. read morewhat a treat to read this review, Temp! i am thoroughly gratified and humbled at the same time ... it is extra special you took time to look, choose and read ... more than once .. thank you so much for your courtesy .. it is a blessing and kindness many share .. right here at the Cafe' :)
2 Years Ago
You are quite welcome. I hope you will do the same in return. T.
I went searching to find more of your great poetry to read and absorb. I think of it as a courtesy to one I respect so.. I stumbled on this one and, I am so glad I did! I love the sax! I am a fan of smooth jazz myself and this is an excellent selection for your poem. It has quite the sensual mood to it. I think every kid has some kind of box they kept their treasures in. Mine was a cigar box. Don't know where it came from. You have done a wonderful job in taking this through different moments in your thoughts and dreams. Moving from childhood to adulthood while doing it. Hands cupped and spooning a table for two..... I like that line. Minds and hands exploring....so many forks for one meal.... It's as if you fade in and out of being with a woman privately in an intimate setting and then dining in a nice restaurant with linen tablecloths and finery. I have enjoyed this read as I read it multiple times. Great work, Mr. E. Temp
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
what a treat to read this review, Temp! i am thoroughly gratified and humbled at the same time ... i.. read morewhat a treat to read this review, Temp! i am thoroughly gratified and humbled at the same time ... it is extra special you took time to look, choose and read ... more than once .. thank you so much for your courtesy .. it is a blessing and kindness many share .. right here at the Cafe' :)
2 Years Ago
You are quite welcome. I hope you will do the same in return. T.
This made me smile..it evokes feelings of warmth and humor and sparks a little joy..beautiful work..thank you.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
thanks so much for finding this one to read, Caroline .. it was fun to write .. glad you enjoyed my .. read morethanks so much for finding this one to read, Caroline .. it was fun to write .. glad you enjoyed my little tete de tete ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
3 Years Ago
I'm envious ( only in a good way though) of yours and the other writers I have read use of words and.. read moreI'm envious ( only in a good way though) of yours and the other writers I have read use of words and imagery. I find my poems lack that..I intend to read more if your work and hopefully learn more..but I write as I write and maybe thats ok too ;)
3 Years Ago
And good morning to you too E.!,😊
3 Years Ago
of course it is all right!!! finding ones voice and method is what everyone is about .. once a perso.. read moreof course it is all right!!! finding ones voice and method is what everyone is about .. once a person does .. the words and themes will flow .. i read somewhere that there is creativity in writing but there is genius in re-writing ... tho some people will share a poem that is brilliant the first write but I think for most it takes a bit of work and re-work to get things just the way one wants them .. and in the end ... if we accomplish that, i think, that is what really matters ... really glad we have met, Caroline! See you 'round ... right here at the Cafe' :)))))))))
I had a chat with a friend recently and the discussion turned to.pictures in our heads..which I admi.. read moreI had a chat with a friend recently and the discussion turned to.pictures in our heads..which I admitted to having none. I have no visuals going on in my head only.when I sleep..its a thing apparently called aphantasia.anyway my point is that maybe that is why I write the way I write and do not use the imagery associated more with poetry..I lack imagination in a way so I write from only my experience..I hope to maybe try to stretch myself a little further on my journey and you and our fellow poets here at the cafe will hopefully help me with that..lovely to meet you too E.
A pleasure😊
3 Years Ago
No visuals but alot of audio !, lol
3 Years Ago
interesting .. thank you for sharing .. i think you will find there are many tools in a writer's che.. read moreinteresting .. thank you for sharing .. i think you will find there are many tools in a writer's chest .. i have no formal education nor training but have found much to be learned by reading a lot .. and a lot of different styles .. which is one reason the Cafe' is such a good place .. any writing you land on will most likely be a different style with writer's who use a focus on different tools .. it finding the combination that suites each individual that makes the difference, i think ... when we find our voice, our confidence grows and our poems and expressions get better .. we also have a lot of experienced and educated writers here ... when you find them ... read a lot of what they share ... its helped me anyway ..:)
I had to read one of your poems today, because they are treasures and you don't gift us with your gems nearly enough Mr E. I was delighted to read your sensuous lines again and delve into those boxes where you kept your dreams of women:)
This time I pondered on your posted image and saw fingers touching a fine stemmed wine glass :)
I also played your choice of music. Nothing like a bit of sax to create the right ambience for dinner for two.
