![]() Death of a DreamA Chapter by Evil_Angel![]() Again super super vital to read to get everything.![]()
Death of a Dream
"Hallie wake up, I need to take you inside where it's warm." A snug pressure unwrapped itself from around her waist, and when Hallie turned around she realized that Christian had been carrying her quite a ways. "I fell asleep?" she murmured groggily, her vision blurred. "Yeah you kind of passed out. Not too long though." Could this be anymore of a fairytale? Yeah so getting mugged wasn't her idea of fun, but him carrying her all the way towhere the hell was she? Once she blinked the sleep out of her eyes, she looked up and realized she was leaning against the wall of the Plaza Hotel. What was he doing taking her to a place like this? She knew he couldn't afford it. "My apartment is still being investigated," Christian answered as if reading her mind. "So we'll just go in the hotel lobby for a little bit so you can get out of the cold." "Alright," Hallie agreed. Even if she looked like complete s**t, she was in no state to put up a fight to get warm. Plus it was four in the morning, anyone who mattered was probably getting their beauty rest in the hotels deluxe suites. Christian walked a still unstable Hallie over to the lounge area of the lobby, and sat down next to her on a plush loveseat, not once taking his eyes off her. She still couldn't believe he was there, as if he'd been waiting for her all along. "I'm going to go to the ladies room, you know, freshen up after that little outing," she joked looking down at her feet and clutching her ripped up muddy coat around her body. She had never been in such an elegant place looking the way she did, and refused to make it a first for long. Christian helped her to her feet as Hallie gave him an exhausted but thankful smile in return. When she entered the dauntingly mirrored bathroom, she was taken aback by how much her cheek was still swelling up. She imagined this is what she'd look like if she got in a fight with her manly cousin Jessica, who would probably chomp Hallie's face with her Chiclets size buckteeth. Concerning Jessica it wasn't much of a stretch. The rabid b***h. After smoothing out her hair, washing her face, and trying desperately to reapply make up with her still trembling hands, she realized Christian being the impatient person that he was, probably left her high and dry after nearly a half hour of trying to put herself back together. Could she blame him? Here he was out looking for his best friend's killer, and there she was, getting mugged in Central Park interrupting his irrational yet tenacious plan of vengeance. When she was finished trying to cover up her bruise with Mac cover-up, she decided she'd tell Christian she would just go on her plane back to Malibu. There was no use bothering him any longer, she found him, saw that he was safe, and should have already been on her way home, but then she remembered what she said to him before she passed out. Maybe it had been due to the blur of the assault, maybe by saying "I love you," she actually meant thank you for saving me. She decided that's what she probably meant, and illogically blurting out I love you was just a natural reaction. At least she hoped that was all it was. When she turned the corner back into the lobby she spotted Christian talking to the front desk receptionist. As if he sensed her behind him he turned around holding two hotel keys. "What are you doing?" Hallie asked perplexed as she strolled up to him. "You're staying here Ms. Harris," he replied matter-of-factly. "It is much too cold out there for you to be just wandering around." Did he mean we're staying here? He must have, and was just trying to be discrete about it. All thoughts of how inappropriate it was to go up to his room raced through her head, but she knew he wouldn't try anything. At least not anything she didn't want him to do. Plus she was much too tired for anything like that to happen. She just wanted to unconsciously fall back into his arms again like she did on the motorcycle, and allow him to take her wherever he pleased, so with that she allowed him to lead her into the elevator up to their room. When they opened up the unlit hotel room, both stood in the entryway facing each other, waiting for the other one to turn on a light, but neither bothered. She couldn't believe the size of the room. Granted she had stayed in the Plaza Hotel suites before, her family happened to be well known honored guests, but knowing Christian she just thought he'd get a regular room. This was too much. "Thank you again," Hallie whispered, she reached to stroke Christian's temple. Before closing his eyes and allowing himself to fall under the softness of Hallie's delicate touch, he turned around opening the front door. "Well I suppose this is my cue to leave," Christian remarked looking disappointed at his own decision. "I don't want you to leave, now that you are finally here with me," Hallie took both of his hands in hers. "That's how it's going to be, huh?" he smirked playfully taking his hands back, and opening the bathroom door. "Would you like me to run a bath for you?" Hallie nodded enthusiastically. A bath sounded almost as good as kissing him. As the bath loudly filled up with water Christian took some of the hotel bubble bath off the sink and freely used the entire bottle. "What are you doing?" Hallie asked playfully. "Am I going to bathe you again like I did when we were little? When you'd run away from home those late nights, and I'd sneak you in the tub till you were warm again?" "Uh, I guess other way around this time," Christian said testing the water with the tip of his