![]() PitoA Chapter by Eye of the Forest![]() Preshow to a project![]() The air was thick and heavy from
the sweat caused by fear from the arena; the crowd was tense from the fight.
The crowd watched three people dance through the arena, blocking, defending and
attacking. Above them was girl, who sat in the air and stared down at one of
the boys. She watched the boy with soft, blond hair and pale, blue eyes grunt
as he pulled up a force field, causing his skin on his right arm to rip from
the stress. Asher isn’t going to last long, the girl thought to herself. One of the
other dancers squealed in delight as she saw that the boy was pushed to the max,
“you aren’t going to last long buttercup.” The other boy next to the annoying
girl sighed at his partner, as he got ready to make another attack. The two
looked similar with their short brown hair but the girl had green eyes and the
boy had brown. They wore matching costumes to make it clear that they were
partnered up together, which was a washed-out blue and black trousers. This made the girl draw attention to her own
clothes, it was similar but her and the boy she was watching were wearing a red
top instead of the blue. Her partner. Asher. She smiled as she looked down at
the boy, “can I come in now?” Asher gave
an irritated face, as he looked up at the girl, “not yet, let me practise more.
You know that I need to get stronger and Raphael said that this is the quickest
way to do it.” The girl
sighed, “suit yourself.” “Hey,” the
opponent girl yelled, “this is a fight ya’ know?” The girl then slapped her
hands together and pulled them apart creating a small flame. She then widened
her hands, creating the flame to become bigger and bigger. The other boy
watches the girl before he slammed his hand through the concrete of the arena,
ripping out a root from the ground. As the fire
grew bigger in the girl’s hands, the floor moved as roots reached the surface,
cracking the cement. Asher then began to build up a force field that can
tolerate the attacks but he wasn’t quick enough. The girl
threw the flame at the Asher catching on to one of his sleeves. He freaked as
he tried to smack out the flames. But at that moment roots burst through the
floor and impaled Asher through the chest causing him to lie back on to the
roots were he lay until he stopped twitching. © 2013 Eye of the Forest |