Spinning Thoughts

Spinning Thoughts

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

Hallie gets drunk with David, a little bit of bad info leaks out... Kinda funny.

After Hallie went back to the Pacific design center she changed out of her lingerie into a classic little black dress and pinned her hair up into a tight bun with a jeweled dragonfly clip. As she walked out she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, but didn�t want to look any longer at the hooker who cheated on her boyfriend yet again. Instead she ignored the reflection she saw and went outside to the front where David and her friends were waiting outside.
        As she went through the crowd she got several compliments on her debut, then she finally saw Abby, Kristen, and David huddled by the fountain waiting for her.

�Hallie!,� the girls screamed tackling her with congratulatory hugs. �You were smoking hot in the show! You put every b***h up there to shame!� they gushed proudly.

�Hey Hal,� David greeted giving his girlfriend giving a quick peck on the lips. �You were so great babe,� he said handing her a bouquet of a dozen red roses.

�Thank you,� she blushed humbly accepting them. �I messed up though. Did you guys see?�

They all looked at each other to see who would answer first.

�Just a little but it�s no big deal. I still think you have a shot, I heard a bunch of modeling scouts asking who you were,� David finally said.

�Really?� Hallie asked excited. �I kind of gave them an attitude back there, I doubt La Perla will want me back.�

�There is a bunch of other big name brands you can model for that probably want you,� Kristen reassured.

�I thought you were modeling a few outfits but I only saw you come out once,� Abby said confused.

�Yeah some things happened, it�s a long story,� Hallie said speaking best friend language. It�s a long story meant she�d spill all the details about how Christian came to the show later.

�We can still make our reservation if we hurry,� David said. He had reserved seating at a popular L.A. sushi restaurant Hokusai for a late night celebratory dinner.

�Alright we better go. Thank you so much for coming,� Hallie said kissing both girls on the cheek.

�Of course, we wouldn�t miss it,� Kristen said.

�Call me later,� Abby winked.

David took Hallie�s hand as they walked back to her car. �I�ll drive,� David offered.

It was a strange feeling sitting in the car with her boyfriend when Christian has just been there a second ago.

�It smells a little like cigarettes in here,� David said breathing in the air. God he was like a bloodhound sniffing out her infidelity.

�Oh I had this friend in here smoking earlier,� Hallie replied frantically.

�None of your friends smoke do they?� he asked suspiciously.

�No, it was just this girl that was in the show with me,� Hallie lied. She wished he�d quit prying so she could quit telling lies and feeling guilty. �So did you like that little corset I wore?� she asked changing the subject.

�Yeah I guess,� he replied pulling into the restaurant.

Yeah I guses? That was all? The guilty thought crept back into her mind about how her boyfriend was just so��.unexciting, and lacking passion. She knew if it was Christian he would have pulled over, thrown her on top of the car and ripped her dress off with his teeth. Was that so much to ask David to do? To spontaneously make wild love to his girlfriend? She didn�t think so.

Then again being with someone stable like David, someone passive to balance out her feisty personality was healthy. Unlike aggressive Christian who cussed every other word, never held back saying what was on his mind, and had more baggage than the LAX airport, definitely unhealthy. But who in their right mind preferred anything healthy over unhealthy? The bad stuff was just so yummy sometimes.

Hallie shook the naughty thoughts from her mind, grabbed her boyfriends hand and entered the darkly lit Hokusai restaurant.

�Hello reservation for Carrington,� David asked the hostess.

�Right this way,� she said walking over to an even more dimly lit area. Maybe the sexy vibe the restaurant was giving would make David just want to finish his meal fast as possible so he could get home and have crazy sex with Hallie. Hopefully at least.

�Hi welcome to Hokusai may I start you off with any drinks?� a waiter asked ready to write down the order.

�Yes I would like the Sake please,� Hallie replied much too quickly.

David gave her a funny look and just ordered a water. After the waiter left they sat in awkwardness for a little while waiting for the other one to talk first.

�So why didn�t you model the other two outfits?� David finally asked.

�Uh, I was just too nervous after that first one. So are you excited for Christmas?� Hallie said veering from the topic.

