Yeah, That Lasted Long

Yeah, That Lasted Long

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

Pardon my sarcasm with the chapter title. This is after Hallie has been rejected from the magazine and after shes cheated on David with christian at the lighthouse yet again. This time something is up with David dealing with it, and so he takes her to Ab

Yeah, That Lasted Long

        She knew she should feel guilty. She knew she should scold herself for being a bad fianc� yet again, for being a w***e, for lying, all those things. And she would have if she could stop smiling for one second.

Getting rejected from the magazine had been a big kick in the face, but there was someone out there who thought she was perfect the way she was, so as a reward, not that she deserved one, she was utilizing the new large kitchen in her and David's new condo and baking a chocolate truffle cake. Humming cheerfully, she added the final touches and placed the double-layer creation in the oven.

The sound of the front door unlocking made her jump but she couldn't stop singing to herself.

"Hey, what are you doing? You can't be eating that don't you have a magazine shoot or something?" David questioned as he set his man bag down on the sofa and made his way into the kitchen.

Hallie shook off his stupid comment and continued her work without looking up. "I got rejected, they said I'm a fat a*s," she finally replied merrily.

"Oh man, wow that must feel pretty crappy. So you think it's okay that you eat chocolate cake if they said that?"

"Hell yes it's okay. Chocolate cake is always okay," she replied sternly. Don't mess with a girl and her chocolate.

"Well I'm glad you don't care. It's great to see you so happy, I haven't seen you like this in a while," he lightly stroked her back as if he was comforting her.

"Oh I'm just fine," she smiled back finally turning around to give him eye contact.

"Whoa your filthy. What is all that?" he said running his fingers through her hair.

"Oh it's just chocolate probably."

"No it's like leafs and dirt and stuff. What were you doing?" David frowned so hard it looked like he was about to give himself a headache.

"Oh, I just went for a run um, I fell and stuff but I'm good," Hallie explained smoothly.

"It looks like you were rolling around or something," David accused.

"I was laying down after my run that's all don't worry about it," she lightly shoved him out of the way to place her creation in the oven.

"I still can't believe that about the magazine," David sighed as if it was the worst thing that could have happened.

"I know, I worked my butt off for it, I guess they still thought it wasn't good enough."

"Oh I can believe it that they didn't put your photo in yet, your not quite ready babe, but I'm surprised that Michelangelo Gold couldn't airbrush everything, he's a master at it, did you know he,'"

"Shut up David. Seriously, if you can believe that a magazine about food wouldn't want your girlfriend, who worked to a size two by the way, than why are you dating me? Why do you bother with me if you don't even think I'm up to par or whatever?"

"Well babe you-,"

"I what?" she interrupted. "Fat stomach, fat thighs what is it? Take your pick, have a field day with it, the photographer and my agent certainly did. Why not my boyfriend too?"

"I never said you were fat-,"

"Yeah, yeah but I should just suck in my stomach right? You know David, there is someone that thinks I'm perfect the way I am, and right now he is seems much more appealing and caring than you are," Hallie sharply turned around wanting to just end the stupid conversation, and wait in another room for the oven to beep, but David caught up with her and blocked her path.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" He asked obviously worried. She was kind of loving it.

"You know who I'm talking about. Christian West. I saw him today when I went running, he told me I was perfect. Why the hell can't you do that?" Hallie demanded growing frustrated.

David absolutely shocked, blinked and took several steps backwards till he accidentally hit a wall.

"We just talked, calm down," Hallie lied.

"You talked to him today?" David asked slowly.

"Yes. He was just there, I totally wasn't expecting him," she said beginning to smile again as she remembered.

David let out a frantic chuckle in reply. "What else did you guys talk about?"

"Derek," she replied sadly. "And how he's back in California."

"He's back in California?" David repeated.

"Yeah, that's just how he is. He never stays in one place too long, I doubt he'll even stay for very long." Especially once he sees I'm back with you, Hallie thought to herself bitterly. She wanted to end it all with David right here, but first she had to see where things went with Christian.

"Wow, alright," David muttered to himself, then looked up at her again suspiciously.

"I swear we didn't do anything," Hallie assured him again.

"I know you didn't, I believe you," he walked forward and reached for her hand. "I think you might have left a couple things at your old place. Abby is still there right?"

"Yeah she should be, why what do you think I left there?" Hallie wondered.

"Um, just some girl stuff, I think you forgot it," he said awkwardly. "Why don't we just go there, pay her a visit."

"Okay sure," Hallie shrugged. "Let me just get my coat and brush my hair," she agreed.

"Uh Hallie, what about the cake in the oven?" David asked with that odd look of suspicion still on his face.

"Oh wow! I totally forgot and would have burnt the house down!" Hallie exclaimed beginning to laugh.

David's expression quickly turned terrified.

"Oh don't look at me like that," she said coming back out from the bedroom. "Lets go."


As they sped down the 101 to Hallie's old place David stared thoughtfully straight ahead, obviously in deep thought. Hallie noticed that he looked conflicted about something she was afraid to ask what, but figured she should just deal with it now.

