Bros Before Hoes

Bros Before Hoes

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

Haha the dumbest name for a chapter i know. Just christian reflecting on what happened with hallie, and derek trying to convince him not to spend Christmas alone drunk

Bros Before Hoes

�I told her I loved her,� Christian admitted from underneath the car.

Derek�s car wouldn�t start that morning and so instead of taking it to a mechanic that would rip him off, he called Christian.

�I guess that didn�t go well,� Derek answered lazily strumming an old acoustic guitar.

�I brought this necklace thing I had, with a picture of her and I in it from like seventh grade. When I told her I loved her, she threw the photo of me out into moving traffic� he said as oil leaked all over his shirt. He rolled out on the dolly, sat up and took off his shirt giving Derek�s neighbors a nice little show, then disappointed them by going back under the car.

�Oh that locket thing? How do you know she didn�t just throw her own picture and not yours?�

�You think?� Christian�s surprised voice echoed hollowly as he fiddled with one of the car parts. He wondered how Derek could possibly know that.

�You are so stupid man, that girl loves you. Even I can see that. She makes you food all the time, she always calls asking for you, she goes and finds you at the graveyard, where I didn�t even know you�d be,� Derek went on. �And the way she talks about you, how do you not see it?�

�Dude she rejected me,� he said coming back out and standing up. Grease was all over his bare chest so he took a full water bottle pouring it over his head.

Several women peered out of their second story windows to look at the hunk downstairs and a few young girls from the apartment�s community laundry room came out dropping their basket of clothes to the ground as they stood gawking.

�Sweet the laundry room is free!� Derek laughed, picking up Christian�s shirt and heading upstairs to get his own dirty clothes. He was used to women falling over Christian, it was great how it worked to both their advantages.

�Huh?� Christian asked completely unaware that every female in the apartment was spying on him.

�Just like I said. Stupid,� Derek rolled his eyes. �It�s Christmas Eve why don�t you get her a present or something?

�The last thing she wants to see is me,� Christian assured.

�You told me she kissed you when you last saw each other. Were you lying?� Derek challenged.

�No, but-�

�And you told me you loved her. Were you kidding about that?�

�Of course not but-�

�But what? You love her, she loves you, I�m sick of hearing about it. I�m sick of seeing you alone moping around, not even interested in other chicks cause you love this one so much.�

�I�m interested! I just don�t want them as girlfriends,� Christian replied.

�So basically unless you are with Hallie, you�re gay. I mean you could have fucked that Stephanie chick at the bar I brought for you, but instead you went running as soon as Hallie called,� Derek said shaking his head.

Christian threw down the empty water bottle angrily. He hated when Derek was right. �I�ve fucked plenty of chicks and it was the shittiest feeling when Hallie and I had sex and then left. So yeah, I kind of haven�t wanted to do that to anymore girls.�

Derek nodded understandingly. He admired Christian for his honesty, it was a rare thing for his friends to be so upfront, that�s why Christian was dubbed his best friend.

�The thing is she�s got a boyfriend. I told her I wanted her to be mine, but she doesn�t want that. I should leave her alone, plain and simple, it�s the right thing to do.�

�So you are just going to give up? Tell me how it felt, for you to be alone in that cemetery, and then she cared enough to show up.�

�What is this, intervention?� Christian scowled.

�Yeah. Answer the question,� Derek demanded.

Christian thought about it. He thought about holding her as she cried, and how his coldness disappeared as her warmth surged through his bones.

�For the first time, it felt like my parents were proud of me. Does that sound stupid?�

�Not at all.�

�Man I�m garbage though, her parents would kill her if they saw her with me,� he said coming back to reality.

�Don�t worry, they�d probably kill you not her,� Derek joked. �Listen, I�m going to do laundry while it�s still free. Thanks for fixing the car.�

�You owe me,� Christian yelled up to Derek as he went inside.

�Think about what I said!�

�Yeah yeah,� Christian replied shivering in the December weather. There wasn�t much to think about, he blew it with Hallie last night just like he did years ago. He confessed his feelings and was rejected, definitely something he wasn�t used to.

