

A Chapter by EvilAngel133

UPDATED Again...





The air smelled stagnant and stricken with fear. Something in the forest was not right. There were no birds chirping and not an animal in site. There was an eerie feeling about the woods almost ominous. It felt as though something evil had entered the forest’s protective barriers, and the forest did not want it inside its protection. The night seemed to be darker than usual as well. Not a single star shown through the dark thunder clouds above in which occasionally a stream of heat lightning could be spotted, Despite the cloudiness of the night sky the harvest moon hung in the air above, shining its crimson light even through the thickest of trees and darkest of clouds.


I felt the uneasiness of the forest and with it took precaution as I made my way through its masking trees. With the night so dark and no stars to guide my way it was hard to see, but growing up in these woods have taught me a thing or two about them. No, I cannot say I have learned every area of the forest and could roam through it even if blinded. No, I would have to be at least an elder elf to roam an area blind; however, I do know the paths and I know the creatures and plants. I know what is safe and what is not safe. I know what areas are dangerous and what areas are welcoming.  I know that if there are no stars and it is the middle of summer you can always count on the fireflies to light your way and that if it is not summer and there are no stars then you should always have a few in a jar from the previous summer as light or too use a torch if there is no rain. However tonight I did not have fireflies to light my way, I had no jar of them, and I had no torch. The other thing I knew was that a harvest moon always meant something bad or evil and that all elves were supposed to stay at their homes on these nights for you can never tell where that bad or evil thing will be or occur. I was not at home…


As I approached the open area of the forest, which I go to every night, I couldn't help, but to feel like I had made a terrible mistake in coming out into the forest tonight instead of staying home where it was safer. I felt chills run down my spine as I started to approach the opening to the small circular clearing. I stopped for a second before proceeding through to the clearing. I thought about what might lie ahead, what evil or bad happening could lie just beyond these few trees. I almost turned around then found some courage and decided since I made it this far I might as well continue. I stepped as silently as I could through the trees examining the area as I did so. Upon stepping through the trees I was able to see something I couldn't see from behind them. There was a boy that looked to be around the same age as me up against the old oak tree which I liked to lay under and eat apples in. Something seemed wrong about him though. I cautiously moved closer to the boy very carefully so not to disturb him if he were asleep. At the distance I was at I could not tell if the boy was asleep or awake, and with as dark as it was I couldn't even tell what direction he was looking at. All I could see was the outline of his body.  Even after getting closer to him I could not make out a clear image. I was going to have to be very close to see him clearly, but I couldn't help but to feel uneasiness about him.


After some thought I decided that if he is injured I needed to help him I couldn't just leave him there. I moved towards him cautiously trying not to seem frightening and trying not to appear scary. Soon I was close enough to see his face and clothing. I almost sighed in relief when I realized he was looking to the east not the north where I was approaching from. I could see now that he was indeed hurt. He was covered in blood. His clothes appeared to be worn and old. You could see tares in the clothing and that his clothing was fading. He was wearing an old long jacket that’s collar came up around his neck with a small belt on it. He had underneath that a plain black shirt that also looked old and some jeans that were torn to shreds. He was dressed from head to toe in nothing but black. Even his hair was jet black, it blended in with the night so well I could barely see it. Upon seeing all this I was amazed I even noticed him at all with how well he blended. His skin however appeared very blanch and unhealthy.


“Are you all right boy?” I said a bit timidly as I crouched down quietly beside him.


The boy seemed a bit startled by the sudden noise; he must not have noticed my approach. After a moment of recognition and what seemed like some tough thinking as if he had to think wisely on how to answer this question he spoke, “ I am fine, I a sure you.”


His answer was a bit suspicious and I couldn't get myself to pull away from him something egged me on to stay though my instincts told me to run. With this resolve to stay I continued to question the boy.


“Are you lost? Why is there blood all over you if you are fine? Did something happen?” I asked curiously.


