A Story by Wesley Carter
Creepypasta contest submission. 
I was 10 years old when I first went trick-or-treating with my mom. This might seem a little, well, late to the game, especially for a young boy. I don't have any disease or abnormality that prevents me from doing these types of things, just an overly protective mother. I grew up in a small apartment with my mom, she was a single mother, my dad split before I was born. She always did her best to support me, and that meant juggling two jobs and a kid. She worked a lot of hours, spent her nights as a waitress at a small bar, and her days were spent at a cash register in our local stop n' shop. I never minded being alone much, I was used to it. I spent most of my time drawing things that would come to my imagination, they weren't the best drawings but I always tried my best and showed my mom when I would see her in the early morning.
Despite my frequent hours spent alone, I was a friendly kid. At school I'd play with my friends and do all sorts of stupid s**t kids do. I had a lot of friends, so people assumed I was happy, but I was always the friend who never got invited to birthdays. The friend who, when there wasn't enough room on the sidewalk, had to fall behind. I can't say I never hung out with friends out side of school, there was this kid at school, I think his name was Andrew, that I once got to come over. I told him that my mom wouldn't be home and we could do whatever we wanted as long as we weren't too loud. I asked my mom when I got home from school if it was OK if I had a friend over, she said no because she wouldn't be home and didn't want to be responsible. This was reasonable, but a 10 year old hears "No." and doesn't care about the reasoning. This was gonna be my first sleepover and she was crushing it. I had to do something.
I called Andrew on our house phone at around 9 PM on Friday and told him that my mom said no, but if he told his mom she said yes then he could come over, he agreed. Andrew only lived half a mile down the street from me it turned out, and his mom wouldn't drive him, she was rolling on oxy's all the time, I know this because Andrew thought this was cool at the time, and my naivete convinced me it was cool too. Andrew got to the apartment a little late, around an hour after I called. He showed up and it was a little awkward at first, seeing your friend outside of school for some reason had a slight pressure and weirdness to it.
After breaking the ice with a couple extremely graphic sexual jokes that we both, in our innocent minds, knew nothing about. We sat on the couch to watch some R rated movies my mom had recorded. At this point, I should tell you the layout of the house, the living room, where we were at, is the connected to the entrance and only exit, you walk in and you are facing the couch, the TV against the wall. We had a clear view of the door and the window was right behind the TV. Anyways, we are sitting on the couch both laughing at the sexual innuendos that we both don't fully understand. I start spacing out, looking past the TV, I see a shadow, or some movement behind the TV. I quickly say to Andrew "Did you see that?", "No, what the hell are you talking about?" "That shadow or something behind the TV, what was that dude?", "Let's go look." he says unnervingly. We get up slowly and crawl on our hands and knees to the door, both of us slightly scared but the comfort of a friend and the excitement overcomes the shroud of doubt. We get to the door and quickly push it open and look outside. Nothing. I close the door, and look at Andrew, "It was probably a ghost." he says convincingly "My older brother always told me of the ghosts he's seen, always out of the corner of his eye.". "You think so...?" I reply. "I am pretty sure it was dude, I've seen them before to-". His sentence gets cut short when we hear a thud, we both get scared immediately and run to my room to hide, I close the door behind Andrew and we agree to develop a plan to figure out what this was. "I think we should crawl to the kitchen, that way we have a clear view of the front door and there's no other way the ghost could come in." I say authoritatively. "Yeah I guess there's no other option, f**k it, let's do it." He stammers.
We make our way on our stomach's to the kitchen, hiding behind the island and peering over the edge of it, our eye's fixed on the door, the location of our supernatural experience. Five minutes pass and nothing happens, Andrew wants to resume the movie we have paused in the living room. "Just give it a little more time, I think something will happen." He agrees reluctantly. We hear a knock, and just stare at the door, our hearts beating out of our chests. Silence. We are both too scared to move. "I bet it was my mom playing a joke on us." I whisper nervously. I turn to my right expecting to see Andrew staring at the door like I was, but his head is turned around, facing the window to the fire escape. I look back and see a thinned out man, staring into the window blankly, he doesn't really have a facial expression, or any striking features, in fact his face just looks, off. We stare in silence as the man leaves the window. "What the f**k man, holy s**t, I am...what should we do? Should we call the police or your mom?" Andrew brokenly replies. "No we can't, my mom will know that I let you come over!", "Let's just go hide in my room and we'll be OK." I reply. As we get into my room, waiting for what seems like hours, we here a door creak open slowly. "Did...did you forget to lock the door?" Andrew mumbles. I sit there, unable to breathe, as I hear footsteps coming closer to my room...
© 2015 Wesley Carter
Added on November 3, 2015
Last Updated on November 3, 2015
Wesley CarterNorth 24 Paraganas, West Bengal, India
i just love to write. I don't write always. i write only when my mind is up with something. It may be emotions, feelings, climate, nature or anything we come across almost everyday. more..