The Arrest of Mr. Brukarz

The Arrest of Mr. Brukarz

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

captcha: boscage ... so weird eh!?

Arrest of Mr. Brukarz, Vienna, May 1938

"I will begin with my arrest in Vienna on 28th May 1938. This was in the early morning, when a man in plain clothes sought me out in my parents home and summoned me in a friendly tone to accompany him,"

The streets.
What can one say of home and streets?
I can't remember.
they use to be filled with sounds of our own
even today .... maybe ..........
shops, bustling people properly dressed and
doing business

Skeletal remains ....
knuckles bleak, shank and thigh shrunken......
skulls hole-punched 
 one gruesome way
or another
hammer, pipe, gunbarrel, stone
loathsome grey stone cruel hearts

bones bleeding still 
marrowed memories 
do not dry up

how odd they grin 
those teeth and they
twist on heads strung up 

animated torsion bars
breaking mind
spirit ... and 


the hideous grin
torn from flesh beds for gold and stark smiling amusement
greedy beastial funny
beast beating brute b******s

where does it come from?
i have to wonder in amazement
since dawn it is upon us
never to be removed
from sun rise to set
from heart
from history
from  .................

from  .....................

i just ...........

*the quote is from the testimony of Mr. Brukarz stored at Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies

© 2017 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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I know it's a well worn cliche, yet, in such vividly uncomfortable, uncompromising circumstances it still rings true and hits home, ' man's inhumanity to fellow man' is so unjustifiably unique, appalling and grotesque, as I often paraphrase when reading of such events, enens animals would not submit their fellow brethren to such barbaric torture!

An evocative write E. for the sake of humanity such references must always be brought to the fore!!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

i couldn't agree more Tom matter how many times nor how long the time between heinous acts aga.. read more


This is a new genre for , is it not? A story poem vividly depicting the ruins left by other people's hatred. A horror story from history, which, as you say, is 'never to be removed' It is difficult to understand such behaviour. It is sometimes done to frighten others so they don't disagree, or I believe, when people think their victims are 'evil'. But in actual fact, these sorts of things are probably done by cold hearted, conniving, power-seeking brutes. The way your poem ends is very effective,so very sad... the dwindling out of life. Very good for you for writing this poem. I hope many take notice.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you for reading and reviewing Auntie ..always appreciate your input ... ii is hard to understa.. read more
I gain insight and education in reading you. What a joy it is that I have your friendship, too! x

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

good morning Legs! and your visits always bring me joy! i am thankful for you too! glad you found so.. read more
How many were taken away with a chap of the door.
Viktor Frankl. Mans search for meaning, is a must read.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

going to check it out...thank out sir!
Ahhhhh Big E.....I felt that this one is a departure from your usual style....more experimental. Nothing like snippets of history to add color to creative poetry....:)
It is haunting, when our ghosts in plain clothes suddenly enter, one sunny afternoon, bringing with them a hurricane-load of clouds......

Beautifully done :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thanks Sleepless ...yes! something a little new for me ..thank you for you review and kind encouragi.. read more
Powerful and quite real... I hope we remember...

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

you know! i think so too Chris ...remembering and being watchful even in our own daily lives can mak.. read more
If people ask what Hell is, let them read this piece of writing. It happened, its stench still exists.. it cannot and mustn't be denied. That human beings can do what was done - (and in some degree is being done in countries around the world this very day) is more than HELL How to describe evil.. how?

A Christian, along with people of varied denominations, I visited the Holocause Centre, Jerusalem, and saw absolute horror flare the faces of big strapping men, saw women near pass out, then - later, traumatised. Saw teenagers keep shaking their heads, disbelief shattering their movie mad gory tableauz. What we saw was still raw, thus more than real.

Your work, for that it was this is, is written in a far calmer manner than mine. You've spoken with dignity, with explanation.. without hatred yet made your feelings more than clear. Thank you for each and every word, every space, every gasp...

Posted 7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

I'm near shocked to read my review because as i typed, must have felt the terrors of what we saw, ho.. read more
how can people do this to each other...?

consider another person sub-human?

this poem moved me greatly, E.


Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you for reading jacob gratified you are moved another reviewer stated it is and old.. read more
Makes for grim reading – but the truth must be maintained, to highlight maniacal events so that the younger generation do not forget the horrors of holocaust (then and now)! The full account (found on the ‘The Holocaust Resource Center’ – bring home the unthinkable … these persecutors were not solders but demonically possessed inhuman individuals - SheElohim yevarach otha

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

yes...i think they were say it true sir...even today holocausts continue ...we must never forg.. read more
We want to look away. We want to ignore but we cant. Thank fully. In no small part because of testimonials such as this. This is not art. This is art and education.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you for reviewing Ken ..and for your thoughts on the subject ... the Holocaust occurred what s.. read more
Ken Simm.

7 Years Ago

The one's I fail to understand are the deniers. It didn't happen they say. How can they say that and.. read more
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

yes! isn't that incredible ..leaders of countries deny it outrageous :{
I started a book one time entitled "Medieval Torture" I managed to read the first three pages.. there is no limit to the evil that man can do.. we can only imagine.. but eye witness accounts are powerful.. your poetry is also powerful Mr. Noodle.. the mind's eye is drawn to the unspeakably grotesque in fascination as it skirts one's own edge of tolerance.. well done..

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you olla ... your visits are so welcome and appreciated ... such evil can not be ignored even .. read more

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 15, 2017
Last Updated on September 15, 2017


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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