"David, I know it wasn't right for me to talk to Christan but-"

. "It's something we don't need to talk about," David interrupted her by raising one hand up to silence her. "Abby will know how to deal with this better than I can."

"That's why we're going there? To all talk about Christian? What the hell David, I told you it's nothing, he's probably gone anyway."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked speeding as he exited.

"With Christian nothing is ever certain. You know?"

"Nothing is certain with you either," he mumbled.

Hallie certainly couldn't argue with that. They pulled up to the driveway and with out David's usual politeness of coming around the other side to open the car door for Hallie, he hurriedly jogged to the front door and rang the door bell while Hallie was still getting out.

Abby answered looking surprised to see David. The long driveway made it impossible to hear what they were talking about but when Hallie finally came within hearing range their conversation immediately ceased.

"Wow Abby, you look great!" Hallie exclaimed thoroughly impressed. Her long wavy auburn hair cascaded down a two tone red and black Alice + Olivia dress paired with black tights. She looked like she was about to go on a hot date, and then Hallie's suspicions were confirmed when Ryan, Abby's boyfriend stepped out looking just as sharp in a Hugo Boss blazer with stonewashed jeans.

"It's alright, we can do this later," Ryan assured Abby kissing her on the cheek.

"Do what later?" Hallie called after Ryan as he walked to his car. "Were you two about to go out? Don't cancel because of me! Abby what the hell?"

"Oh it's nothing he just realized he had to- go do something," Abby stuttered.

Hallie frowned at Ryan driving away wondering why on earth Abby dropped plans with her boyfriend just because she had showed up without even calling first.

"Oh it's nothing, come on in Hal, Daphne has missed you so much!" As if on cue Daphne, the little white Maltese bounded out from the hallway standing on top of the staircase.

Without hesitation Hallie ran upstairs to reunite with Daphne.

"I missed you so much girl! How have you been baby?" Hallie knelt down to scratch the dogs furry ears. After getting reacquainted with her old pet, Hallie looked down to see that David and Abby were still standing in the doorway talking in low voices.
"What are you guys talking about down there?" Hallie called.

"Oh!" Abby jumped looking upwards obviously unaware that Hallie had been watching.

"We were thinking it would be best that you spend the night here," David replied.

"You think it would be best? What do you mean?" Hallie ceased petting Daphne and quickly stood up. Why did David want her to stay here and not with him?

"Well Daphne obviously misses you," Abby laughed nervously.

"I think Abby is actually the one who misses you but she's just not admitting it," David teased.

"But I don't have my things," Hallie argued making her way back downstairs.

"You can use mine. Plus some of your stuff is still here, and there is an extra toothbrush that Ryan hasn't used yet," Abby pointed out.

Yuck, it better not be used yet, Hallie thought. "Alright, I guess?" Hallie said in a question.

"Great, just call if you need anything," David answered looking relieved. He unarmed his car and was outside before Hallie could say anything else.

"Uh do you want to give me a kiss goodbye?" Hallie inquired angrily.

David, already several feet ahead didn't hear her and got in his car. The expression on his face when he drove away had changed from relieved to troubled.

Hallie finally felt the usual guilt, but she was used to it by now, and knew she would easily be able to brush it off, especially if Christian was to come back around. Like she said, you never knew with him, and like David said, you never knew with Hallie either. Was that why they were so good together? Or was that why they were so messed up? The excitement with Christian had never been a question, just thinking of him made the tips of her fingers tingle.

"You're mom moved the bed out of your room, same with the guest room. You can sleep in my bed if you want," Abby offered interrupting Hallie's thoughts.

"No the couch is fine. Abby please go out with Ryan, I know David kind of dumped me off here cause he hates me, but that's not your problem. Go, have a good time."

"What exactly happened?" Abby asked carefully.

"Was he trying to ask you?"

"Well he said something about you, um seeing Christian? Is that true?"

"Yeah it was such a surprise. I had just been rejected from Magnifique Magazine because they thought I was fat, anyway I went to the lighthouse to run-"

"Wait they rejected you?" Abby spat outraged. "What stupid idiots, your like flawless what the hell is wrong with them?"

Hallie smiled at her thankfully. She knew Abby would be angry when she heard that, where as her parents would probably agree with the magazine.

"Sorry that just pisses me off, go on."

"I was running, I got to the top and there he was, just standing next to the lighthouse, like he'd been waiting for me or something. He told me that I was perfect the way I was, and I hadn't even told him about the magazine."

"Ah, I see. What did David say about the magazine?"

"That I need to work out more, he said he wasn't surprised they didn't want me," Hallie grimaced still insulted.

"My God, no wonder�," Abby's voice trailed off.

"No wonder we kissed?" Hallie responded matter-of-factly. "Is that what you were going to say?"

Abby sat still for a long moment contemplating this. Hallie didn't know why she was thinking about this so hard. If she didn't know that her and Christian had kissed, she didn't really know her own best friend at all did she?

"I hate David," Abby finally snarled, unusually angry.

"Well I mean it's not his fault, I shouldn't be cheating, I know that."