The boy again stared at me thinking on how to answer each question with precision. “I am not looking to go anywhere in particular so I am not lost and the blood came from someone else, someone I knew from a long time ago just died in my arms only a few hours ago.” The boy said coldly.


With this I knew it was time to leave, but for some strange reason I just wanted to push more out of him. He didn't seem anything like a human boy though he was most definitely not an elf.


“How did they die?” I asked unsure if I would get an answer.


The boy then stated, without hesitation this time, “They were stabbed through the heart, by their own cousin.”


I was silent for a few minutes unsure what to say. Elves are supposed to be good at communication with humans and animals alike, however I seemed to be lacking at the human part of that.


After some thought I asked him, “Why did their cousin stab them through the heart?”


The boy stared at me for a long time debating on what to say or what not to say it seemed. I could feel the tension in the air rising and the hair on my arms rising as I knew I was pushing possibly the wrong character too far. I knew I shouldn't have interacted with the boy because interaction with humans can be punishable by death. But still I stood my ground holding my stone like expression being careful not to show any emotion that may prove proof at my faltered resolve and waited on his response.


After what seemed like hours of silence and an intense staring contest the boy spoke.


“Their cousin killed him because of what I did to him.” The boy stated in an even colder unearthly tone.


After realizing he was not going to tell any more information and planned to leave his answer as is I felt even more curious.


“What could you have done to him to cause his cousin to take…such drastic actions?” I asked a little confused.


“I turned him into one of the damned.” The boy stated without even blinking still gazing directly at me waiting on my reaction this time.


I was shocked with what I heard a damned would be a vampire! This met I was not speaking to no mere human, but a vampire, a creature of the night. I however tried not to let this new information change my stone face. I knew of stories told in the village about vampires, but I had never met one before. They were supposed to be cold heartless beings that fed on humans to fill their emptiness. By no means could they be trusted. Though I couldn't help, but to feel his story was true. I couldn't bring myself into thinking he was lying about such a thing.


Realizing he was waiting for my reply and unable to think of a good one I simply said the only thing I could think of, “I am sorry for your loss.”


The boy seemed a bit shocked at my answer and continued to analyze me for a while longer. His eyes seemed so cold and, yet it seemed like there was much thought behind them, that they had seen a lot in their lifetime despite his young appearance.


Suddenly I heard a shout from a distance, “Tear! Tear! Tear, where are you?” It was the hunter elves. They did all the hunting and also the search and rescues when someone is missing or gets separated from the rest of the village for one reason or another. I quickly turned back to the boy who was still staring at me with an award winning poker face.


“I am sorry, but I must go I wish I could help you with your… loss, but I am afraid I cannot good bye.” I said in a hurry as I got up and began to sprint towards the woods.


From behind me I heard the boy say just loud enough for me to hear it before I got to far away “What a strange girl…”


I soon found the other elves that had been searching for me. They did not say much when I found them just that everyone was very worried. The hunter elves don’t ever say much. They are more of the solid and silent types; they are not fully heartless though, they have had their times where they too have showed affection. Their jobs were to hunt, provide the meat for the village, and to protect it from harm, that is why they would search for anyone that got lost.


The trip back to the village was long and tiring. I was worn out mentally and physically from the night’s events and did not look forward to the long hike back. To get back to River Wood village from the center of the forest you had to cross the northern valley and through the flower meadow, after that you would eventually come across a river. You have to follow that slow moving current to its origins, and there behind that majestic waterfall lye’s River Wood Village. Most do not know of the village or that there even is a crevasse behind the roaring waterfall. For those that do know of the hidden passage though know that beyond that dark narrow passage is an opening to a beautiful small crater hidden away to men. The area is filled with lakes and trees and the sun just ever so discreetly shines down into the area from above. No one would ever discover the place unless they saw it from a skyward view and even then the village houses are so well blended with the rest of the natural surroundings that no one would ever notice the residency of the woodland elves.


