This prose poem was written when I was the age of twelve or thirteen. If you haven't yet read it, it is about the little mermaid. It shortly details the events of her brief, yet melancholy, journey through love, life, and eventual loss. The original tale of the Little Mermaid ends with her throwing herself into the sea, her body turning to foam, but her spirit in the ether. She is promised that if she is good and kind, she will be able to rejoin her prince in paradise.
With that, the tale ends on a bittersweet note.
I have encountered quite a few people who have never read the original tale. The only one they know is the Disney version. Like Disney does with everything it remakes, they changed it dramatically. If you have time, read the original tale. It will be one you are never likely to forget.
In the meantime, please enjoy this prose poem for your reading pleasure. :3