Abby closed her eyes trying to calm herself, then opened them back up and took Hallie's hands. "Look Hallie, I want you to stay here for a while. No David, no "Hot Girls That Can Cook", just stay here. All of those things are bad for you right now."

"It's really no big deal that David said that. He's said worse. Aren't you going to say anything about Christian?"

Abby sighed and led Hallie to the plush tan living room sofa.
"I totally get that you are sick of hearing about him," Hallie laughed. She figured if she was in Abby's shoes she probably would be too. "It was just so good, seeing him again, and touching him. It always is, you know?"

Abby's eyes widened with dreamy sentimentality, and at the same time she looked frightened by Hallie's words.

"Ok, ok I promise to shut up, lets watch myself on TV," Hallie reached for the remote and flipped to a rerun of her show. Right in the middle of Hallie moaning into the screen about blenders, Abby snatched the remote and flipped to something a little bit more tolerable.

"I love you but I'm so God damn sick of watching w****s make mashed potatoes! I mean really!" Abby admitted laughing.

"Oh I see how it is. So do you still think of me as a mashed potato-making w***e?" Hallie pouted her lips, referring back to when Abby had called her out on her scantily clad appearance after partying all night with the other "Hot Girls., and then missing the party Abby threw for her.

"Well your specialty is desserts, so I guess technically you are a dessert-making-w***e," Abby taunted.

"Wow you've become quite straightforward since I've been gone. What's gotten into you? Was it Ryan maybe?" Hallie retorted.

"You're horrible," Abby blushed maroon, as Hallie laughed at her own joke until Abby smacked her with a pillow.

"Well, the whole thing just wasn't you," Abby explained after the laughter had died down. "I mean I always thought you were destined for greatness with your cooking, but I don't know, your too good for that show."

"On the contrary. I'm too fat for it. I'm the fat girl of the cooking show, not the hot girl."

"Oh no your not," Abby shook her head unable to keep from laughing while she imagined the show being called "Fat Asses That Can Cook." In the stupid directors mind the fat asses were probably size two's like Hallie.

"If it wasn't for Christian I wouldn't even be on the show," Hallie stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, one day when he was visiting his parents grave, I came by to see if he was alright. He had picked up the flier for the cooking competition for me and had it in his pocket," Hallie explained.

"At the cemetery?" That's so�sad," Abby responded slowly, her voice trembling.

"You mean about his parents? Yeah," Hallie sighed. "I'd like to think that I took care of him after they died., but sometime I look at him, and he has so much animosity in his eyes, and I don't think I did a good job. I know that all of his anger is just hurt for what he went through. It makes me afraid to let myself fully love him, to fully be with him. We always said we would be together, we even have this little spot in the woods near the cemetery. We used to talk about living there," Hallie giggled thinking about how silly they had been. "I just wish it was that simple, you know?"

"You took the best care of him, you did everything you could, don't blame yourself please," Abby begged, becoming cloudy eyed.

"Are you crying?" Hallie asked shocked.

"No," Abby gulped. "Just allergies from Daphne," Abby pointed at the dog sleeping on the carpet.

"You don't have allergies!"

"Well I've developed them okay? I'm going upstairs, all your old things are in your old room. I just forgot I need to call Ryan," she disappeared in a flash up the stairs.

What a sap, Hallie thought to herself. Then again Abby was probably just bored to tears having to hear about Christian again. Could she help it if she was in love, or in lust, or in whatever confusing state she was currently in with him? It was midnight and Hallie figured she should get some beauty rest if "Hot Girls" decided to call her on the set, that is if they wanted her on the set again. She went up to her old room and found her ivory floor length chemise and matching robe that she had left behind. Sighing in comfort at the feel of the satin on her skin, she knew that sleeping on the couch in material this soft would be no problem.

Wondering if Abby was still awake, but too disturbed by her odd spout of emotion to check, Hallie walked past her room, went downstairs, and turned off all the lights. She fluffed one of the couch pillows and lay down on her side, hoping it wouldn't get too cold during the night. Besides a rare rainstorm here and there, Malibu spring weather usually promised to remain warm and sticky, but living so close to the ocean made everything undeniably cold, at least for a Californian. The automatic heater was already turned on, so she was sure she'd be just fine.

She still couldn't believe David had just dumped her off like a dad dropping his annoying kid off at daycare, but then again Hallie was lucky that David didn't just dump her. Who knew? Maybe he would. Not caring enough to think about it, Hallie turned to her side as much as she could with out tumbling off the couch, and then finally drifted to sleep with the sound of the sea.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

My Review

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I think that this chapter is really good like the other people said I really don't mind that it was long it was still good, but oh my god I am so ready for her to get rid of David like a bad habit. He is totally no good for her. But the story is still really Good.


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I loved it. Hallie was funny and I thought David looked like such a jerk. I can't wait for her to get rid of him. Maybe she can through him off the lighthouse or something?

Posted 16 Years Ago

Great chapter! I don't mind it being long! Why can't she just dump David already? Groan...haha

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sorry its so damn long!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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Added on November 12, 2008



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