Forever Yours

Forever Yours

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Agony - Album on Imgur

(album on Ingur)
Forever Yours
thunder shakes loose the lightning 
rips apart roiling dark clouds and 

the rain pours down

the sagacity of her apophony astounds the most astute
her leisure hours spent to weary dowers 
they fall leaden at her feet
she skewers them on pikes

"Can't we get back the way it was? ... "  she said.

i couldn't speak

i was dumbed numb

it was the words
it was the presentation
it was all of that on steroid replay

hitting the mark ... constricting chest to throat


                             words                                worlds

haven't the heart to toss it
perhaps just sell my lot and stock 


her breast wears  hard rocks
she filed away her pounding nails
while flailing at her skillet
drawing them out red hot and ready

her breath came rasped and rattled
and cursed her conscience battled

my defense badly mounted
cut short and pronounced
                                                                     helplessly guilty
helplessly guilty

You gave me everything then
You gave me no ...................thing
                                                                     the no thing was more
and you wanted me to follow you  .................. a real something 
some                            thing
tuning my ear with your bending strings and 
cry                                     cry                              cry
wanting money, your fame how you
try                                      try                              try
what about good bye?

© 2020 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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These lines speak to me of how people can find themselves on different pathways within a relationship. It sort of creeps up over you and then you realise that the person you thought you were perfectly in tune with has already left the building in spirit if not in body. It is a painful experience and I can feel the conflict here. You are worlds apart. Their values are not yours. When it gets to that stage, goodbye is the best solution. You can not live a lie. I felt the storm Mr E. It was raging, it was torture.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thank you Chris :)


I read a very demanding and consuming relationship in your words. Forever Yours seems a mockery in the thunder, lightning and rippling dark clouds of combat. A partner that's selfish, self-serving and manipulative can wreck a havoc on the conscience and one cant be blamed for looking for the nearest exit. Better the door than the red hot skillet! This kitty understands!
A dramatic and lively poem on relationships, dear E! Appreciated every bit!

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

ahahahah you got it dahlink Kat! from here to eternity :) love on ya and thanks so much for taking t.. read more
Dhara_Ditzy Kat

4 Years Ago

And from eternity to back!! :) Much love sent to you too and wrapped in a big, extra special kind of.. read more
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

touching words and feelings,great layout to make you feel it as well,liked the song

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thanks for reviewing sir .. always .. and glad you like the song!! i had not heard of the group befo.. read more

4 Years Ago

you`re welcome and thank you
An amazing poem, Einstein. Delicious combinations of words, and sentiments that sear into the heart! I enjoyed reading this.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thanks so much for taking time Auntie ... and again...glad you are back :) i appreciate your reviewi.. read more
Great Aunt Astri

4 Years Ago

Thank you Einstein
It sounds as if both parties have their faults in this situation, but as with any story, we come to our understanding of the thing through the heart and eyes of one. And so our sympathies, in many ways, automatically rest with the speaker.

I feel like that’s partly the point. Like we are meant to take sides as this is a fight and the speaker needs back up. The picture suggests right off that ‘she’ is the powerful party. Her tongue and mind hold some serious sway and he is trying to find his footing among the tangled vines of it all.

My first impression was this was the poet/muse relationship. The sometimes sadistic nature of the creative force within us that seems to play with our minds when we seek some kind of creative control over them. Those middle of the night tingles that disappear if we don’t heed their siren call. Those long stretches of creative power withheld with no good explanation. The battle within that feels quite deliberately waged when we seek and seek expression but cannot seem to access it no matter how we try. I still feel this force within the poem, but there is definitely something more tangible within. Perhaps a person that embodies the sense of creative freedom who understands their power over another and uses it carelessly.

The angst is definitely there regardless of the source. The strength of feeling and its hold reigns. A stirring poem, E. Much enjoyed the reading.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

what an in depth review!! ... i am so grateful for it Eilis ... you truly felt it all .. i had not t.. read more
and the thunder rolls.. well done Mr. Noodle.. my heart was in my throat by the end.. well done indeed..

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thanks olla! i feel truly gratified this affected you so ... some poems are closer to the bone than .. read more
This is soul wrenching, I consider such a battle sometimes harder to engage in then to let go of. Conflicting needs and wants, want being different to need. A tragedy in some ways, the release is never without a bargaining of sorts and is seldom pain free...superb piece and I love the presentation as much as the feel of the words :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thanks so much for engaging in this poem, Ruth ;) i think you felt and hit all the main points ... l.. read more

4 Years Ago

Most welcome and my pleasure :)
The only constant in life is change - we too, we humans change daily, we may think we don't but surely we do. a struggle to keep the flame burning in exactly the same way will never be, and who would want it to be, for, what would we learn from that? The struggles allow us to go within and assess, hopefully remerge with even more loving kindness.

Life is a rollercaster. I heard a quote today 'a safe life is the most dangerous of all' this truly resonates with me.

Nice writing E - the struggle is real here X

Posted 4 Years Ago

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Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago
be sure to raise your arms going over the crest my friend :)))).. read more
It will never cease to amaze me how two people who married when they were crazy in love can turn into two people who are polar opposites and can't stand to be together. It takes a long time to realize and more time to accept. There is a lot of sensual energy in your words...and a lot of regret too. Wow, quite the powerful story told here. Lydi**

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

so happy you feel this poem so fully ... thanks so much for taking time Lydi! peace and love!
.. read more

you are the master of your own form Gene and tho many strive to emulate ya, including me.. I fear that a poor and un numbered runner up is all we are destined to be... we do however remain 'Forever Yours'

In the great meantime tho, stay safe and well :))))

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

damn Nev! you humble me for sure ... and i do appreciate the encouragement and kind review .. raw em.. read more

4 Years Ago

Back at ya Gene, BIG TIME and true :)))

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This reads like a slanging match between two enraged souls; lightning, thunder, rain, claws sharpened and bared, words flung like knives....the associated bodily responses to the heat of the battle, the tears and accusations; all leading to the final line of resignation. It's quite a heavy and dramatic write, dear E. Unfortunately this heaviness is grounded in realism and for many at the end of their relationship rope this is the reality. Sometimes its best to say that goodbye before more damage is done. I enjoyed the write and that picture is quite fascinating. Anyone in particular? A hard hitting poem.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thanks so much for engaging this poem with such insight and sensitivity ... you hit the whole of it .. read more

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33 Reviews
Added on April 6, 2020
Last Updated on April 7, 2020


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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