chapter 6: The Game

chapter 6: The Game

A Chapter by Eyudo

Chapter 6

The Games









“Well, lets pick us a game to start with shall we?” Urdewag said. I just shrugged. “Lets start with something simple. Any good at running?” he said. “Maybe.” I said. “Good enough.” he said, then snapped his fingers. Suddenly we were in a track field. Then he snapped his fingers once more and a trio of other goblins appeared near him.

One was tall and thin, with long bony arms and legs. The second was kinda fat and stubby. And the third one was bulging muscles and real mean looking. Then standing in front of them was the wee scrawny Urdewag. It looked like they had every sort of team member. It was a good line up I have to say.

“A relay race will do well,” he said, “but there are too many of you. Choose your four, but Bj there has to be on all teams you make. Rob told me you’d make the most fun.” he said. That maybe was something I needed to here. I turned around and yelled out, “Tj, Amanda, and Jennifer. You guys will be my team with me.” They came forward to stand behind me. “Right then, to the start line of you. Go now!” We all took our places, each one of us ready to dash when we were passed the stick.

It was Tj versus the fat stubby goblin first. Why he matched then that way I don’t know. Tj had a good chance. The start gun shot and they were off. Instantly Tj had a lead. He shot off and it wasn’t long before he had made it to Amanda. Amanda grabbed the stick and started to run. The stubby goblin came a few moments after, so Amanda had the lead. The tall goblin finally got the stick and started to run after her. He was able to just barely catch up, but he struggled to stay there. Finally they both made it to the next person almost simultaneously and passed it off.

Jennifer and the really muscular one grabbed the stick and went. Jennifer was super fast, but muscles against her had that advantage. He took huge strides forward. The ground shook as he ran. She fell way behind, but he stumbled and she used that to catch up and finally hand it off to me as he handed it off to Urdewag. We were the last to go. We both shot off, but somehow we were evenly matched. He wasn’t struggling a bit, though at one point soon I was. Still a neck and neck race. We neared the finish line.

I ran as fast as I could and started to edge over him, then at finally second I almost leaped forward and just barely won over him. He stopped his feet like a toddler as my team came to congratulate. “Shut up! It still wasn’t impressive. A mutt could have done better. Lets go. Next game.” he said, then snapped his fingers.

Next thing we knew we were in a field like for baseball or something. “Kickball.” he said,” that’s the game now, something you mortals cant win. We go first.” he said, then snapped his fingers and we were all in our positions. That finger snapping was getting old. Urdewag stepped up and yelled out a few rules.

“Now, play nice or we will return the favor. There are only two innings in this game, but four outs. It makes it more interesting. So now, we go up. Lets play.” Urdewag said. I was on the mound with the ball in my hand. I pitched it straight down. It came close and he kicked. He hit it and it went into the backfield. Amanda ran back and caught it easy. “Out number one.” I said with a smile. “Just shut up and pitch.” he said with a growl.

His next member stepped up, the short stubby one. I rolled it fast and the goblin swung his leg and only kicked it about two or three feet. Tj on third base ran up and tossed it to Amanda on first for a second out! We cheered some as their team growled some again.

Though the game rolled on, not really stopping for that moment. The tall skinny one was up next. I pitched it a bit slower and watched him kick. It went pretty high and far. Jennifer ran back from second base until she hit the back wall of short trees to divide the field. It bounced off the very top and down to where she was able to grab it. Out number three. We were doing good.

Last up came the muscled one. He was the most of my trouble. He stepped up pretty slow and gave a look to me. I rolled the ball fast and at a curved angle. He brought his leg back and kicked. The ball rolled past him. He had missed! The ball came back and I pitched again. This time he kicked it, but not too hard. It went back and hit near second base. It bounced up and she jumped up and grabbed it. Then Jennifer launched it over to Amanda at first. She just barely tagged him out. This was too easy. They were definitely getting angry.

We came up and played as good as we can. Tj hit a double, I hit a few singles, Amanda hit a triple and a single, and then Jennifer hit a home run! Bases empty of course. The score at the end was zero to three. We were winning against the supposedly great and powerful game master Urdewag.

