Disappearing Act

Disappearing Act

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

Happenings after Derek's death. May change the order of things...not sure just kind of a plot outline.


Christian listened to the priests voice echo throughout the church, about how Derek was in a better place now, how God would want everyone to forgive whoever murdered Derek. Christian thought that was complete and utter bullshit, and if it was true he really didn�t care. He�d gladly go to hell to avenge his best friend.

The sunlight sparkled through the stained glass window creating colorful shades on the mahogany coffin Christian purchased. He had used all the money he had, it only felt right seeing that he felt responsible for the death of his best friend. After zoning out during the rest of the ceremony, he was asked to be a pall barer, and while he easily lifted the heavy casket over his head, he felt like he was balancing the weight of the world on his shoulders, and wished it could be socially acceptable to just drop all that he was holding up and let it crush him to death.

After the funeral Christian was invited by Derek�s grandparents to attend a small reception at a family friends house. Christian never understood that about funerals, why everyone got to eat and drink afterwards, as if it was some type of celebration. He couldn�t remember if they did the same thing when his parents were murdered. During that time he was too in shock to think about anything, and wondered if today would slip from his mind as well. He could only hope. He politely turned down the invitation, mostly afraid of the looks on peoples faces, the looks that would solidify the guilt inside of him.

Another family member dead, and he was always the only one left alive, left for suspicion. Back when his parents case was being solved, and police couldn�t find any suspects, Christian�s classmates spread rumors that he probably did it himself. It was second grade, a thoughtless and childish stage in someone�s life, so saying something that horrible could be forgiven, but if but if anyone even hinted at Christian having to do with Derek�s death, then he really would kill someone.

Christian had been kicked out of the apartment so the cops could further investigate, and as he promised he�d been wandering the streets looking for Derek�s killer, but with no luck. He couldn�t afford a new place after all the money he spent on Derek�s funeral, but he was finally headed to the police station, to clear his name since he was a suspect, and to see if the cops had any new information.

When he got to the front desk one of the cops from the case immediately recognized Christian. He was kind of hard to miss standing in a black suit at NYPD.

�You�re here about the case for Derek Serrano?�

Christian nodded. He�d heard his name a million times over at the funeral, but hearing it in the event of his murder case felt so surreal. He placed his hands on the clerks desk for fear that his body might decide to comply with the way his mind was feeling, unstable.

�Here, why don�t you come back and sit down,� the officer motioned seeing that Christian was obviously troubled.

�Just have a seat here, Detective Rollins will be right with you,� the officer said leading him back to a messy office desk.

As the officer left, Christian decided to remain standing. He looked around the cubicle at all the family photos posted up. He saw one in particular of who he assumed to be Detective Rollins kids, two boys happily paddling through rough currents, on what looked like a river rafting trip. Maybe they were brothers, or best friends. Probably both. Christian wondered what would happen if one fell overboard. Would the other one jump in and go save him?

Christian squeezed his hand tightly to keep it from shaking any harder. He just wanted to get this crap over with, clear his name, and most importantly find out if anyone knew anything so he could find them, and kill them like he promised.

�I�m Detective Rollins,� a scrawny stoned looking man offered his hand out to Christian. He looked about middle aged, and smelled of coffee and cigarettes, which really made Christian want to smoke.

�Christian West.�

After about an hour of questioning, telling the cops where he was at what time, how Derek had been involved in drug dealing, doing everything he could to possibly get some answers, Detective Rollins had none for him. All they knew were the type of gun Derek was shot with, and around the time it happened. They were still running checks on any recent purchases of that weapon in the area, and of any other witnesses who might have seen something. The detective said it would probably be months before they found out who did it, if at all.

Apparently no one saw anything, or at least remembered anyone suspicious being let into the building, although it wasn�t exactly the most secure of places to live. The only thing someone saw, was a tenant who reported seeing Christian leave that morning, therefore Christian became dismissed as a suspect, but still it was no relief.

�So that�s it? Nothing else?� he asked in disbelief.

�I�m sorry Mr. West, there�s nothing yet. We�ll just have to wait and be patient.�

�I am living on the god damn streets right now. Derek�s dead, I got no one. What the hell do you suggest I do? Just be f*****g patient?�

�I can call a homeless shelter for you,� Detective Rollins offered.

�No! I don�t give a damn about that, I just want to know who killed him. I want to know!� Christian slammed his fist loudly on the desk.

