![]() The World of Jimmy ChooA Chapter by Evil_Angel![]() Kent and Erica get to know eachother a little more, he gets to know more of her secret and wonders if theres even more to discover.![]() "Kent what are you going to do with the company? Specifically the real estate aspect, it's the heart of the whole business. You need to take a hand in it, I'm not sure you can do it the way your father did. I know it's only been a month but it's time to start taking charge," Mitch, Kent's father's long time business associate persisted for the hundredth time. Kent had seen him coming and going around the house since he was twelve, and had nicknamed him Mitch the b***h. Somehow the nickname stuck. Mitch had called Kent to meet up at an upscale outdoor restaurant in the middle of a shopping mall. Mitch had insisted they eat outside. Kent hated the idea of people of insects easily able to snack on his food if they pleased, so he ordered a Scotch while Mitch indulged in rib eye steak. Kent didn't know why the hell he had agreed to come. Mitch had practically been pestering him about business since the funeral. Kent had a sneaking suspicion that Mitch wasn't exactly concerned for the welfare of the business, but just held bitterness about being twice Kent's age and still just a business associate whereas Kent had complete say over the decisions made in the company. "Trust me I've been taking charge," Kent defended. I've sold a couple of the properties to alleviate the work load. I'm still learning, but I know I can handle it, just don't worry about it." "Don't worry about it?" Mitch huffed. "In the name of your father I will worry." Kent ignored him and took a shot of Scotch. He cleared his throat and just as he was about to come back with something to shut Mitch up, he spotted auburn hair coming down the escalator . Very quickly down the escalator and carrying several bags. Kent wasn't sure if it was Erica until she turned around, that familiar frantic look spread across her face. She stopped dead in her tracks nearly bumping into the person in front of her, and then blushed embarrassed. Kent couldn't help but laugh out loud, which made Mitch get the wrong idea. "Are you even listening? This is serious, why don't you let me handle the company? This death wasn't planned, your father has got to be rolling in his grave, I think he would want me to-," "He left it to me b***h," Kent interrupted. "Deaths are never planned, he's dead I'm here. I will keep running the company as he did, and without your criticism. It's worthless when I can just fire you, don't you think?" "Did you just call me a b***h?" Mitch asked in disbelief. "No, I just have a cold," Kent smirked. With that he hopped over the restaurant railing and made his way to Erica. It was kind of hard to believe she could become any more frantic, but her eyes grew wider as Kent came closer. Feeling particularly cocky by this and by insulting Mitch, Kent greeted her by saying, "It's too much looking at me, I know." Erica rolled her eyes and shook her head. "As delusional as you are I have to say I admired that. I only wish I could talk to my boss that way!" "He's not my boss." "Well that explains it then," Erica nodded. A slightly awkward silence passed before Kent pawed at her bags like a curious puppy. "No offense, but if you are on welfare as you say, how are you on a shopping spree?" "I really have to go," Erica tucked in her lips self consciously. "Why?" Kent playfully jumped in front of her. When Erica tried to move away, Kent reached into her shopping bag nosily to see what she bought. "Don't!" Erica exclaimed. Before she could fight back Kent pulled out a black Chanel dress, and tried to block the visual image of her in it out of his mind. "What are you so embarrassed about? This would look greatoh my God," Kent frowned after examining it. The dress still had a store sensor on it, well partially. A lot of it had been unattached and obviously messed around with. Had she seriously stolen the dress? Erica gasped and snatched the dress away stuffing it back in the bag. Guiltily she gazed at Kent, and then tried to make her escape again. "Wait," he pressed his hand onto her shoulder. He felt her slump in shamefulness. "I can't believe you stole this," he couldn't help but say. "I'll take it back, I just wanted a nice dress to wear around Marcus, and no way could I afford it! I can't wear anything I own around him, he'd dump me on the spot," Erica breathed faster and faster as she spoke. "I didn't want to steal it, I..," her explanation faded as her eyes began watering. "Come on, let's sit down, it's ok," Kent assured keeping his hand on her shoulder, and leading her to a planter with a ledge they could sit on. With his arm around her he could feel her body trembling. "Calm down Erica, it's just me, I won't tell him," Kent tried to comfort unsure how warm it sounded, he wasn't exactly used to talking that way to girls. "Kent," Mitch interrupted