Chapter 5: Urdewag the game keeper

Chapter 5: Urdewag the game keeper

A Chapter by Eyudo

Chapter 5


The gamekeeper









We got closer and closer to the light. And then we fell into a pitch-black room. Well, I think it was a room anyways, too dark to tell. We all landed safely on what felt like dirt. That was a little odd. Were we outside like we thought before? Or just in another room like the outside?

Light shown in small strands through what looked like tall trees. Then we saw the light widen and cover more ground to light up the area enough. The leaves and branches moved aside to allow light through. From first glance even we could definitely tell we were in a forest, a beautiful one at that. But I could sense it wasn’t a regular plant and tree forest, I was pretty sure that it was some sort of enchanted forest. And from the fact of where we were there was a good chance I was right.

The first thing I saw was an old wooden sign made out of a wooden post and wooden boards attached in a row to it. The boards were old and partially rotted on the ends, and didn’t look like they were evenly cut to begin with. The sign had something written on it. Although this was just a little different than the things we had dealt with before:

Here is a dangerous quest

Much much worst than all the rest

Here you face a fiend so great

Filled with such furry and such hate


His name he’ll tell you himself

But mistake him not for a simple elf

He is a goblin who wants to play a game

His gang will tell you he’s insane


So join this fun in this forest of mystic

Stay awhile, why risk it?

The games have only begun

Win this one or your lives are done


“Ok, now that sounds brutal.” I commented. “I’m sorta scared” Tj said with paranoia in his eyes. “Well who is this guy then?” Amanda asked. On the sign was one last thing, but it wasn’t written, it looked like something clawed it in. Slanted on one of the corners of the sign was clawed in: Urdewag.

Jennifer squealed with delight. “He is one of my favorite legends! Just an awesome creature. He’s a very great and powerful goblin. Though he has so much power, he fights in battles of playing games. He loves to defeat his foes in anyway he wants, whether with his intellect, or abilities he possesses. He is a tricky one. Supposedly some people say each letter in his name stands for something. I don’t believe it, but it’s suppose to stand for something like: U R Dead Either Way At Games” she explained.

“How do you know all this?” Christina asked. “Well, I’m a mythologist with a special degree in Egyptology. So legends and all are my kind of thing I have to know for my job. Other wise I’d be out of one.” she explained. “Oh,” Christina said, “ that does explain a lot really.”

So the only thing to do was to search for Urdewag. According to Jennifer all we had to do was find him and beat him in a few games. It didn’t sound too hard huh? So we wandered around the forest for a little bit. We eventually found a big dirt clearing to stop in for a minute. We sat down for just a few minutes.

But as we sat there I noticed that the clearing we were sitting in wasn’t actually a field. There were chalk lines and then small white diamonds, about four of them in a square shape. Then the other odd thing was how the grass around this spot was perfectly green and well trimmed. That’s not normal for a forest. I stood up for a better look.

“This isn’t a field at all!” I said to everyone, “it’s a playing field!” And it was. For either baseball or kickball or something. We walked to the edges and through just a few trees were more playing areas. There was a basketball court, hockey rink, bowling alley, dodge ball, football field, mini sports like air hockey and fooze ball, and so many more. There were even some areas with new games I had never seen, and they didn’t look too easy.

“Oh wow.” of course Jennifer would be the first to chime in. Obviously this guy did love his games. I just hoped he wasn’t as good and powerful as she said he was. He must have been big and buff to be so powerful and talented. I started to wonder and think what he may have been like as we walked on looking for him.

“Hello down there!” we heard a voice come from somewhere above us, “I knew you would be arriving soon for me.” It was a high-pitched voice with almost a whine in it, but like it was suppose to be there. It was very annoying.

“Well are you ready to play?” the voice said. “Play what?” I yelled up. “Games stupid! Of course! Duh!” it said in a rude way. “Ok, which one?” I said. “More like which ones! There are so many and I’ve been waiting so long to play again!” it said. “Well, what about it all?” I said, not sure what else to say. “Well, we play till someone wins. Winner gets a prize! Winner gets a prize!” he chanted, “ and I know what it is and you don’t! Nah nah nah nah nah nah! Heh.” He taunted.

Then we saw something jump down from the tree. It was a male, and he was very short and thin, like three feet tall and no more than fifty or sixty pounds. Very small. He was a dark green color and thick shining scales. He had some long sharp claws and gold slitted eyes. He had long pointed ears and skinny legs and arms.

“I am Urdewag! Each letter in my name stands for something…” “No no, we’ve already been over this.” I interrupted. “Oh, well then, um, I’m at a loss. Normally I get to my intro, then my insults, and then we play. But you kinda screwed that up kid.” he said. “Anyways, so you’re the powerful game keeper? You’re a little scrawny though wouldn’t you say?” I said to him.

He grinned mischievously and aid in the most innocent and meek way, “maybe I am a little small.” Then he walked over to a tree that was about fifty or sixty feet tall and wrapped his small arms as far around it as he could. Then he bent his knees slightly and lifted himself up again with a thrust, and along with him coming up was the tree, uprooted from the ground and high over his head. A three foot goblin just lifted a tree over ten times bigger than himself. He definitely wasn’t one to underestimate.

“Oh.” was the only thing I was able to say to that. “Any other stupid questions now class?” he said with his stupid little grin. We shook our heads, well, except for me. I got a little cocky. “Yes teacher sir. I do,” I said in an undermining tone, “well, since were done with our lessons now maybe can I show you a little something?” “Sure kid, amuse me.” I walk over to a tree as well, though I did something just a little different.

I pushed my hand up and the tree grew twice as big as his was. Then I flexed my muscles and tried to lift the tree up. I threw it up and watched it go. I twirled my fingers and waited for it to come back down. But instead, an entire log cabin fell down, details and all. “How about that buddy.” I said. He smirked and flicked his forked tongue out once. “That’s it?” he finally said. “Better than what you did scaly.” He wasn’t happy with that insult.

He walked over to the cabin and pressed his ear to it, listening for something. Then he tapped on it a few times looking for something still. “Aha!” he said, and then punched the side in a specific place. The whole side collapsed, follow by the other three walls on it. “Now that’s more like it.” he said. I could tell this wasn’t going to be easy.

“Now you little b*****d, listen here,” he said with a red glint in his eyes, “I rule, you suck, deal with it. I have power beyond belief. All you have is something you can get out of a cereal box. That wasn’t impressive, that was just plain dumb. So I suggest you just shut up, put your tail between your legs, and lets play this game before I decide to just do what I did to the last person. No remains were found. Got it?” he said. All I could do to that was nod and start playing his game.

© 2008 Eyudo

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Added on September 5, 2008



Painesville, the city of pain....., OH

BUY MY WRITING!!! CLICK HERE! well, all yu humans can call me Eyudo (Eye-Yoo-Dough), since not many knows or calls me by my real name, i have to stay mysterious when i can :) infested more..

i saw it fly i saw it fly

A Poem by Eyudo