As we left the safety of the center of the forest and entered the open valley I could not help, but recall the strange encounter I had, had with the vampire. I was told several times as a child about the horrors of vampires, werewolves, blood orcs, and other such demonic and evil creatures vampires where one of the worst of them because of their ability to be so witty and tricky. Vampires where told to have tricked people especially those of the opposite sex and then feed off of their precious life blood. By all means you should never ever communicate with one of these tricksters.


“What where you doing out so late on a night like this?” Came a deep male voice interrupting my train of thought.


“…I was….” I didn't really have a good answer, the forest seemed to be calling to me and I simply listened. But how strange would that sound? Even for an elf that was a bit odd, yes we were well in tuned with nature however, not many elves have ever been called to it like this. I certainly didn't’t want to seem more like an oddity to the village either. I was not originally from the same Elvin group as the village I stay in and there for I have always stood out. The elves from River Wood Village where decedents of light elves that have taken to devoting their lives to the northern forest region and there for have changed from the usual light elf appearance some. The River Wood elves have gained darker hair browns, and reds instead of golden blond or hair so fair it appeared white. The Wood elves from River Wood also had darker eye colors browns, greens, and hazels, where a light elf would have golden eyes, blue or even pure white eyes (this color I find especially striking.) The River Wood elves have also gained one other very striking feature, they have a slightly darker skin tone still light but with a hint of a tan tint to it, unlike the blanch color of light elves. Even though the River Wood elves where dark looking in overall appearance than the light elves they appeared nothing like the dark elves who have purple or black looking skin and always have dark black or purple hair color, and eyes that are usually dark purple, red, or even pure black.


The hunter elf Rivers looked at me skeptically waiting to hear my reply which I was still pondering. Finally feeling defeated and unable to think of anything witty I answered as coolly as I could, “I wanted to visit the elder oak tree…”


He seemed to ponder this for a while then shrugged as if satisfied with my vague answer. “Well next time try to choose a better night than this, you know better than to wonder out alone especially on such a ominous night.” He said scornfully.


Accepting the scolding I nodded my head in defeat and continued walking. By now we where almost through the valley, which I was glad about, I always hated going through the valley something about it always made me feel vulnerable and threatened. The others around me seemed to not even notice my tension while we passed the last half of the valley nor did they realize the relief I felt once out. We where now at the beginning of the beautiful Flower meadow even at night the meadow looked magnificent. The meadow shined with light from various night flowers, it was natures own light show. When I was younger I always enjoyed coming to the meadow, night or day, it was beautiful. The beauty of the meadow did not stretch far though. I could already hear the gentle water of the river as we began to get closer to it. My ears did not fail me we were by the river in minutes and began following the windy path of it up to where the water fall lay, where River Wood Village waits secretly behind.


It was not a long journey up river before arriving at the roaring waterfall, here we began to carefully maneuver around the crashing water to where a small crevasse lay in hiding. The gap in the rock was just large enough for a smaller human to squeeze through which was perfect for elves since on average we range from 4’11’’ to 5’8’’ in height. The men usually are taller than the women, however I was happy with my 5’2” height, most women did not even get that tall.


We carefully made our way through the narrow opening and found ourselves immediately welcomed back from our long journey. I was greeted by many worried faces of people I knew; I could tell that they had noticed my absence. I was a highly skilled elf after all and would be a great loss to the rest of the village. I was able to shoot a bow and arrow just as well as any of the hunters. I was skilled with a knife and dagger, and I was also a very good collector of vegetation and a hand around the village. There wasn't a single person I hadn't helped at one point and time in the village. Everyone knew my name and face.


“Tear!” Came a small high pitched voice from the back of the crowed.  Moments later a smaller ginger headed girl emerged from the massive crowed wrapping her arms around my waist. This girl was sort of like my little sister. I started to take care of her when I was 15 years old, her parents died when she was young and I have been the one looking out for her since then. She is like family to me.