startling both of them. "I wasn't finished, we need to-," "Not now," Kent interrupted sternly. "But I-," "I said not now," he growled. "Really, it's ok," Erica said. "No, I'll call you later today. Right now you will leave us alone." Mitch sighed, finally obeyed Kent and left. Erica wasn't sure how Mitch hadn't left before with the intensity in Kent's voice. "You didn't have to do that." "It's alright," Kent said gently. "I can't believe you stole. I'm quite impressed that you actually got away with it in a store like Chanel. Do you do it a lot?" Erica looked up guardedly with her hazel eyes. "Oh come on, I already know what you did, just tell me." "Yes, I've stolen before. I'm really ashamed to talk about it. I swear that when I'm rich I'll somehow pay it all back, I don't want to be doing this, but it's like I have no choice." "You do have a choice. You could come clean to Mark, and quit living a lie. What would you rather have? For him to know you are poor or for you to end up in jail?" "I won't get caught," Erica replied confidently. "Then why are you freaking out?" Kent accused. "Well, because you caught me. That's the first time I've been caught, it threw me off guard." Kent raised his eyebrows wondering if she was just a kleptomaniac. She had to be, and that worried him but at the same time it was kind of cool. "Plus I didn't want to look bad around you. Well worse," she corrected herself. "You don't look bad, but I'm in unfamiliar waters here. You are a very odd girl, you know that? I still don't know what to think of you," Kent debated with himself out loud. "Well I don't know what to think of you either. You seem like such a prick, but you're actually a really good guy." Kent made a face of disgust to make it clear to Erica he hated being called a good guy, but he was glad she'd said it. "Well, I'm only nice if I don't tell Marc about this right?" Kent teased. "You won't right?" Erica's eyes grew wide. "Nah I won't. That is if you promise not to steal again." "Alright," Erica agreed. "I have to admit, that dress is perfect for you, I'm surprised you didn't steal some shoes too," he said looking down at her tattered sneakers. "Please tell me you aren't wearing those with it." "They are the only ones I own actually, besides some fake designer flip flips," she looked down at the shoes embarrassed. "Wow, you might as well go barefoot it would look better. Come on," Kent said getting up, and putting his hand on the small of her back for her to follow him. "Where are we going?" "To a place you've probably never been," Kent replied leading her inside a Jimmy Choo store. "Jimmy Choo!" Erica exclaimed looking at the surrounding gleaming archways of the entrance. "This isn't exactly a place I can steal from, well not with you here," Erica laughed. "You aren't stealing anymore, at all," Kent stood in front of her blocking her path. "That's over with, do you understand?" he demanded placing both hands on top of her shoulders and closely facing her. "Why do you care?," Erica finally replied barely giving him eye contact. "I don't. Well maybe I do, I don't know-," "Welcome to Jimmy Choo!" an overly friendly employee greeted interrupted what Kent was about to say. "What can I help you two with?" "Well we are looking for some shoes for her in black. What about those?" Kent pointed at a pair of gorgeous 'Papyrus' patent leather peep toe pumps. Erica eyed him impressed at his taste. "And in what size?" "Five and a half," Kent and Erica both replied at the same time. "I'll be right back with those," the store associate replied disappearing into the back. "How did you know what size shoe I am?" Erica exclaimed sitting down on a long plush sofa. Kent joined her, flashing a cocky white grin in reply. "No seriously, that's just weird, and talented I have to say. Come on Kent how did you know?" "My mom, this is what we'd do," he said growing more serious. "We'd go to store after store. I'd see all kinds of women trying on things, I just got the hang of it after a while. I was never allowed to play video games so I guess I had to watch," he chuckled. "That must have been so boring for you as a little boy," she smiled trying to picture him as a kid, even then he was probably this serious, like a little mini adult. "It was interesting watching people and their behavior. That was when I learned everything there was to know about women, you all are the same." "What do you mean?" "Well, you all have to get it exactly right with the clothes, the shoes the jewelry. Every detail has to be perfect, but when it comes to anything else, like the husband or the kids, none of that matters. For women it's all about them and how they look, the rest of it, families, are just accessories," Kent explained as if he had years of knowledge. Obviously he'd been believing this for quite some time. "Not all women are like that," Erica argued. "A lot here in L.A. are pretty shallow I'll give you that, but a majority of