God is a Metaphor ... With All Due Respect

God is a Metaphor ... With All Due Respect

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Image result for ethereal
God is a Metaphor
erupting with fingering phrases
glissando winds ripple limbs
frisson rises in all those places
dawn's sun breaks and swims 

how can i think what God is?

newly fallen snow, fresh kill 
heat steams wavering over
shaded rooms like  a poet's quill
enlighten corners like no other

how can i say who God is?

tuck and rolled white-red leather
the clouds lay cotton in the valleys and
in a faceless place the eyes are a trema
prickly pare cactus bleeds bended knees

how can i see where God is?

immovable and curdled milk senses
mixed in whiskeyrum tumblers 
ice hiccup clinking glass  ..... a 
frenetic lens
stippled integrity ...and 
icy fingers probing the most difficult; 
forcing open brittle parchment
loving parts i will not admit

God is a metaphor
With all due respect

© 2020 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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please don't let any of my family members see me comment on this poem...
i love how every thought about god is so poetic, except for people who believe blindly. shouldn't god be something deeper? even in philosophy 101 we see this "what do we think god is? an omnipotent, perfect, flawless being. this belief alone is enough for god to exist" they say. ok but who is he?
heaven and hell are inside us, so is god.

perfectly written sir. when people ask me why I'm agnostic, I ask permission to have this poem printed on my t-shirt to show them.
nice to discover you

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

well ... i dont know about the t-shirt but i am truly humbled and pleased at the request ... i am no.. read more

3 Weeks Ago

You write about God fearlessly but afraid of humans… might be the hell you fed.

“.. read more
Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

i'll have to think on that ;))


I really loved the line "prickly pear cactus bleeds bended knees". It rolls off the tongue very nicely

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

good morning Brina! so nice to meet you! at least i don't think we have met before .. at any rate i .. read more
well,let`s hope he is real,somebody has to keep us inline

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

:) ............. Amen brother ... its the hearing and obeying that seems the stickler ... glad you s.. read more

5 Years Ago

you`re welcome,,and you to
brilliant Mr Einstein! i would be so bold as to say that "God" is the metaphor to end all metaphors... all others pale in comparison:) To define the indefinable and divine the intangible can I believe, only be done as such. I once tried to explain a painting to a blind person that has never seen and all I had was a bag of metaphors and like "god" the painting's image could only be in the relation of the context of the viewer:) this is a gem, good sir Doodley

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

oh man!!! that's it exactly ... as so far as i see it anyway .. God bless you Bad Bun ;) thank you f.. read more
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Philosophically sound in all of its presentation. Yes, I agree, "God is a metaphor",
and, as John Lennon stated in 1971, "God is a concept by which we measure our pain". Being a devout Atheist, both of these opinions work for me.

This is stellar work, EN, nicely played.


Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

a devout atheist ... wow! i would love for us to live close by ... and like i said to Lydia .. sit a.. read more

5 Years Ago

My pleasure, E!
To begin with..."shaded rooms like a poet's quill" ~ such an amazing metaphor there, dear E!

I had to look it up exactly and by a dictionary, a metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. And that convinced me...God is indeed a metaphor for the dawn's sun breaking and swimming away, for freshly fallen snow and fresh kill. Yes He is a metaphor for bleeding, bended knees and yes yes my friend, He is certainly a metaphor for ice hiccupping and clinking glass in a glass, under the silken skirt of an old, mellowed kind of whiskey...

Bless God for all the beauty, in everything...

You are such a mind-blowing poet..Kudos E!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

ahahaha well ... mind blown perhaps ;))))))))))))) you are so kind and encouraging ... so so happy y.. read more

5 Years Ago

I'm all happy and smiling here :)))
You're very very welcome my friend!
As I have grown older, I have grown apart from my old faith. I find it increasingly difficult to believe in a Maker when there is so much destruction and misery inflicted on so many. And yet the closer I get to nature, I still find myself asking and pondering on those questions. You see, I can't quite let go altogether. I am like a child clinging on to the string of a balloon in a very strong wind. I haven't completely given up. I like the idea of God being a metaphor. As a poet, metaphors play an important part. A thought provoking read Mr E.

I have come back for another read. There are so many great lines here and interesting vocabulary. Always good to read you.


Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

thanks Chris! perhaps the difficulty you are experiencing is that you are trying to use our very hum.. read more
Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

What an interesting bit of information you have given me and also an alternative way to consider my .. read more
Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

ahahahah we can meet in the middle :))))))))))))))
Your title drew me in to this one. It is a challenging poem in large part, I think, because it mirrors the inner universe. It is human to question and doubt. I believe this is part of our purpose as creatures with a brain wired for advanced thought. However, it isn’t always easy to face where the questioning leads.

At points, this feels like a dialogue with the creative nature housed within us. Some people call it the muse, but I feel it’s something self-contained that is prodded for whatever reason at various times and seeks a way out. As though within each human being is something like an individual universe. Or perhaps an individual galaxy where we are the inhabitable planet waiting to be dressed with the necessaries for living a fulfilled life.

The dance here between the corporeal and the ethereal is stirring because it’s almost like a moving aside of a veil to examine all the feelings and offer critical perspective. It’s an interesting poem, E. Thought-provoking. I don’t feel like my thoughts are necessarily in line with your intention, but it is intellectually stimulating to ponder the ideas nevertheless.

Really enjoyed reading this one. Some great unusual word choices.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

thank you so much for your sensitive and thorough read of this Ellis! i am an introvert and find mos.. read more

5 Years Ago

That’s an astounding bit of information on the human body. It’s not difficult to be surprised by.. read more
Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

back at ya Ellis! you make a strong point .. and i have heard most of us barely use 10% of our nogs .. read more
Although I believe in God, this was truly something else. You have this ability to just project imagery beyond my imagination.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

Ant! i have to come knock on you pages .. not sure we have met until now ... so double thank you for.. read more
sometimes when we look at poetry, some of my students believe that the metaphor is actually the real thing---

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

well ...........it is isn't it??? :))))))))))))))))))))))))
there is beauty, there is ugly, there is nature, there is man-made....but who gave us all that we see and as humans think...feel...wonder...and is God in that parchment, is God behind the words we write...
as Joan Osborne sang.."what if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us?"
maybe just walking among us and watching how we react to all that is there...whether he or she is behind it or what...
much posed here....much to ponder...makes us stop and question exactly what our beliefs are at this point in our lives, considering all some of us have lived through.
great poem...maybe life is just a hiccup...seems that short sometimes...that random.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

thanks for stopping always jacob ... and for your thorough and thought provoking review in itself! ... read more

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53 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on January 8, 2020
Last Updated on January 9, 2020


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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