SolidarityA Poem by Ezel_Amaru"Be not afraid of greatness:Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" William Shakespeare
Solem was my temple
Of pure hatred and Savage fear I adorn my door with blood produced by self mutilation For the act of raw violence brought me gratification Higher than the orgasmic sensation of physical intercourse I set myself out a goal to vanquish all wrong doer's who have done wrong by me The translation of raw passion in the image of love Excuted harshly with vividness of reality "Like being sucker punched by a brick" The concrete jungle in which I Rome in Is wielding a weapon of ivy. A poison indulgence. And with this pen which I hold to my brow I transfer what I see What I feel , and I write it down The vision of my mind's eye The sub concious of my inner concious A wisdom lost but worth finding © 2017 Ezel_Amaru |
1 Review Added on December 30, 2017 Last Updated on December 30, 2017 AuthorEzel_AmaruCiudad De Dios, NJAboutI barreled my way here January 2nd E.T.A was for the first ,but good things come to those who wait. I opened a wattery eye , and embraced the world for what it would be, what it would make me, Who.. more..Writing