fingers. Hallie shyly tilted her head gazing at him in the darkness. It wasn't like he hadn't seen her naked before, but she was afraid what it would escalate into. She'd had enough action for one night. "I can go if you want," Christian said sensing her apprehension. "No, please stay with me," Hallie replied. The last thing she wanted was to be alone. She removed her dirty coat, shredded shirt, and slipped out of her jeans. Christian relieved the pile of clothes from Hallies arms, and went out to place them on the bed as Hallie changed out of her bra and panties and stepped into the steaming hot bath. By the time Christian came back Hallie submerged in bubble bath, and all Christian could see were her bare tan shoulders and her long hair flowing through the water like a mermaids. He took a small wash cloth off the towel rack, dipped it into the water and began running it in long strokes up and down Hallie's back. She enjoyed how comfortable it felt, especially since she was butt naked and she knew nothing sexual would happen unless she initiated it. He then he took the side of her face where she got hit and lightly dabbed at the wound with the towel. Hallie gasped at the touch of it. "What happened?" Christian asked concerned. "I told you. I got mugged remember?" "Ohwow. I can't believe that happened to you of all people. "Why did you get this hotel room?" Hallie questioned. "Because you needed somewhere to rest for the night." "Yeah but why The Plaza? Why this room? I mean it's like five hundred a night" "I know, practically my rent for the month," Christian muttered. "But it was the best room they have. I know that is what you are accustomed to." "I wouldn't have minded staying at a cheaper one," "Don't worry it's all taken care of," Christian assured. "So that's why you did this? To impress me?" she said crossing her arms over the side of the tub. "You like it don't you? I suppose there are other rooms." "It's not about the rooms," she shook her head amazed at how forgiving he was being after the way she treated him back in California. "Come here," she said motioning for him to kneel back down. She pulled his face towards hers and happily kissed him on the cheek. Just as quickly as she kissed him her expression rapidly became serious. "What's wrong?" Christian asked. Resting her head on his shoulder, and taking in his cinnamon aroma that smelled better than the bubble bath, she whispered, "When I heard about Derek, the first thing I thought about was you. Thank God you're alright, I don't know what I would have done if something happened." "Oh, I-" and then unexpectedly, even to her, she closed her eyes, kissing him tenderly on his lips this time. Since she already kissed him, he couldn't help reciprocate. The touch of her lips onto his meant that it was too late for him. He slicked her wet hair back, fixated on her crystal blue eyes. They continued kissing like that for hours, with Hallie leaning over the bathtub and Christian still kneeling on the floor getting more and more soaked by the second, and hardly noticing until Hallie began shivering. "The water got kind of cold," she said her lips chattering. "Here," he quickly stood to his feet and unhooked a white bathrobe off of the door. As she stood up with the water cascading down her bare body, he was unable to keep from looking, so he quickly cloaked her in the robe. His lustful thoughts quickly turned into an observance of how adorable she looked in the oversized robe. He effortlessly picked her up, carried her to the king size bed and set her down onto his lap. They continued getting to know each others lips again, while tightly holding one another as the sun rose over their view of Wollman Ice Skating Rink. By now they were spread across the bed, Hallie's robe half undone and Christian's clothes strewn all over the place. Before going any further than making out, and ferocious groping, Hallie suddenly felt the weight of tiredness upon her and drifted into sleep. For what seemed like only a few minutes of sleeping, but from the clock was clearly a few hours, Hallie woke up, rolled over on her back staring up at the royal blue ceiling in contentment. "I can't believe it's morning already," Hallie sighed. Waiting for an answer, she looked besides her to see no one there, not even a trace of clothes. She sat up in bed, with her head racing wildly. Did he leave her? Did he leave her again? Christian came out of the bathroom tiredly laughed in reply of the sight of her franticness. "I'm here sweetheart, I'm never leaving you again so long as you don't leave me," he assured, joining her on the bed. "I never will. I promise you. I feel like I have a second chance with you, I'm going to take it." He reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing her wrist, her palm, her finger tips, and then something that tasted like metal. He opened his eyes startled at the gigantic yellow thing he saw on her finger, wondering how in the hell he hadn't noticed it before. "What the f**k is that? It's so tacky, did your mom give it to you or something?" Hallie's eyes quickly opened, bulging fearfully as if she slept through her alarm. How the hell was she going to explain this? She quickly stood up, avoiding his curious gaze and sat in a plush chair by the window. Taken aback by her avoidance, Christian sat up against the wooden headboard of the bed, and noticed that the ugly piece of jewelry was on her ring finger. He rushed over to where Hallie was sitting and menacingly stood over her. "What is that?" he repeated impatiently. She twirled fingers in her hair that had started to curl, and stared down at her feet unable to look at him. He let out