Have always been a fan of jazz, traditional and modern. Inherited that from my Pa. Have a lovely day
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
you are so kind, Chris! to re-visit and share your thoughts and feelings on this poem ... thank you .. read moreyou are so kind, Chris! to re-visit and share your thoughts and feelings on this poem ... thank you very much! so .. you see a wine glass in that pic eh! what a creative mind you have!!! and fingers touching it ... love it ma'am!! we are simpatico on the jazz too ... especially sax .. nothing quite can do smoke as a saxophone! I don't write often, it is true ... i am in a particularly dry spell that has lasted longer than ever for me .. i am, however working on another hymn poem .. Pryde asked me to write one about a tall handsome man and jacob asked me to write one with "bully pulpit" in it .. so I am trying to do both .. in hymn form .. but it has been slow and torturous for me .. the free verse and abstract person i am ;} top o' the mahrnin' to ya lass! :)))))))))
This is sensual and romantic. Even with all the table descriptions. I think it adds to the sexy tone not sure why but it works. Well done
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
ahahaha yeah .. ain't that a kicker! ;) a table settings eh!? luv on ya Ms. Poetic Beauty!
E.. read moreahahaha yeah .. ain't that a kicker! ;) a table settings eh!? luv on ya Ms. Poetic Beauty!
4 Years Ago
I like be poems that are different in description yet can add a feel of something else
What an attractive and sensual correlation of items. I find your writing quite poignant and seducing. It draws one in and leaves the reader hanging on ever word.
Writing with a play on words, seductive suggestions with taste, not trash, is very appealing.
Beautiful piece of work.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
ahahahaha i am so glad you found this so .. i think our sensuality has place and time and should nev.. read moreahahahaha i am so glad you found this so .. i think our sensuality has place and time and should never ever be raunchy nor graphic .. those are easy eh!? Seriana! thanks for the visit and the time you took to choose this one to read... it is an encouragement in itself .. and then to review with your eye dead center on my thought .. it very gratifying to me .. thanks so much .. see you 'round the Cafe' eh!?
A poem rich in color and feel....I loved the purring warm dreams, the sun baked linen and the curve of warm cherry wood legs. Such focus on detailing all that goes into creating a wonder dinner for two. This poem is delightfully sensuous in more ways than one. I feel this could be so apt a table set for Valentine's Day! Beautifully penned, dear E ❤
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
as i began to read your review, Divya, i thought of V-Day as well .. it is coming up fast isn't it. .. read moreas i began to read your review, Divya, i thought of V-Day as well .. it is coming up fast isn't it. tho this wasn't written with it in mind .. it does fit; as you say. its a blessing you walked down a bit on my streets here at the Cafe' to find something you hadn't read yet ... i write only every month or so and it has been a dry couple months for me; but i am working on one and only need another verse of two .. it's probably breached in its birthing :))
luv on ya dear friend
Hey Einstein...Loved your Norma.....Loved your cod box....good memories! k
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
hi Sis! :) once those wooden boxes dried out and lost the fish aroma .. they made great treasure che.. read morehi Sis! :) once those wooden boxes dried out and lost the fish aroma .. they made great treasure chests didn't they ... they are selling on line for 10-20 bucks now :)) welcome to the Cafe` ..time for you to do some writing maybe
From one's life to dinner; dinner to life; life to love; love to its creed; creed to one's memories and then memories to these words... everything is so beautifully written & captured w/ writer-ish flow.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
what a smile your review has put on me face this morning Word Man ... i love how you see the cycle i.. read morewhat a smile your review has put on me face this morning Word Man ... i love how you see the cycle in this ... thanks always for you support and ...getting to be long .. a friendship .. peace brother .. keep staying well and safe!
Wow! You have created magic here, sir. Truly... To have thought of all of this and bring it all together so beautifully... I loved the flavor you have created... A sight si splendid.. Keep safe and have an amazing day, sir. Tyfs
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
thank you for your kindness Ankita! glad you enjoyed reading this experience ... and the best of the.. read morethank you for your kindness Ankita! glad you enjoyed reading this experience ... and the best of the day to you too!
I am relishing this poem, your thoughts flowing, blending with subtlety, those different kinds of tastes, the visual delights mixed with the olfactory ones and those that stir the taste buds and other senses too at all at once and the same time. The sensuousness builds up as the poem flows, I stop and savour every treat your words lay out for me. There's nothing like a sensuously fitted table for two! Loved this poem, dear sir!
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
you are very kind and gracious, my friend! i couldn't be more happy having you have the experience i.. read moreyou are very kind and gracious, my friend! i couldn't be more happy having you have the experience i was hoping for ... my "stuff" isn't for everyone, of course .. but when people see, feel and smell a poem it is a real treat .. thank you again... see you around .. right here at the Cafe'
This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me.
There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..