May the truth set you free

May the truth set you free

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

Hallie hardly contemplates telling the truth when David says he wants to get back together. This is just a short chapter whats going through her mind and what's to come. The picture kinda says it all.


        �Well you�re grades have certainly gone from average to remarkable, but do you have a specific direction you are going in for you�re major?� Mrs. Alexander the unusually young college counselor questioned impatiently.

�What do you mean?� Hallie asked tucking a curly tendril of hair behind her ear.

�Well there are several different fields you can go into being a business major. There�s international business, real estate, accounting, being a sophomore you should have already started thinking about this.�

�I�m still looking at different options,� Hallie replied, which meant she had no clue on earth, she just chose the major her parents told her to and really didn�t see herself doing any of the above.

�Well Ms. Harris, best start thinking about it, the fall semester is almost over,� Mrs. Alexander warned.

�Thank you, I will keep that in mind,� Hallie said zipping up her cashmere hooded sweater to face the cold weather outside. The once a semester meetings with her counselor were always unpleasant reminders that once she graduated college, she�d have to figure out a career, but this one had really been a rude awakening.

With no more general education or prerequisite business classes as an excuse, Mrs. Alexander was right, Hallie had to figure out some direction she wanted to go in school, but not knowing what she wanted to do with the rest of her life put some setback on all that. How was someone supposed to know they would enjoy their career before it even started? How did she know she was going to enjoy international business, or real estate, or whatever until she was actually doing it? Either way procrastination was no longer an option, and once registration for the spring semester came up she�d have to decide her fate, but that was the least pending thing on Hallie�s mind.

It had only been a week since she slept with Christian, but with everyday that passed it still felt like she�d just done it the night before. She knew there was no point in scrutinizing what happened, but with something that big it was pretty impossible to ignore. Having dreams of it nightly didn�t help much either.

She rubbed her hands together as she walked in the cold back to her house, but instead of going inside, she walked past her home and continued down the shore. There were a few hardcore surfers out in the freezing waves but other than that she was alone on the beach.

�Hallie!� she could hear a man�s voice call faintly over the waves.

Instead of answering she continued hoping a tidal wave would wash her away. From behind her she could hear the person running across the wet sand towards her, she was afraid to turn around and see who it was.

�Hallie where have you been?� the out of breath person stopped in front of her, it was David.

Ever since the night with Christian, Hallie had only spoken to David briefly over the phone.

�I�m sorry, I guess I�ve been busy with school and everything.�

�I don�t understand, when I called you, you said you wanted to work out our relationship as soon as school started again. It�s been like, a week,� David accused.

�I know I was going to call you,� Hallie�s voice trailed off unprepared to give a proper explanation.

�Are you busy now? Let�s go talk it�s freezing out here,� he said putting his arm around Hallie and leading her back to the house.

At the porch Hallie removed her sheep skin lined boots and unlocked the front door.

David entered realizing he hadn�t been in her house for quite a while.

�Have you been baking? It smells great in here,� David commented.

�I made Abby a chocolate blueberry pie as a welcome home treat,� Hallie replied shyly, seating herself on the entryway�s cushioned bench.

�She�s lucky to have you as a roommate,� he said as he remained standing.

Hallie started chewing on her fingernail nervously awaiting the confrontation.

�Anyone is lucky to have you,� David continued. �That�s why I got so furious when you told me Christian had been staying here a few days.�

Hallie could have protested that Christian didn�t �have her�, but that wasn�t true anymore was it? It was funny how David was so completely wrong about her and Christian before, and now he was completely correct.

�I tried to tell you that we didn�t sleep together, but you wouldn�t listen, and then you flirted with that tramp in front of me,� Hallie said talking a thousand miles minute.

�She was just someone my mother brought over, she meant nothing. I was jealous alright? So I made it a point to flirt with her in front of you. It was childish, I know that now,� David relayed completely oblivious to Hallie�s uneasiness.

She twisted the bracelet David had given her around her wrist over and over.

�I want to know that you forgive me, so we can get back together,� he said taking her hand.

Hallie quickly pulled away and placed it in her lap.

The biggest f*****g mistake was sitting at the tip of her tongue, but she couldn�t bring herself to say it. She hated what she had done, but she never thought David was going to apologize like this, and want to get back together like she wanted, so was it really necessary to tell the truth? They say the truth sets you free, but she didn�t want to be free from David, she just wanted things to go back to normal like they were before Christian came back into her life. If anyone, Christian was who she wanted to be free of.

�What�s wrong?� David asked frowning suspiciously.

�Nothing, I�m just glad to hear you say that� Hallie answered forcing her hand back onto his.

�That�s great,� David smiled, � but I just need to hear it from you one more time, you never slept with him, right?�

�Right,� Hallie lied through her teeth.

�Thank you, we can finally move on now,� David said squeezing her little hand.

Hallie nodded in agreement.

�You know, I knew deep down you wouldn�t sleep with such a low life,� David laughed shaking his head.

Funny, the only lowlife she could think of was herself.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

Author's Note

Very very out of it when i wrote this lol, forgive me for any dumb mistakes and I know it's poorly written too.

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i think you need to explain more on why haillie is sticking so hard to david when it seems her and christian both love eachother why wouldnt she drop him it would be nice to know just an idea and again thanks for the read request

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh wow.. she's in a bad
I'm assuming from past reads that David will find out anyways??
hmm we shall see lol..
great job.. as always

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I thought it was written well....... i thought christan was the good guy though you know what i mean? And i kinda like it how you let the reader decide who the bad guy and who the good guy is! You see what im saying? How long are you thinkin about making this book?? I really enjoy reading it!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Added on May 10, 2008



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