�Yeah I already got you your present, what did you get me?� David inquired.

�I can�t tell you! You�ll have to wait and see!� Hallie said lightly tapping his leg under the chair with her platform heel. She then stroked his calves with her shoe, up and around his thigh.

He smiled in return then picked up a menu to read. Not wanting to give up Hallie took her hand sliding it up David�s forearm and sensually rubbing up to his bicep. Almost as if he didn�t feel it he took his arm away to turn the page of the menu and asked, � What do you think you are going to order?�

This was even more frustrating than college pre-calculus, so Hallie stopped her little foreplay game and picked up her own menu, concentrating on it so she could forget her irritation.

�I definitely want sushi I just don�t know what kind yet,� Hallie said trying not to portray the anger she felt in her voice.

�I�ve been here more times than you, how about I order for us? I know all the good stuff here,� David offered.

�Sure,� she shrugged.

�Don�t worry, you�ll like what I get for us,� he reassured.

As long as it was sushi Hallie really didn�t mind, and as long as the damn drinks would arrive soon.

Finally the waiter came back with long bamboo shoots filled with sake, and Hallie took them off the serving platter before the waiter could even place them down on the table. Thirsty are we?

�Are you ready to order?�

�Yes, I will have the pan-fried lobster and she will have the tuna steak with wasabi,� he said handing the menus back to the waiter.

�Wasabi? Isn�t that stuff really spicy?� Hallie asked.

�It�s really good, it will give your meal some flavor you�ll like it,� David replied.

�Alright,� she agreed hoping the wasabi would come on the side. So much for sushi.

�So we�ve been dating nearly two years now, and I�m getting done with law school. It�s just a thought but what do think about moving in together?� David asked out of the blue. Hallie almost choked on the warm sake. That�s what she got for wanting spontaneity.

�What about Abby?� Hallie replied shocked.

�What about her? She can find somewhere else to live,� David stated impersonally as if Abby was just some random girl .

�What made you decide this all of a sudden?� Hallie demanded.

�I�m sick of living with my parents, and I think it would be better for our relationship if we live together,� he explained. �You�re father thinks it�s a good idea, I already spoke to him about it.�

�You talked to my dad about it before me?� Hallie exclaimed.

�Yeah, he thought it was a good idea. He said it would make you more focused,� David answered casually.

�More focused? Focused on what? On school? My grades are great, I don�t understand,� Hallie shook her head growing upset.

�Just on growing up, you know? You are going to be done with college in a year, you can�t just be living with Abby like you are single.�

�Oh I know what this is about. It is about me seeing Christian, and about you and my father wanting to keep tabs on me. You don�t want to move in because you love me, you want to do it so you all have control over me!�

�Is it such a bad thing that we don�t want to see you run off with that scumbag again? He�s got a way of manipulating you, bringing you into his problems, and I can tell you still think about him,� David accused.

�I�m a big girl David, I can make my own decisions. Besides, I haven�t even spoken to him,� she lied.

He eyed her suspiciously and took a sip of water. �If I didn�t love you I wouldn�t want to move in with you. I wish you knew that.� he said with his brown eyes full of sadness.

Seeing him that depressed Hallie became filled with remorse, but stood her ground. �It�s hard to know that you love me when you are discussing details of our relationship to my family.�

�Fine I won�t anymore, as long as I know that you are going to grow up, be a better girlfriend,� he said resolutely.

Hallie gasped offended. Before Hallie could oppose the statement that she was a bad girlfriend, the waiter arrived with the food. Her eyes already watered at just smelling the wasabi, which to her dismay was already spread across the entire piece of tuna steak.

�Enjoy,� the waiter smiled. The only thing Hallie wanted to enjoy was more sake, but she figured she should start being a �better girlfriend� and eat her dinner. She cut the steak in little pieces trying to ever so sneakily scrape of the wasabi. How in the world did David figure she�d like this?

Hallie took a small bite of the steak. Her throat immediately began burning and she took a sip of David�s water as he heartily inhaled his pan-fried lobster, not noticing his girlfriends face turning purple.