Several cops came around the cubicle hearing all the commotion.

�Sir, there�s nothing else we can do. We will contact you if we find anything, but for now you better just leave,� the detective said nervously standing up.

One of the cops placed a hand on Christian�s shoulder to escort him out, but Christian roughly shook it off and swiftly made his way back to the streets. He didn�t understand how there wasn�t one shred of evidence or DNA that could tell which scumbag murdered Derek. He couldn�t wait months to find out. How could that detective have the nerve to tell him to be patient? People were patient waiting for the subway, they didn�t just sit around reading a magazine while trying to find out who killed they�re best friend.

It had been so sunny during Derek�s funeral, but now it was pouring rain outside, and it was already growing dark. Everything about today was off.

Christian pushed his way through the afternoon crowds walking home from work back to their families. The families they probably didn�t value or love like Christian loved Derek. He wished so bad he hadn�t left that morning, he would have killed whoever tried to hurt him. Maybe he would have died in the process, but it would have been worth it, not having to feel the way he did anymore.

Christian didn�t even know where he was headed, it wasn�t like he had any particular place to go, so he just slammed into person after person, until everyone became a haze of gray that blended into the gloomy state of his existence.

By now it was well past nighttime, and all the hood rats were coming out. Coming out to sell a little weed here and there, kill an innocent person, and crawl back into their holes during the day back to their miserable lives.

Christian realized he couldn�t be more similar to them, and he desperately wanted to find someone to buy from. Just thinking about drugs made Christian�s hand shake, for once in a good way. Instead of being turned off by the thought of using, he wanted it more then ever, and he wanted it to be the last time he used because he hoped that this time he would finally just overdose. Before he could think about it any longer he looked up in disbelief at the building he unconsciously ended up at.

It was the same old orphanage he met Derek at and lived with when he was thirteen years old, except now it was just an old empty building. Christian stood there for hours staring at yet another one of his old crumbled up homes, he barely noticed he was soaking wet from the January rain growing heavier and heavier.

He finally pushed the rusted door open, and let himself inside. It was amazing how long it had been since he lived there. Unlike his parents house he wasn�t afraid to go in. Witnessing a murder he thought himself a stupid, scared little boy for not doing anything at the time. It made it damn near impossible to go inside and apologize to his mother and father. But he was a man now, and maybe he could say sorry to Derek. There would be nothing better than to see him one more time and tell him all of the unsaid things someone wishes they could say when a person is gone. Then again, maybe it would just be easier to disappear as well.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

Author's Note

The photo is kinda what I picture Christian looking like :P

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Featured Review

In the beginning I felt drawn in with the church.
it gave you a question in the first paragraph.
"Is he going to kill this guy?"
After that all you want to do is see what christian will do.
Very very good concept.
I liked it a lot.
I'm going on to the next chapter for sure!
Keep writing!


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


whoa this was an awesome chapter. I was completely drawn in.. like I was there myself. you did a great job here... just keep it up!!!

Is here goin to run into hallie again?? I hope so. I know that isn't over.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Somehow, I missed a chapter where Derek was shot. Had to go back to read it. I hope you don't mind if I add a few personal thoughts. It seems to me there are a few holes in the story. Back to when Christian entered the apartment to find the cops. I don't think they would let him go. If they had no clues, he has to be a suspect for the murder. At least he would need to be interviewed immediately. If he was innocent, the fact that he knew Derek would suggest he may have knowledge of who did it. From your description, he seemed to be resisting arrest, which would go badly against him.

I don't know anything about the NYPD, but in UK there is no way he would be forced to live on the streets because the place was under investigation for clues. Until they were convinced of his innocence he would be kept in the cells. If on his release, they had not finished with the house, he'd be put up in a hotel at public expense.

The last point, I'm not sure the length of time between Derek's death and the funeral. The impression I got, it did not seem very long. By the time they complete post mortem examinations and release the body for burial, can be quite a long wait. At least a month, maybe more.

Sorry to sound negative about the story line. I still found it a fascinating read. Sorry it has taken me a while to get to it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

So what will Christian do now? Just enough of the question to draw the read to the next part.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In the beginning I felt drawn in with the church.
it gave you a question in the first paragraph.
"Is he going to kill this guy?"
After that all you want to do is see what christian will do.
Very very good concept.
I liked it a lot.
I'm going on to the next chapter for sure!
Keep writing!


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Added on August 2, 2008



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