I myself did not know my real family unfortunately and was found out in the middle of the woods underneath the old oak tree in the center of the forest by an elder elf, which brought me into the village and taught me everything I know. Unfortunately there weren't a lot of girls in the village when I was growing up which probably led to my tomboyish hobbies I have now. Along with not knowing my family, were my elven origins lye is uncertain; however it is certain that I am indeed an elf. Unlike the Woodland elves of the village my skin is very pale, like porcelain, unkissed by the sun no matter how much I try for it to be. My hair is golden and as smooth as silk, and my eyes, probably the most puzzling part of my appearance, are lilac, neither a dark color nor a light color really. All Elves also have markings on them that they are born with; these markings are always unique and different colors. For me my markings are golden and swirly, they are not visible unless the sun is shining directly on them. This too is odd as well because most people in the village though different have similar markings. These markings are the symbol of our spiritual powers, in other words our magic. Mine I have kept hidden from those here despite my closeness to the village. My powers are extremely different unlike most here that have the power of the plants or water I specialize in healing, and not just any little thing, I can bring back the dead… I discovered this a long time back when I first started to befriend the little ginger head girl. She was stricken with grief and had taken her life I found her dead in a pool of her own blood. I felt guilty and concerned and before I knew it, I had healed her, I had resurrected her from the dead. This secret of mine is only known by her and I.


 I came back to the world around me no longer lost in thought and smiled down at the ginger headed girl. By this time the crowed had died down. I decided this meant the girl and I should probably follow suite, so the ginger headed girl and I headed towards the hut which was our home. All the houses in the village looked about the same with only a few differences that one could easily over look unless they were purposely looking for such a detail. All houses were basic huts made out of leaves and wood. They were different than a human house would be. Those houses were too far apart from nature for us. Our houses were constructed, well for the materials they were created from. Some houses being in the trees others surrounding the bottom of the trees even a few hidden under the trees protection. They were enough to keep you warm in the winter and dry from the rain along with cool in the summer. They may seem from the outside somewhat simplistic, but they were actually very complex. I don’t know a lot about their construction (because that happens to be an area I am not very knowledgeable in.) What I do know is that the wood used to create them is from a special tree. The bark and everything is used in the process, mud is also used to help keep everything tight and wind resistant. The outside is decorated with special plants and usually each house is centered on a single tree for support and luck.   The plants also around each house represent the family living in it. (Mine of course had a mixture of plants since I had no real family I simply chose what I liked best.)


After passing a few houses and climbing a tree or two the girl and I reached a house off of the ground near the top of an old oak tree. Only this house and the elder’s houses are permitted to be built in a tree, high from the ground and the other houses below. At first I was looked at with jealous and unapproving eyes for this, but soon many accepted the fact or overlooked it. The house was decorated with vines and night flowers. The entrance of the house was covered with vines that hung down and also had a few poisons plants on the sides well hidden by other plants in case of trespassers. Anyone unaware of the presence of these plants would surely be poisoned by them. On the inside a branch went through the building from the right side diagonally. This is where I tended to sit the most and take notes on what the day’s events were like. (Where I would sit later pondering what had happened in the forest.) In the far left corner of the house were two beds made out of moss and weaved plants with fur blankets. On the opposite side of the beds were some decorated clay pots filled with edible plants and various dried meats and beside that was a sack made from a deer’s stomach used to hold my various hunting materials besides my bow and arrows. Closer to the entrance there was a basket with clothing made from animal skins in it. These cloths were both the ginger headed girls and mine.


I stood there in the entrance of the structure for a while admiring the build of the house. This house though small has built up so many memories in the short time period I have stayed here. I thought back to the boy once more and how he said he lost a friend. “Its amazing how fast life can go by...” I said to myself while looking at the ginger headed girl.