�How do you like yours?� Hallie asked hoarsely in hopes of getting her mind off the fire in her mouth.

�It�s cooked precisely right,� he answered as if he was a world renown food critic. �Maybe one day you�ll be able to cook like this.�

Hallie coughed equally from her meal and from David�s comment. �You don�t think I cook this good now?�

�You cook great babe, but no offense these guys are classically trained.�

�I bet if I were trained I could cook like that too,� she replied thinking about what Christian said, that even though he hadn�t had a gourmet meal before he knew hers was the best. But that was the whole point, he never had a gourmet meal before so he really didn�t know did he?

�Yeah but you�re a business major, you love real estate like your dad. That will be a good job for you when we live together. You can work from home doing that, and then you can cook all you want too,� he said cheerfully.

�Yeah,� she replied uneasily. She took some more bites of her dinner choking it down as much as possible, feeling like she was doing the same thing with her relationship.

�I actually was thinking of entering this cooking competition. If you win you get a bunch of cooking supplies, and all these chef�s from around the world will be there to consider training you,� she relayed.

�That sounds fun for you,� David answered distantly, engulfed in eating his lobster.

Hallie really didn�t know how to tell David that maybe she wanted to pursue cooking seriously, and that it wasn�t just something �fun�, that she would use only to make him happy. She was afraid to even go on about it anymore, in fear that he would just laugh at her, and that wasn�t what she needed. Sitting there looking at the half-eaten steak on her plate, she realized she couldn�t have felt more like an object rather than someone he loved. She was just this robot girl that would cook and clean for him, and use her college to degree to sometimes do real estate on the side. Why couldn�t he see there was more to her than that? How was it that Christian, who hadn�t known her for the five years they�d been apart, could easily tell she wanted to do more with her life?

Hallie polished off the last of the Sake, enjoying the dizzy feeling taking over her.

David took care of the check and helped balance his tipsy girlfriend back to the car.

When they got in the car it was like the alcohol had totally bombarded her system, and forgetting her anger Hallie began sloppily kissing David all over his neck. That�s what Sake will do to you.

�Mmmm� Hallie moaned as if she was half awake.

�You are such a light-weight,� David laughed.

Hallie ignored him and began unbuttoning his shirt as he was driving, mumbling all the dirty things she was going to do to him when they got back to her house.

When they arrived at her place Hallie stumbled out of the car holding onto David for support. They got inside and she crawled up the stairs as if she were handicapped. Giving up on reaching the third floor to her bedroom she pulled David down by the collar and began ferociously making out with him while laying back against the staircase.

�This can�t be comfortable for you,� David said through fits of kissing.

Hallie reached down pulling off her stiletto�s and chucked them down to the first floor.

�Is that better?� Hallie asked dizzily.

�I don�t know, they were your shoes,� David replied trying his best not to laugh.

�Oh my god my head is going to come off it�s spinning so much,� Hallie said closing her eyes.

�Don�t close your eyes that will make it worse,� David warned, and just as he said Hallie gagged loudly.

�Oh man, come on,� he said pulling her upstairs to the bathroom.

Instead of heading to the toilet she crookedly walked to the bathtub, and with out even knowing it she crouched over the tub and spewed all of the dinner David just paid over a hundred dollars for. Drinking and eating loads of wasabi on an empty stomach was never a good idea. David pat her back as she practically threw up her insides.

�I�m sorry, I�m sorry,� she kept drunkenly apologizing.

�It�s alright Hal, you just shouldn�t have drank that much.�

�At least my stomach doesn�t stick out anymore,� she said sarcastically.

�Oh come on, are you still mad about that?�

�No because Christian came and told me I looked great.�


David took his hand off the small of her back and stood up. �He was there?�

�I didn�t ask him to come baby, he just showed up.�

�When were you planning on telling me that? Not when you were sober!�

�Nothing happened!� she lied even though she spilled part of the truth too.

�How did he know to come?� David exclaimed.

�I told him at the graveyard,� Hallie replied taking a towel off the rack and wiping her face.