He wondered what she was doing for Christmas Eve, if she was at home, on vacation, but no matter what, he realized that it would be with David. He wished that he could just be friends with her, but he knew from last night that he had messed that up too. He wished it could be like when they were kids, when he�d sneak into her bedroom Christmas night, exchange presents and have to do their best to keep their voices down. Those were the times in his childhood he ever felt like a child, the times that he would look forward to all year, and he could dream about those days all he wanted, but they were long over.

�You�re staying for dinner right?� Derek chucked a dirty sock at the back of Christian�s head startling him out of his thoughts.

Christian shrugged punching his friend in the arm.

�Come on, you�d rather get drunk by yourself like you do every year? It isn�t good for you,� Derek said putting down the dirty pile of laundry as they continued play fighting.

�I don�t want to interfere with family s**t.�

�Well since you are family you won�t be,� Derek replied kicking him in the shins.

�Remember when we lived in that foster home in New York?� Christian said more seriously.

�Yeah, that�s where I met you stupid.�

�Remember that Christmas there? We stole a basketball from the school and just f*****g played all day. How old were we?�

�I don�t know like thirteen or something. Why?� Derek asked curiously.

�Nothing, was just wondering,� Christian said. He wanted to remember a good Christmas he had without Hallie Harris, and when he moved to New York Hallie certainly wasn�t there.

�Sure I�ll stay over,� Christian finally agreed.

�Really?� Derek asked surprised.

�Yeah count me in.�

�Good go home and get dressed. Dinner starts at seven.�

Christian rode home to snow-patched Folsom. There was nothing more beautiful than spending Christmas in an old historical town, where he almost made Hallie his family, but now he didn�t even know how to keep her as a friend. She made it clear that she wanted to be left alone, although he couldn�t help but wonder which photograph she threw in the streets, his or hers? That didn�t really matter, it wasn�t like he was going to see her.

Either way it felt kind of good not to get wasted on the holidays for once. Even after getting cleaned up and putting on some nice clothes it was nerve racking going back to Derek�s family�s house. It was always so awkward watching them together, as much as they tried to include him he always felt left out, but he figured Derek was his brother, and maybe this year would be different.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

Author's Note

Will definitely edit this sometime, very rough draft once again.

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Featured Review

i liked your style ,the dialogue,,you are putting the grounds for very nice events to come ,i like the character building,thats getting more mature ,all the setup is very nice ,if you would step up events to go at a quicker pace,i think it would be more exciting ,but you know better dear ,maybe you have something else cooking ,on whole its great ,and i loved it,moayad

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


That title reminds me of something that my best guy friends told my boyfriend.I just wanted to say that which is what caught my attention.Thats a good story by the way good title and check out my new chapter in my book.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

hahaa i love the title bros before hos............... pretty funny......... another god chapter

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

ooooo me likey!! Christian + sober= promising awesome Christian/Hallie things to come!! hahaha

I think they are right.. with each chapter u seem to be growin a little more sure of yourself and it shows in your work and your characters... What is goin to happen at this dinner?/ hmm I wonder lol? Will he run into hallie??
What about Hallie and David? She has wake up and fess up after her drunken goofup.. hahahaha
sorry bout that.. hyper.

Great Write!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I liked this chapter, it evolved Christians character alot more then before. And showed to the reader, he wasn't all just a sap. I think that this may forshadow a stronger more self-assured Christian in the future. And if Hallie can get over her parents controlling her life. I think hearts are in the future.

Another good chapter. Weaving more of the pieces into an elaborate puzzle.

Thanks for Sharing!
Infinity's Shadow

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

i liked your style ,the dialogue,,you are putting the grounds for very nice events to come ,i like the character building,thats getting more mature ,all the setup is very nice ,if you would step up events to go at a quicker pace,i think it would be more exciting ,but you know better dear ,maybe you have something else cooking ,on whole its great ,and i loved it,moayad

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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Added on June 2, 2008



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