![]() Chapter 1: My sisterA Chapter by Eyudo![]() read to see![]()
Hello again. My name is Bj and I am now fifteen years old. I have another story to tell the world. This one happened a year ago, only a few months after the other incident I dealt with. About three I think. But, I feel I have to tell it. Here we go again…..
He came back. Who you may ask, who is He? Rob, Rob Lucifer. A craze demon who plotted and stole a secret virus the army had worked on to create the living dead back to life to use in war. He stole it and wreaked havoc on human kinds to create his own new world of monsters. “A rightful world,” he once said. Then again, this was all coming from the son of the devil, so you can imagine his evil and power. He tried to destroy the earth, but we fooled his plot, me just thirteen then. We learned of it through some sort of prophet the elementals told us of. We read of his life from forever he was born, and the abuses he suffered. It was his way of getting back at the world that had forsaken him. We had found the cure for the virus, and there wasn’t much of a chance for him after we figured that out and assembled our little team, as much as it grew. I still live in Z-Town now, that hasn’t changed. Tj is here still of course since we adopted him. Amanda is still here as my girlfriend, though it seems were closer. We’ve come along way in our relationship. We really have something special, and been able to keep it luckily. Most can’t say that. Well, my dad got married again to someone as we waited for the wedding. Her name is Jennifer. It was a nice wedding I have to say and they really seem to be good together. And I love having her as a step mom. Since I never really knew my real mom, I just took to her to call mother. She’s real nice. And just loves us kids. Well, I’ll start with one night my dad and Jennifer were out on a date to some movie and then who knew what else after that. It was summer so there was no school and I was home then. Later on I decided to ask Amanda if she wanted to watch a movie with me. Tj was at a friend’s house for the night and it was just her and I. So we agreed and found a movie called “Flames in The Full Moon”. A movie that they made from a book. We turned the lights off and put the movie on, then we at down on the couch. It was good, we only made it about halfway through though to when she finds her mother, then we suddenly heard a loud crash come from somewhere in the house. Amanda jumped and screamed from the sound. “Sorry,” she said embarrassed. I nodded at her with a smile. We got up together and went to investigate the sound. It sounded like it came from upstairs, more specifically my room! We went up the stairs cautiously and opened the door to my room. We looked around, and felt a breeze cut through and out the door. There was shattered glass on the floor from the window. It had been broken clean through by something that seemed to be pretty big judging by the size of the hole. We could se clear out the window into the clear night with the mostly full moon and stars. There was a small scratching noise coming from inside the closet. It was very faint, but distinguished. I reached down under my bed and pulled out my trust handgun I had had since the year before. I crept over to the door with Amanda watching from the hall and prepared the gun aiming down. I had seen so much happen before; you never could know what was there. I reached in slowly and grabbed the closet knob. Then I yanked it open and quickly searched inside. Before I really had time to look though a limp body fell out from there. It fell onto its knees then to the floor, rolling a foot away. It was alive still as much as it looked dead, but she was very unconscious at that moment. It was a girl, about fourteen or fifteen. Dark brown medium-length hair and hazel eyes. She was about my height, maybe a little shorter, but she was a little more weight wise. She wore jeans and a gray shirt with very short shoulder sleeves. I knelt down to her side to see if she was ok, but she stirred some and moaned when I did. She started to move and stood up off the floor slow and dumbfounded. “Are you ok?” I asked with a hand to help her up. “Who are you?” she asked me. I thought that weird to ask; I guess she must not have got in the closet on her own accord. “My name is bj, and over there is Amanda,” I told her, “but who are you?” “Bj? Is it really you?” she said. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” I joked. “It is you. It really is!” she exclaimed, and then hugged me really tight around my torso. I lifted my arms above me until she let go. Amanda gave me a look like “what going on?” combined with jealousy in “who is she?” “Who are you?” I said, confused. “I am Christina,” she said with a smile. “What?” I said, wondering how she found me. “I’m your sister. I heard you were looking for me, so I found you first.” she said, sounding satisfied with herself. “That’s fine and all,” I said, “but why couldn’t you have just knocked on the front door?” “Well, its not like I threw myself through the window. Someone broke in and dragged me into the closet and locked it.” “Who? What did he look like?” I asked in my concern. “Well, he had blonde hair, fair white light skin, a shining silver suite, a red scar flashed down his face, and, golden eyes.” she described. All the common traits. I could have dropped when she said that. I turned to Amanda. “Its Him,” I said, “He’s back.” “How could this be? How could he be alive again?” she said frightened. “I don’t know,” I said, “maybe he has made another deal to make it.” “But we have the cure to his virus. What much harm can he do?” Amanda said, mostly to reassure herself. “Maybe this note I found will help us, here, read it.” Christina chimed in. Note to self: adding silk from silk worms to the virus counteracts the cure and makes it uneffective. but don't study too long. has little to do with the over all plan. “Where did you find this note Christina?” I asked. “Over in the graveyard he took me to near this grave for some guy.” “Who?” I asked. “Um, I think it was Rob something.” she said. “Rob Lucifer?” “Yeah! That was it, rob Lucifer.” Yeah, he was definitely back, and from the looks of it, the cure might not work this time to save us. This was bad, and I was sure it wasn’t gonna get any easier, or any better on its own.
© 2008 EyudoAuthor's Note
Added on July 15, 2008 Last Updated on July 17, 2008 Author![]() EyudoPainesville, the city of pain....., OHAboutBUY MY WRITING!!! CLICK HERE! well, all yu humans can call me Eyudo (Eye-Yoo-Dough), since not many knows or calls me by my real name, i have to stay mysterious when i can :) infested more..Writing