The goblin gang came up again, but this time it was a little different. They pulled a few tricks. Urdewag stood near the kicker this time, the skinny one. I pitched it to him and as soon as his toe touched it, Urdewag swirled his finger and the ball launched to who knew where. We never saw it land again. Something was up with that, I thought as the goblin showboated through all the bases.

I watched carefully as the muscular one stepped up. I pitched it lightly to one side to him. The ball straitened out and after he hit it, it zigzagged around the field! Then it landed when he made it to third and he stayed his base looking triumphant. That wasn’t right either.

Then the stubby short one came up and I knew if he did well something was up. I rolled it to him, a real easy nice one. He kicked it out to the side. It bounced off tree by tree until it smacked me in the face and I fell, giving him two bases and another run in. Now I knew something was wrong.

I watched the muscled one go over to his team and Urdewag giggled in evil delight, then I saw what he was doing when he repeated the finger movement and the ball next to him started moving. They were cheating! That’s why they suddenly did so well now! He was using his magic against us! Well then, I thought, I shall do the same. We weren’t gonna lose like that.

This went on for a few more scores, then after that I started giving them trouble back. The muscled one came up again. I threw it to him and he hit it fair, well, until I swirled it to first right in to Amanda’s hands. Out number two then.

The game went on and on. We still had three, and they kept on there cheating streak. Making it loop and fly and roll in shapes. So we couldn’t catch it. Finally they made a mistake and kicked it straight into me and I caught it falling back for out number four. Finally it was our turn once more.

The score was eleven to three. We were way down, but of course knowing us, hadn’t given up yet. Like we know how to do that. So we stepped up and prepared to do what we could, especially me with my abilities. I decided to go last in order; if I could get a home run maybe someone would be on base that way and we could score more this way. Just a small idea we desperately need to help us win.

So Tj was first and I thought about what to do. I told him to kick it very lightly. And though he was afraid to do that, he trusted me enough to just not argue and try. He stepped up and was ready as he could be, the muscled one was pitching. He didn’t roll it; he launched it across the ground to him. He stuck his foot out and let the ball hit him. I tried very hard to make it go forward really far, but instead it went way up out of site. He still ran as far as he could though. He made it to third before we saw it back in site and barreling down towards Urdewag. Tj ran his little legs faster and harder. Urdewag tried to catch the ball, but it nailed him in the head and bounced back off to the backfield. He fell to the ground angrily.

But when he rose, he was a little more bulky and his eyes were reddening and his fangs were slightly hanging over his lips now. He wasn’t looking so great. Next one was Amanda, a sure win hit. She kicked it and hit Urdewag again. I couldn’t help but laugh and Tj scored and she made it safely to second. It was four to eleven with no outs.

Another glance at Urdewag and he was more buff with longer teeth and blood red eyes, his claws were a little longer and now small spikes started to come out of his back along his spine. He was changing…

I used my magic in the same way he had and just counteracted whatever he did. And I did end up hitting the home run I wanted after all, but the bases were safely empty. One out came, then the second, and then there was the third one caught by the stubby one off of Urdewag head again.

By then, Urdewag and his team had changed for the worse. They all were buff with long sharp claws and fang’s, red eyes, scalier skin, and spikes protruding long out from their spines. They looked menacing and evil.

The game went on till we had 3 outs and I was up. The score was ten to eleven. We were down by one point and one was on first base. We were looking screwed in that. I needed a homerun to win or else. The monstrous Urdewag was up. With a wicked smile and a flick of his forked tongue he rolled to me. I kicked it and he twirled his finger again. The ball went up slightly and right back towards him. I watched as I ran, thinking it was all over. But then the trees sparkled real fast and the ball started to wildly fly in random directions. I wasn’t doing it though! It kept up in the air as we ran around to home. The first person made it and…so did I! It was all over! We had won eleven to twelve! We had beaten the game master goblin Urdewag. We all cheered and jumped for joy. Our journey could continue after passing him.

© 2008 Eyudo

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Added on September 16, 2008



Painesville, the city of pain....., OH

BUY MY WRITING!!! CLICK HERE! well, all yu humans can call me Eyudo (Eye-Yoo-Dough), since not many knows or calls me by my real name, i have to stay mysterious when i can :) infested more..

i saw it fly i saw it fly

A Poem by Eyudo