Everyday is never really a new day. I wake up and do the same things. Perhaps coffee this morning? "No" i say to myself. Would today be a good day for lunch? I don't think so. I kiss my love, I say "I love you", and I am out the door. To my car i go. Will it have snowed today? Will I have to scrape ice off of my windshield i wonder. It's 4:55 a.m. and I dread the job I have to endure. "Sure it pays the bills", I sarcastically say to myself. To the world of fake I go. Fake people surround me. Everyone just wants to make it ahead. That new promotion is coming?! That new sense of "I'm better than you, so listen to what I say", rolling my eyes. 12 Hours have passed. Back down the road to my home I go. Happily, Finally, home. Being gone all day makes me realize how much I have missed my love, Briana. We relax, finally. What will we do today? Perhaps we will play a game, or watch a show. Watching a show is our normal after work hours activity. She is wide awake, having slept all day. I am drowsy, having worked all day. 10 pm quickly arrives. Is it time to sleep yet? It can't be time to sleep.I find myself in a deep, deep sleep..only to wake up. It's 4:30 now, and its time to take a shower.
"I can't wait to do it all again".