O hurry death!
Wilt thou not come kindly?
Inevitable day of night,
Wilt thou be sure to mind thee?
O hurry death!
An incomprehendible day,
Wilt thou hide from thy eyes?
Concealed away until I then pay,
O hurry death!
Wilt thou remain hidden?
And creep o'er thee quietly,
Saying, meet thou death forbidden,
O hurry death!
Whilst I lay sleeping,
For thy eyes will gaze upon thou impenetrable darkness,
And then be forever weeping,
O hurry death!
Misshapen shadow of grief,
Wilt thy soul strive in pain?
Or wilt thou greet in gentle peace?
O hurry death!
For I hast indulged in life,
And prepared thy heart for endless oblivion,
I wilt not remain in strife,
O hurry death!
For thy ears hast heard the crow cry,
Yet not avoid, for thou must come,
Just as I must die.
~Eva Rosehill