Onwards West

Onwards West

A Chapter by Evil_Angel

After the crappy Thanksgiving Hallie sets out to find Christian West. Could I have thought of a nerdier chapter name? Anyway its pretty short and sweet, enjoy.


The phonebook stared ominously at Hallie. She didn�t know why the hell she was even pondering looking up Christian West. She tried to tell herself that she was just curious where he was living now, but the anticipation of knowing that his name, phone number, and address might be in the phonebook overpowered her denial. The question in her mind was why did she want to find it so bad? She would think about that later, right now she�d just harmlessly look it up.

She snatched the phonebook off the shelf and flipped through various last names, T, U, V finally W. She impatiently searched for the We section and thumbed down to West. There were several Christopher West�s� in there but finally she reached the only Christian West in the phonebook listed next to Derek Wilson. So they were roommates now, it figured. The address was in East Los Angeles, definitely an area Hallie tried to avoid. She slammed the phonebook shut before she memorized the phone number, but unfortunately she still remembered the address.

Hallie looked out of her fathers second story office window at the grey Thanksgiving day outside. The gloom was a reflection on how she felt in the inside. Hallie slaved for days making that Thanksgiving dinner, and for what? To prove to David�s family that she�d be a good wife? Then David�s plastic surgery induced mother insults her by asking whatever happened to the Harris family�s cook? And David�s father says that he can�t believe that a little �Beverly Hills princess� even knew how to use an oven while her parents laughed along.

Hallie didn�t mine the occasional teasing but she questioned how long she was going to be reduced to that stereotype. She had no idea how she was supposed to act, but she refused to act like a spoiled brat just because she was rich. Everyone was always equal in her mind, no matter how the people around her tried to convince her that they weren�t. It was almost like she wasn�t conceited enough for David�s family.

Worst of all David�s mother brought some hot girl from Florida to distract David from ever ending the break with Hallie. He was to busy flirting to stick up for her, and after years of Hallie�s parents hardly ever being on her side about anything, she needed him to show her that she came first in his life. It was his chance and he hadn�t done a thing.

No wonder she was looking in the f*****g phonebook for Christian�s name. She remembered how much he enjoyed the spiced pumpkin cake she made back in October, how he nibbled every crumb off his fingers and couldn�t stop thanking her like he hadn�t eaten in ages, which from the looks of his lean stomach he probably hadn�t.

Hallie thought about what he was doing for Thanksgiving. When he was a kid he was always lonely on the holidays, and since Hallie�s parents never let him over she would sneak him in her bedroom at strange hours when everyone was asleep. She�d save leftover food and spread it out on her child-size play table for him, and he�d eat it heartily. It made her happy knowing that she helped him have a better holiday. That was their time when they were little.

Hallie was twenty-one years old, and she wouldn�t have to wait to see him at strange hours now. She could go in the middle of the day to Derek and Christian�s house, check up on him, and just wish him a happy Thanksgiving. Why not? Her family and David�s probably wouldn�t notice, they were too busy having a contest in the living room on who could tell the best racist jokes. She wished she was cruel so she could fit in more with her family, and with David�s family, but she just wasn�t and could never be.

Hallie tiptoed out to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Hallie had made four different types of desserts for all the guests: marshmallow cranberry cheesecake, pumpkin chip cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, and traditional apple pie. She decided to take the one she worked hardest on, the marshmallow cranberry cheesecake.

If those a******s thought the family chef should have prepared the meal, or that she was too much of a dumb valley girl to know anything about cooking than they could go without her dessert which she knew Christian would appreciate. She wrapped a plate up snagging a few cinnamon rolls for him also.

�Where are you going?� Hallie�s father called after her still in the living room.

�Just to drop off some food at a neighbors house.�

It wasn�t exactly a lie was it? Ok so East Los Angeles was a far stretch from where she lived, but she didn�t care, she needed to get out for a little bit.

Even though the food was wrapped, the aroma of the cinnamon still floated under her nose, and she realized she hadn�t even tried her own dessert yet. She could have went back inside to enjoy it but she knew that there was a little more sweetness for her in a different part of town.

© 2008 Evil_Angel

Author's Note

I've been trying to cut down on the length of my chapters....i'm not sure if this and the last ones are too short, I kind of like them to be shorter now. I think most of this one makes sense tell me if it doesnt. :)

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Featured Review

As always a good read and i think youve got us all on the sideline rooting for the dark and mysterious christian like we were on the bleachers at a football game. i like the last line in this chapter.......
"she knew that there was a little more sweetness for her in a different part of town."
well your keeping me at the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next and thats a great feeling

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


As always a good read and i think youve got us all on the sideline rooting for the dark and mysterious christian like we were on the bleachers at a football game. i like the last line in this chapter.......
"she knew that there was a little more sweetness for her in a different part of town."
well your keeping me at the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next and thats a great feeling

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

ohhh i like how the chapters kinda end with cliff hangers which makes me want to read more.... very nice work i think these chapters are much better then your long previous chapters... they all make sense nice work im impressed

Posted 16 Years Ago

For me, they could be a little longer as I enjoy reading your work. Not so much to say on this one, more reflection, less action.

"Then David's plastic surgery induced mother..." Not sure that "induced" is the right word. I believe it means to bring about or cause something to happen. Maybe you are looking for "enhanced" or something similar.

"Hallie didn't mine [mind] the occasional..."

"...dumb valley girl to know anything about cooking than [then] they could go..."

I'm pleased you did not leave me wondering about the four deserts. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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Added on April 24, 2008



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