Out of the Blue Comes Yellow

Out of the Blue Comes Yellow

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

Pretty much the same as the other chapter, a lil more edited, a few little changes here and there.

Out of the Blue Comes Yellow

        "How did you do?" David asked panting as he ran up the escalator where Hallie was sitting on a bench in the architecturally stimulating West Lobby of the Convention Center.

"I got third place overall. Five hundred dollars cash prize," Hallie shrugged somewhat disappointed holding up an envelope with the check in it. It wasn't that she was disappointed with winning third place, just winning something at all was awesome, but it was the fact David missed the entire thing, when she placed first in her category, and when they announced the final winners. She wasn't about to make a big deal out of it, but it just would have been nice to have someone there cheering her on.

"That's great! I was worried you wouldn't win at all, and then you would have done all that hard work. Lets go celebrate!"

He just knew all the right things to say didn't he?

"So who won first and second place?" David asked as they made their way out of the convention center.

"A golden apple pie won first place and raspberry truffle brownies won second."

"Damn those both sound good right now. What did you do with the cake?"

"I just left it there for anyone who wanted to eat it."

"Good," David breathed in relief. "I didn't want to carry that whole thing back to the car again."

"Ms. Harris! Uh Hailey?"

Hallie quickly turned around to see Roxie Mcclure trying to wave her down while running in six inch Jimmy Choo's. She had completely forgotten about Roxie wanting to meet up after the contest and she wasn't really in the mood to see what she had to say, especially since she won third and not first, but decided to be polite and give her a chance.

"Hi Roxie, I'm sorry I totally forgot you wanted to meet afterwards."

"Oh that's alright," Roxie panted out of breath. "And I'm assuming you're the boyfriend? You must be proud of her!"

David had no clue that Roxie had been one of the judges in the competition, nor that she was an executive of the entertainment industry. David just thought she was some "regular" person who was a blue collar worker at the Convention Center.

"Her name is Hallie actually, like Halle Berry. I don't see why that's so hard to say."

Roxie looked shocked by his rudeness, and then completely turned off.

Hallie had some idea that Roxie Mcclure was a significant person in Los Angeles, but even if she was a maintenance worker cleaning toilet bowls Hallie would never resort to being as rude as David just had.

"Well sorry! You know, I have other things I can be doing, this was a bad idea, goodbye!" Roxie sneered stomping away.

"No wait!" Hallie said quickly catching up to her. "Ignore my boyfriend, he's �.,"

"A prick?" Roxie replied finishing her sentence.

"He definitely can be," Hallie whispered soft enough so David wouldn't hear.

"Look, I'll just get to the point here, I don't know if you recognize me, but I am the creator of several successful television shows geared towards young audiences."

So that's who she was. She knew she recognized her from somewhere. This chick had Emmy award winning shows, and was often featured in magazines as one of the most innovative women in L.A.

"There are so many cooking shows out there, and they are so boring," she went on.

"You see the same old women cooking the same recipes every time. Well we had this idea for a show where we get several young gorgeous women like yourself, to cook things more geared to a busy diva's lifestyle, and less to the stay-at-home mom lifestyle. Not that being a stay-at-home mom is a bad thing," Roxie said carefully.

Even though that's pretty much what her mom was, well more a gold digger than stay at home mom, Hallie nodded completely intrigued. "That sounds awesome� but how would that work exactly?"

"Well just like the regular shows we would have several girls instruct in the cooking process, but we would show everyone how to have fun doing it, how to decorate and present to guests. Plus all the recipe's would be unique and original. This show is for women that lead fast paced lives but still want to impress friends and family by making something delicious. It is for women that can do it all, and often have to hold high society events in their home. We would have an in studio audience watching, and also girls that directly go to people's homes and help them create social events to die for."

Hallie couldn't believe how amazingly fun that sounded. It was like she just heard an explanation of what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

"What are you two talking about?" David came up behind Hallie making her jump. She had almost forgot he was there at all.

"This is Roxie Mcclure, she is like this television sitcom genius, and she wants me to be in her new show called�.what would it be called?" Hallie asked realizing she didn't even know the name.

"Hot Girls That Can Cook. Straight, simple, and to the point," Roxie declared. "Also it's geared towards guys who normally wouldn't watch cooking shows. So what do you say Hallie not Hailey, does that sound like something you'd be interested in?"


She could call her Hailey for all she cared. This woman had just made her day, maybe her life.

