I am so pleased I read the authors note because the words put such a clear mental image in your head and then, when you find the depth of meaning behind the metaphor..how deep it becomes. Death so like that droplet because it is finite life and the water tear drop only lives for its second and then its gone forever.
This was a well thought out piece...or so it seems, maybe it came in a flash, you never know these things.
I know exactly what you mean by this. I once heard Neil deGrasse Tyson talk about a whole world living within a dew drop. Life and death struggles at a microscopic level. Then you zoom out and there is us. Also living in a dew drop called earth. So small to the rest of the Galaxy, yet all we know. Good piece
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Oh wow that really is an interesting viewpoint. Thank you.
Cherry how clearly one can see this droplet hanging on til released with your imagery. I like this and I'm glad I had a visit, I'll be back , I like your talent for I can learn!:)
Whether its decisive or speculative it carries moments of farewell ,silent....surely pensive
You have touched the inner core,,,
Thanks for the aperture shared
A beautiful and descriptive single moment in time, where all else blurs to background, as you watch its birth, life and death in an instant, but the beauty of the moment lingers in the mind. The droplet stops being a droplet, but isn't left to waste, nature recycles and it's beauty may one day be seen again in such a fragile moment.
Beautiful words and images.
leaves tend to do that, just as people do...when it comes close to the end, they hang on...
during normal falls, premature falls...wind blown autumn days...they fight through, and refuse "to go gentle into that good night" as dylan thomas says.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
I've read that poem many times. Thank you Mr. cilberto and please be sure to see my bio tomorrow.
Hello and welcome. My name is Cherry. I love reading poetry and always have. Before coming to this site, erotic writing found its way to my pages but I want to leave that behind. I've unposted those p.. more..