Bye My First

Bye My First

A Poem by Evelynn

young and in love with love
we were testing the waters
dipping our feet in first
until we fell harder

we were young and naive 
to think this love could last
we tried to make it work
but the verdict came to pass

and as the story goes
our young love came to an end
two broken hearts were left
picking up pieces to mend

months have came and left us
our hearts are both fully healed
and now i’ll remember
the love story of my youth 

© 2020 Evelynn

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I remember my first love as if it were yesterday.
I have nothing but fond memories of her, and some what if's---


Posted 3 Years Ago

Delightful memories. Young love can give us a warm glow when we look back later in life. A beautifully penned poem Evelynn.


Posted 3 Years Ago

Great well spoken love this. love is just like this I so get this in so many levels.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Loved every verse but the first one the most
It’s sad that other people tell us how to love or who to love and when
Who knows in the future you may meet again and rekindle
Lovely poem

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thank you!!
Beautifully spoken as love of youth is stored in the heart, where it lives forever frozen ;-]

Posted 4 Years Ago

Simple, elegant and without confusion, a touching and more over, right piece, well done, good read.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thank you!!
The first kiss, our first love. I remember her still. Beautiful Susie. I agree with your poem and I do believe we can find love again. Some people need a lifetime to find the person to make them know joy. Hello dear Evelynn and thank you for sharing the amazing poetry. Be careful and be safe my friend.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thank you so much! you be careful too :)
Coyote Poetry

4 Years Ago

You are welcome dear Evelynn.
This is really beautiful and well done. I feel like it really tells the story of a young and naive first love. I love that it shows the healing and how that first love remains as a memory or lesson. It was really well written :)

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thank you so much! :)
That's beautiful. Its kinda difficult to understand how true love looks like but it's just in the little things that are being done, that simple act of concern. those midnight pecks. the beauty is just believing that someone is around to listen, to absorb, to hug, to kiss! Just Love.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thank you :)
First loves are usually lessons. Looking through the hurt to discover what they may be is the tough part. Wonderfully done.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thank you! :)

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15 Reviews
Added on April 12, 2020
Last Updated on April 12, 2020



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