places aren't like that. A majority of people are middle class, and family comes first. Don't you know that?" "If they were rich they'd be shallow just like the rest of them, they just aren't able to." "That's so cynical. What makes you think that? I mean I'm sure your mother isn't like that," Erica offered. Kent chuckled sarcastically keeping something to himself. "I said something wrong again didn't I?" Erica scolded herself. "It's alright. Here take off that nasty shoe before someone sees it," Kent teased as saw the store associate approaching with the shoebox. "I'm so sorry-" "Sh," Kent quieted her. "Enjoy yourself." "I'll be right back with those," the store associate replied disappearing into the back. "How did you know what size shoe I am?" Erica exclaimed sitting down on a long plush sofa. Kent joined her, flashing a cocky white grin in reply. "No seriously, that's just weird, and talented I have to say. Come on Kent how did you know?" "My mom, this is what we'd do," he said growing more serious. "We'd go to store after store. I'd see all kinds of women trying on things, I just got the hang of it after a while. I was never allowed to play video games so I guess I had to watch," he chuckled. "That must have been so boring for you as a little boy," she smiled trying to picture him as a kid, even then he was probably this serious, like a little mini adult. "It was interesting watching people and their behavior. That was when I learned everything there was to know about women, you all are the same." "What do you mean?" "Well, you all have to get it exactly right with the clothes, the shoes the jewelry. Every detail has to be perfect, but when it comes to anything else, like the husband or the kids, none of that matters. For women it's all about them and how they look, the rest of it, families, are just accessories," Kent explained as if he had years of knowledge. Obviously he'd been believing this for quite some time. "Not all women are like that," Erica argued. "A lot here in L.A. are pretty shallow I'll give you that, but a majority of places aren't like that. A majority of people are middle class, and family comes first. Don't you know that?" "If they were rich they'd be shallow just like the rest of them, they just aren't able to." "That's so cynical. What makes you think that? I mean I'm sure your mother isn't like that," Erica offered. Kent chuckled sarcastically keeping something to himself. "I said something wrong again didn't I?" Erica scolded herself. "It's alright. Here take off that nasty shoe before someone sees it," Kent teased as saw the store associate approaching with the shoebox. "I'm so sorry-" "Sh," Kent quieted her. "Enjoy yourself." "Please tell me if you need a different size," the employee said taking the shoe out of the wrapping and placing it on the ground. "We won't," Kent assured studying the shoe. He stood up from where he was sitting and knelt down before Erica taking her foot with one hand and picking up the shoe with another. Erica watched how he carefully placed the shoe on her foot. "Perfect fit," Kent looked up. Erica's focus wasn't on the shoe but on Kent. Enthralled by his features she distractedly rested her foot on his knee. Her natural reaction wanted to kneel down on the floor beside him, and do what she asked herself? Unsure of what she was feeling as she looked into his forest green eyes she also became unsure of what to say, and the silence carried on until Kent finally said, "I told you." "I know, you are like, this shoe expert," she remarked stupidly. "How do you like them? You haven't even stood up to look at them." "Oh," she came back down to earth, and walked over to a mirror. The shoes looked remarkable and she knew that they would go beautifully with the dress, but it was too bad Kent was here since she knew she could manage to steal them. "They are lovely, you have great taste." "Will you be purchasing the shoes today?" A cashier asked from behind the register. "Yes please," Kent replied nonchalantly. "What?" Erica hissed taking off the shoes and putting them in the box. "I thought you said you liked them," Kent asked placing the box on the counter. "I do but, they are seven hundred dollars," she said looking at the price tag. Kent rolled his eyes and quickly handed his credit card to the cashier. "I can't let you do this," she said placing her hand on his arm. "Can't let me do what? It's not like I'm stealing right?" he laughed to the cashier. "I can't pay you back, you know that." "It's seven hundred bucks it's nothing. It's like a dollar to me," Kent replied taking the bag and exiting the store. "Alright as much as you make me sick for saying that, why did you do this? It's not like you owe me anything." "I know, but when I saw your face as you tried them on, I couldn't just let you leave without them. Not with those," Kent pointed. "Since I got them the least you can do is change into them." "Ok, alright," she said sitting down