"Alright then lets exchange phone numbers. The show won't be airing until spring but you will have to work with us before that just to rehearse, practice some on camera-presence, stuff like that."

Hallie quickly took out her cell phone adding Roxie's number to the top of her list.

"Hold on a second. I don't know if I like the sound of this. Hallie don't you think it's -," his voice trailed off trying to think of the right word.

"What?" Hallie demanded annoyed.

"It's so sudden, don't you just want to take it easy? With the moving and the-,"

"Look, it is the first season of the show, and we will see how well it does," Roxy interrupted. "Who knows it might go off the air immediately, or it might be the new craze. Let her give it a shot, look how happy she is," she pointed at an overly enthusiastic Hallie.

"Fine�I guess," David muttered.

"I will be contacting you in a couple of weeks, I have to get all the girls together for this project. I am really glad I met you Hallie, you're adorable! I'm looking forward to working with you, I have a good feeling," Roxie said firmly shaking her hand.

Hallie beamed at her and when she was safely out of sight and hearing distance she screamed and jumped up and down like a little kid told that they would be confined to living in Disneyland for the rest of their life.

"I can't believe she just saw me and picked me!" Hallie exclaimed tugging on David's polo shirt sleeve. Hallie quickly noticed that he was pissed off about something.

"What's wrong?" Hallie asked, her high gone out the window.

"I just thought you were going to stay at home for a while," David admitted. Hallie thought he sounded like a sexist possessive freak, but it was understandable since she just cheated on him not that long ago, and he wanted her all to himself.

"I want to get out a little, you know, to show the world what I can do."

"Yeah I guess. It's just that after the contest, I was going to�.," David's voice trailed off.

Oh s**t here it was, what she'd been dreading.

"Going to what?" Hallie asked nervously.

David reached into his pocket, took out a crumbled up bag and predictably pulled out a jewelry box. Or maybe not so predictably.

Hallie put her hand up against the glass wall so as not fall over, and screamed "Please be a necklace!" in her head until her ears rang. This couldn't have been a freaking proposal. Who the hell bought a ring, came straight from the store, pulled out a crumbled up bag out of their pocket and proposed? No one! Or at least she hoped so�

Hallie noticed that the jewelry box was much too small to be a necklace, but possibly small enough to be earrings. When he opened the case, she couldn't see it for a second because she was blinded by it's color, but it was definitely not earrings.

The emerald cut 24 karat bright yellow ring sparkled wildly in the small case, reflecting light off the glass of the Convention Center. Hallie breathed heavily so overcome by the shock of what just happened, and had no idea what to say, or what she was supposed to say.

"Just so you know this ring doesn't symbolize we are going to be married yet," David explained.

Could you get anymore romantic than that?

"It's more like a promise ring, to show our commitment for one another. After all that has happened I forgive you, and I just want to move on with you." he said placing it onto her finger.

"So it's not an engagement ring?" Hallie asked relieved.

"It's a promise ring. See? It's a yellow diamond," David said holding her hand up so she should take a look.

"Yellow diamond?" she asked bewildered. Ok so it wasn't like she deserved jewelry at all for her recently promiscuous activities, but what about just a plain freaking diamond that wasn't the color of pee? Ew. She wanted to choke out the words why, but she was still too surprised to say anything.

"You don't like it," David observed.

"No--- I do! You just caught me so off guard, I wasn't expecting this at all�"

"If it's too fast, if it's too much, I can take it back!" David spoke a thousand miles a minute.

"David calm down please, you just surprised me that's all. This is wonderful," she replied softly kissing him. Maybe this weird, random proposal, or not proposal hadn't been very thought out, or romantic for that matter, but it was the thought that counted wasn't it? All he wanted was to know that she wouldn't cheat on him again, and she wanted to prove to him that she wouldn't.

"I love it, the ring is gorgeous," Hallie said looking at it one more time. Yeah so yellow wasn't her idea of "gorgeous", nor did she really like gold jewelry, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to argue, she just wanted to make it work, make them work. She had the responsibility of growing up, and complaining like a little brat wasn't part of being responsible. Things like Christmas lights all over a castle in the middle of the forest were more romantic then any jewelry she could think of, but romance like that was just temporary. Like Christian had been temporary. Soon the ice on the castle would melt, and reveal itself for the old crumbled up rocks that it really was. Maybe it just depended how she looked at it, but she was going to choose to look at David as the love of her life, even if she had to force it.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

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Added on November 7, 2008



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