After a few more moments of standing there lost in thought I decided I should get some rest. I guided the ginger headed girl towards the two beds and made sure she was comfortable then followed my own lead and laid down on the soft moss and covered up with the fur blanket. It didn't take long for me to descend into a deep slumber. The whole night I dreamed about the odd encounter I had with a real vampire. I thought of how differently the encounter could have gone and how it did go.  That boy under the tree soaked in blood was all that my mind would allow me to think about that night as I shut my eyes to sleep.

© 2013 EvilAngel133

Author's Note

I began writing this a long time back and have done a little revising this is only the prologue, I have never created a book about vampires and elves in it before together, please tell me what you think so far, sorry for any typos this is a very raw piece. Most of the time I do not make a rough draft I just start typing what comes to mind and there for most of the time I end up with a lot of spelling mistakes and typos and so on. If you notice any of these please let me know so I may fix them. Thank you :)

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Featured Review

Very creative story. I kept imagining Edward Cullen's hair dew though on the vampire haha. The elf race you depicted seemed very unorthodox to the commonly depicted elves we see in fantasy lore. It is very interesting :) There are a few spelling errors through out. Nothing much. It was still a very easy and enjoyable read.

I felt most immersed in the beginning of the story when you were approaching the vampire and talking with him. You really took your time to explain as she approached. I hope to feel more of that in your future writings. I felt you rushed the village scene when you described some customs and the visuals of the homes :( I wanted to know more. Over all good job.

- Hayden

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks and yes, the only thing i am truely trying to keep about the elves is them being with nature .. read more
Hayden Bridges

11 Years Ago

Looking forward to it.

11 Years Ago

I updated the prologue so its a bit longer, however much more detailed, I still might change it a bi.. read more


Very Nice. It flows a lot better. Once again, very creative. I was a little confused about one thing though. You said "...and usually each house is centered on a single tree for support and luck."

then you said "...Only this house and the elder’s houses are permitted to be built on a tree."

I may have read that wrong. But good job :) I am interested to see what you plan on doing with Tear and the vampire. I like that she has healing powers. Good twist.. you know, undead and girl with resurrection powers. It add a unique twist to the potential of the story I think.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Yeh, its supposed to be "in" not "on" word changed it to on though, so I need to go and fix that. Pr.. read more
Hayden Bridges

11 Years Ago

haha XD can't wait! keep it up. and keep me up to date
I think your punctuation could still use a bit of polishing, but overall I like what you've done with this. The first line intrigued me and I look forward to seeing where you'll take this!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very nice, I like the vampires and elves together, it was a nice touch. Some suggestions though. At the first, it seems like you said forest once every sentence. It might be better if you used some different words, like woods or something. Also lye is spelled lie. Other than that, great job!!! Incredible for an raw piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! I like to write my work raw at first up to 2 or 3 chapters in then start to revise and ed.. read more

11 Years Ago

That's what I do too!!! :)

11 Years Ago

I find it a pretty effective method myself ^_^
Very creative story. I kept imagining Edward Cullen's hair dew though on the vampire haha. The elf race you depicted seemed very unorthodox to the commonly depicted elves we see in fantasy lore. It is very interesting :) There are a few spelling errors through out. Nothing much. It was still a very easy and enjoyable read.

I felt most immersed in the beginning of the story when you were approaching the vampire and talking with him. You really took your time to explain as she approached. I hope to feel more of that in your future writings. I felt you rushed the village scene when you described some customs and the visuals of the homes :( I wanted to know more. Over all good job.

- Hayden

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks and yes, the only thing i am truely trying to keep about the elves is them being with nature .. read more
Hayden Bridges

11 Years Ago

Looking forward to it.

11 Years Ago

I updated the prologue so its a bit longer, however much more detailed, I still might change it a bi.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on November 13, 2013
Last Updated on November 17, 2013
Tags: Prologue, Harvest Moon, Vampire, Elf, Teen, Romance, Fiction



Mt.Morris, PA

I am 21 and have been writing stories for a few years now. I mostly write romance/fiction stories both teen and mature it depends on if its a fanfiction or requested story type, however most of my sto.. more..