at a bench and pulling of the grubby old shoes, took the new ones out of the box and slipped them back on. God they felt amazing, smooth, fresh, and without the air of holes like the other ones had. While she was slipping them on she heard the metal slam of a trashcan, and saw that Kent threw the old ones in the garbage. "That felt good," Kent said wiping his hands off as if he just touched the dirtiest thing in the world. "I've wanted to do that since I saw them." "I have no idea what to say to this Kent, thank you so much." "You're welcome. Has Marcus ever bought you anything that expensive, besides the ring of course?" "To be honest he never bought me anything besides the ring, which is actually his great grandmothers." "I thought you said none of that mattered," Kent challenged. "It doesn't," Erica replied feeling like she'd been tricked. "Right," Kent replied growing angry, remembering his beliefs about women. "Well enjoy them, I'm out of here." "You make no sense," she said not afraid to run after him, or teeter after him, and grab hold of his hand. She pulled him back to face her. "I had no idea you were going to buy those, you can take them back if you'd like." "Why can't you tell him who you are? "He demanded throwing her hand off of his. "Because I am nothing right now, I'm those old crappy shoes in the garbage. He would throw me away just like you threw those away." "Do you hear yourself? You are comparing yourself to shoes. Talk about issues. If he loved you he wouldn't throw you away, no matter how rich or poor you were." "Why do you care anyway? Why did you get those for me? It really isn't your problem." "I'm trying to decipher whether or not you are a gold digger, Marcus is my best friend. I've seen people get destroyed over it. Like once the wife gets what she wants she leaves, even if there is already a family, that isn't enough. They just want more, they can't just settle." Erica took in what he said thoughtfully, and before defending herself against being a gold digger she knew what he was saying deep down, it wasn't hard for her to figure out, but still pissed off she decided to use it against him. "I think you are talking about someone who did that to you, like maybe your mother? Who's the one with issues now?" Kent had to adjust his stance, taken aback by what she said, and how correct it was. "That's not even the point! The point is you lying and being a thief, and all the other s**t you probably do that he doesn't know about. Just admit that you are in it for the money, that's all I want to hear," he yelled not caring that people walking by were beginning to stare. Erica reached down to her feet and ripped the shoes off her feet, and shoved them to his chest. She went to the trashcan and dug out her old shoes. Not caring to put them on, she shot him one last look of defiance and ran away through the mall barefoot. Kent stood alone holding the shoes and also her stolen dress. She was out of sight in a trace and he didn't have the energy to catch up to her. He had to admit she was right, he made no damn sense. What was he thinking buying her a gift? He never bought girls gifts, especially ones he wasn't f*****g. Even they didn't get seven hundred dollar shoes, so why did he suddenly have the instinct to buy Erica, the waitress some? Was he actually just trying to be nice? He shuddered at the thought disgusted. He figured that maybe he had just got caught up in the moment feeling sorry for her wearing such tattered shoes, and then her stealing which he really shouldn't have pitied her for, except that she looked so frazzled he couldn't help it, or maybe he just enjoyed seeing her so weak, and found it entertaining having the power to tell Marcus anytime he wanted. But he knew it was more than that, it was something deeper with in him that made him go in the store and make the purchase. The way her eyes lit up when she had the shoe on made something in him stir, which he wasn't used to. For the past month he'd become used to feeling dead inside, and now it was like a shred of this had been removed when he saw her usual look of distress transform into pure bliss. That had sure gone away fast when he grew angry with her for no reason. "S**t," he cursed himself out loud. Then again, like Erica said, why did he care so much? He tried to tell himself it was because of Marc but it was hard to convince himself of that when he felt this awful about Erica running off. Maybe he should just go back home to bed where he belonged, away from people, away from having to socialize and be cordial, but before leaving he had one last stop to make. © 2008 Evil_AngelReviews
3 Reviews Added on November 25, 2008 Author![]() Evil_AngelSan Diego, CAAboutSunset Fire is #2 most read book on here! Woot! Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quiz Which Disney Princess Are You?AuroraYou're a tired old thing aren`t you? We first came under Aurora`s spell in Sleep.. more..Writing