�You were at a graveyard?� David shook his head wondering if she was just babbling random things since she was drunk. �I expect a full explanation in the morning.�

�Fine, and since you are about to go tattle to my parents about it don�t tell them I�m drunk right now okay?� she said knowing how much that would piss her boyfriend off.

David stood up and looked at Hallie sprawled across the bathroom floor, barefoot in her skimpy little dress. Even drunk she could feel his disgust for her. �Have a great rest of the night,� he said walking out and slamming the bathroom door behind him, leaving her to wobbly fend for herself.

She lay her head on the cold tiled floor, knowing her relationship with David was probably over. Maybe she wouldn�t have to provide an explanation in the morning. Maybe David and her family would just shun her for life, and never speak to her again. She wouldn�t put it past any of them.

If she wasn�t completely off, she realized that Christmas Eve was tomorrow. What a way to start the holidays. Slowly closing her eyes, she hoped that she had drank enough so that she wouldn�t have to wake back up to her stupid life.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

Author's Note

I think when i edit this more I'll be more descriptive, for now its a bit of a rough draft for the plot like most of my chapters.

My Review

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Featured Review

that was a great one. and like someone already mentioned before, it is full of funny one liners which i especially liked. witty, sarcastic conversation.

You have mentioned that this one is a rough draft and so i thought that i would mention some of the tying errors so that you can correct them in the final copy. I am not sure if some other writer has pointed out the errors in their review but i think i will mention them just in case :

Hey Hal, David greeted giving his girlfriend giving a quick peck on the lip- giving repeated twice.
Yeah I guses?- spelling of guess
Youre father thinks its a good idea,- spelling of your
and use her college to degree to sometimes do real estate on the side- use of to
Thats what Sake will do to you.- i think it should be That's what Sake does to you.

Also , it would be better if you did not leave out the apostrophes as she'd was read by me as shed.

I hope you don't mind my pointing out the mistakes.
Great work.
Keep up

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


that was a great one. and like someone already mentioned before, it is full of funny one liners which i especially liked. witty, sarcastic conversation.

You have mentioned that this one is a rough draft and so i thought that i would mention some of the tying errors so that you can correct them in the final copy. I am not sure if some other writer has pointed out the errors in their review but i think i will mention them just in case :

Hey Hal, David greeted giving his girlfriend giving a quick peck on the lip- giving repeated twice.
Yeah I guses?- spelling of guess
Youre father thinks its a good idea,- spelling of your
and use her college to degree to sometimes do real estate on the side- use of to
Thats what Sake will do to you.- i think it should be That's what Sake does to you.

Also , it would be better if you did not leave out the apostrophes as she'd was read by me as shed.

I hope you don't mind my pointing out the mistakes.
Great work.
Keep up

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

ohh that was a good chapter you had some really good one liners in that one.................

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I agree to this was a very good read for me good emotion and character depth GJ

Posted 16 Years Ago

more baggage than the LAX airport... hahaha great line.
oh wow, she is a seriuously cheap drunk! hahaha
I think this one was a really good way of showing just how shallow and nonpassionate that David really is.. lol
I say screw him, and make him fall off a cliff, but I know that you as a writer would not do that ahahahah
I am starting to get worried about Hallie though, she's bout to go off the edge, hope she doesn't get pregnant anytime soon!!
awesome write once again

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh, this is getting better with every line. The character blossemed to life in this chapter. I could hear their thoughts almost.
I'm hooked! I love where this is going and look forward to where it may go.
You have made these people so real and believable as the plot unfolds.

Wonderfull Chapter!
Infinity's Shadow

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rough draft or not this is still very good. Now I wonder when she will dump this fool.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yes for sure it needs more editing ,its clear ,you have a style in writing,she is lost between the two,,Christian is the dreamy drifter in life and its hard to live with a dreamer ,,while David is the more practical day to day sort of guy who is easier to live,this is how in see it ,if i was in her shoes,i would think the dreamer type of guy ,though he may turn her life to a never ending agony and troubles,i would always tend to his side,he is more poetic with all his fallacies,this is the human nature and he is more to my liking

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


:( I hope he gets hit by a thousand pound granny

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Added on June 2, 2008



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