a full volume scream that sounded like a roaring beast and slammed his fist against the wall behind her, causing her to look up. For the first time in her life she began growing scared of him. "David gave it to me," she mumbled shakily. "Really?" he inquired sarcastically. "Well I think I figured that part out, but tell me, when is the big wedding anyway?" "It's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring." Hallie watched as he turned away, walking toward the center of the room laughing hysterically. She now understood why people were scared of him, until now she had now idea, but he really was coming off as a f*****g loony person. "A promise ring," he asked with a wide grin across his face, " I can see you really took it seriously." "I don't even know what it means Christian." "Yeah obviously, I mean tell me, how do I fit into the equation? You run off, go get married to David, you're parents are happy as ever, and finally decide they give a s**t about you. Then oh, every month or so you come running back to me to get laid," he yelled while pacing the floor. "Shut up Christian!" "It sucks to hear the truth doesn't it? Well I live it everyday, whether I like to or not. I don't get to live some perfect little fake life like you do!" Hallie looked out the window tears wildly streaming down her face. Thinking Christian was still in the middle of the room, she half stood up, then staggered back into the chair when he was only inches away from her face. "It's clear you don't really care about me. In that case I want to find who murdered Derek, I want justice. If it means my life I really don't care, I didn't care till you came here, and now I see that I was wrong to think you ever loved me." "Why would you risk your life like that?" Hallie choked out. "Why not?" Christian challenged. "You think I don't care if you die? I would lose my mind, I don't know what I'd do! You think I don't feel anything because I'm rich? And because I was raised to be cold hearted? Well I wish I was! I wish I was like them, and couldn't care less what happens to you! But I love you, that's why I came find you!" "And that's why you accepted David's proposal." "It wasn't even a proposal! It was nothing, and this whole time I've been thinking how to tell him that I'd rather be with you, that it's over" she said standing up. "Don't bother. Derek's dead and I-," "Well you're not!" she forcefully interrupted before he could go on. "You're still alive, and now you want to put yourself in danger again? Do you think that's what Derek would want?" Tears began welling up in Christian's eyes, but she didn't care. "Do you?" she shrieked. Christian then sunk down on the chair, hid his face in his hands finally letting everything out. Hallie wrapped her arms around him leaning her head on top of his, still crying herself. "I love you," she repeated softly. "I want to tell David, just let me, and we can finally be together." He looked up, his eyes bloodshot from crying, and stood up to hug her back. "I can make you see what it's like to be happy," she sobbed. "I need to do that for myself, and in that case I can't be with you. I justI don't need this s**t," he said pointing to her ring. "I don't want to be in the middle anymore, I'm tired Hallie." Looking at his face he truly looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes and his body slumped over in the chair. "You won't be in the middle, we can be together, I'll tell David." "You always say that. You said it on Christmas, you've said it many times before, and I'm saying no. I'm done, and I want you to leave me alone." She placed her left hand, the one with the yellow diamond ring on his shoulder, and he quickly brushed it off. "It's your fault," he stated sternly. "What?" Hallie exclaimed, hoping he wasn't saying what she feared. "Derek, everything. It is your fault. I wouldn't have moved here if you had taken me in the first place. If you hadn't been so damn indecisive, none of this would have happened to me." "Oh God please don't say that. I'm here now, to make it better, we can Christian!" she pleaded. "No. It's daylight, it's safe to go out now, you're not going to get attacked again." "Christian please," she said as she was practically getting pushed out the door. She fetched her pile of clothes off the floor so she'd at least have something to wear if she got kicked out. "I love you too, but it's too late," he quickly said before letting out anymore emotion. The door was slammed and locked immediately. Hallie flung her pile of clothes on the floor and sat outside the hotel room in her white bath robe not caring who walked by. She couldn't believe how quick he was to make her leave, and wanted to bang on the door till he let her back in, but decided not to once she heard the sound of him crying. She cringed in pain at the thought of him in the room by himself upset, with her own tears falling even more than they had before. Exhausted she leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes trying to block out his grief seeping through the door, haunting her like a ghost. Maybe when he came out he'd change his mind and decide that he wanted to be with her after all, but if she truly made him that miserable, Hallie hoped that he wouldn't even notice her sitting there, and just go about the rest of his life without her in it. © 2008 Evil_Angel |
2 Reviews Added on November 7, 2008 Author![]() Evil_AngelSan Diego, CAAboutSunset Fire is #2 most read book on here! Woot! Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quiz Which Disney Princess Are You?AuroraYou're a tired old thing aren`t you? We first came under Aurora`s spell in Sleep.. more..Writing