Chapter 10: A strange and valuable plan

Chapter 10: A strange and valuable plan

A Chapter by Eyudo

We dropped into a large pile in where my house should have been. Though it wasn’t there anymore! All that stood in its place were piles of black ashes and fused house “pieces”. We searched for the remains of anything or any clues as to how and why, we weren’t sure what to do otherwise.

You think I would have been more surprised, I mean, yes I was upset, but not surprised this had happened. I guess I was use to things happening by then. I mean, in the last three years I’ve: killed hundreds of zombies, had my dad and Tj kidnapped, defeated zombies and creatures bigger and stronger than me, won a kickball game against goblins, got ancient secret powers with Amanda, solved riddles through a pyramid, watched many innocent people die, got a long time girlfriend who was an old neighbor, saved my family and others numerous times, handled and used almost every weapon there is, defeated an evil demon from hell who tried to take over the world, talk to a few Egyptian gods, my dad adopted Tj, my dad got married, found out why my mother was never there, researched an evil villain, found a cure to a virus that makes people undead, stole weapons from a secret government building then blew it up, got scared hundreds of times, wasn’t even believed on the attacks sometimes, did things I just never thought I could or would do, killed virus infected monkeys, been knocked out by gas, was saved by my family members, saved my dad from being poisoned, swam a lake of exploding undead creatures, walked through of bones, found out that villains scheme and why he was doing all of it, saved myself in a few occasions, found my long lost sister, learned of what the psychics had predicted, answered riddles and myths in a pyramid, found many secrets along way, learned secrets of the people I was traveling with that they wanted to keep as secret, stopped a century old animal war, jumped into the future, and felt sometimes like I would never win.

Though even as anticlimactic as this might seem there wasn’t much to the burned and destroyed house. I also didn’t worry or anything much about it due to that I had the ability to make it anew and even better. I was blessed with my ability and powers all I did was imagined a new house and details in a small map in my head and as I opened my eyes the ashes swirled up and formed then did solidify with a spark and there it stood, our new house.

With a sigh of relief in unison we all wandered through the yard and into the dark wooded front door of our new house to see what it was like and to rest of course. Not a moment after we had all entered we entered the living room and there was Rob sitting there on the couch. He looked comfortable like he had been there a while, and he was sipping see with his legs crossed. He seemed to show up everywhere.

“Did you miss me? I’ve been waiting for you.” he said with that familiar evil grin as his hair slid slightly over one of his golden eyes. “You died long before anything modern like technologies and electronic devices came around right? So how did you figure out how to use all these things and weapons and computers to help you rule the world if you came from so far back when there was nothing but demons and fists?” I asked kind of randomly with a calm, cool and collect look on.

I started fiddling with my nail cross I wore on my neck nervously. Odd thing was he looked nervous too. “Because, I watched you guys until I understood how to do things with your humanly ‘precious’ technology.” he said. I couldn’t figure out why he would be nervous. Then as I continued to twiddle my cross necklace it hit me, the cross! The sight of the cross had him nervous! So I decided to try and use that.

“Alright you win,” I said with a smile, “here, catch.” I said. I took off the cross and tossed it to him. Without thinking his first reaction was to catch it. Dumb move. The instant he caught it he vanished into a small cloud of thick black and gray swirled smoke.

All that was left where he sat was my cross that had finished falling to the couch cushion and a small note underneath it. I walked over and put the cross back on and read the note:

You lose your powers on this night

Because of Rob you did not smite

He will be back with some help

So you’d better be ready, oh, and P.H.E.L.P.


It was signed from the gods. “Wait!” I said right away, “P.H.E.L.P. stands for something, see the periods in-between each letter?” Everyone got a good look at the note and nodded. Now though I’m sure most of you don’t know what it stands for it actually is a common term used by psychologist around here. “People Hide Every Little Problem…” I said aloud in thought (which is what it stands for). “That’s it! This issue of Rob persists because all the people who know about him “hide” the problem of him! If we can get people to admit things about him and everything they know, maybe we can find out some piece of information that can help us defeat him!”

We all agreed on this idea we got from the hint from the gods. We used some of our connections with the FBI to create a mandatory survey where everyone must take it. I know it sounds stupid to put a survey out secretly about Rob, but it was the only idea we really had. So naturally we went with it first not knowing how much time we may have had left.

So we wrote and designed then quickly and then had thousands printed up and sent around as far as we could reach. With the FBI’s help and the level of urgency they were ready and passed out in just a day and a half. Here, this is what it looked like (though as stupid and as plain as it may seem):




Friends Personality








Do you know someone with golden eyes? Y N

Do you know some one with whitish hair? Y N

Do you know someone who owns and wears a silver suite? Y N

Do you know someone who is evil? Y N

Do you know someone very old (older than a normal human should live)? Y N

Do you know someone who works for the devil? Y N

Do you know someone who has used viruses for anything? Y N

If yes, what kind of viruses?





Do you know someone who makes/knows/is a zombie? Y N

If yes, are they all in one person? Y N

If yes to everything so far, is this persons name Rob Lucifer? Y N

If no, then who is it?




The results after being tallied up were very shocking. It was so strange. Over ninety percent of the surveyors said yes to every one but the last one that said “is his name Rob Lucifer”. On that one they all said no and then most wrote it was someone else or left the then who one blank. Something was not right with that.

Out of the thousands we sent out, only one came back with that question answered as yes. The survey with that answer on it had an address and a phone number so we could call and see what they knew. I dialed: rang. “Are you Bj?” a voice asked. “Yes, I…” I tried to speak, but he interrupted. “Don’t speak, just listen. I’m sure you saw my survey. I knew who Rob was. Let me tell you some of his history. Long ago towards the beginning of time, the devils wife gave birth to Rob, the rightful heir to the lake of fire. He was destine to turn the world evil and take over. He tried, but he was mortal and the people just kept on killing him. But he was still alive when they ‘discarded’ the body, just sleeping. The last time he was ‘awake’ was a few thousand years ago and even before this he didn’t do enough to impact the word. When he awoke two or three years ago this time he was ready to finally finish it all. Everyone knew he was around, but were threatened with death if they said anything. They didn’t take care of him, they just hid the problem of him. So he planned when he came up this time, he had finished his plans and everything was going fine until you came along and killed him. When you killed him he ended up in a grave with a secret passage way. Now he is trying again and if your not careful he may win.” he finished in an awkward “disguised” voice.

I recognized that voice…”Urdewag?” I said. “Yes, it is I, I’ve been to hell to play games with rob for power and money, and I met him there and know him.” “Why would you be helping us??” I asked. “Don’t worry about that kid! Now listen, I need to finish, just shut up and listen and accept the fact that I don’t want rob to take over the world since I want to and if I can stop him I will.” See that made more sense now.

“Down to business, I know where Rob is and where his hide out is. You know the graveyard, so here is how to figure out the grave number: think the ‘obvious’ number.” he said. “Gee, let me guess, 666?” I said sarcastically. “Um…yes, actually it is. I can say no more, goodbye.” “Figures it would be that number.” I said with a sigh. This wasn’t going to be easy. Just as Rob wanted to do, it was time we finished this.

© 2009 Eyudo

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Added on May 7, 2009



Painesville, the city of pain....., OH

BUY MY WRITING!!! CLICK HERE! well, all yu humans can call me Eyudo (Eye-Yoo-Dough), since not many knows or calls me by my real name, i have to stay mysterious when i can :) infested more..

i saw it fly i saw it fly

A Poem by Eyudo