![]() The Man with a Tin FaceA Poem by Euro![]() A man with a tin face comes home to his fiancee![]() The Man with a Tin Face Based upon cases Sea AJ and Spreckley of Project Façade
Four years. In the trenches a man becomes a mole Who digs himself into the ground for shelter To protect his tender head, huddling in a hole While the shells come down upon battered earth.
They had said that in November it would end. The guns would silence, let their barrels go cold, And no more would a young man bury a friend Whose body had been left, stripped and dun.
My dear God, mourn that poor soldier who died. He who laid down his corpse in that foreign field For some nation’s bloated and fettered pride, Would decay in that spot of forever England
The Treaty did not save me from that bulletpath. I put forth my body to halt the shot’s advance and That last spearhead of our ended war’s own wrath Went shattering into my weary, unshaven face
Suddenly, as I watched the shards of my own nose And jaw go flying into the air, there was pain. There was the sound of bone splintering, as those Pieces of my body were ripped so harshly from it.
The sinews of my face, that no man were meant To see now pulsated openly in the air. I could not See, the screaming pain was all I felt. Torment Thundered around mf and made the tears come.
They swam around and blotted out my sight And for a moment that fire that burned at my Wounds fell dull. Though I tried with all my might, I could not quench that creeping dark that came.
I awoke under light, burning cold steel at my neck. White clad angels with red crosses at their arms poked at my body with tools to heal the wreck that my shattered visage had devolved to under fire.
I lived in the surgery room for hours. Sewn and cut Pieces of skin were grafted to try and hide the Deformation. I went from field to hospital but It was just a transfer from one front to another.
The ward, would hence, become my stately home. Days became like months, Months became like years. The invalids, it seemed, could only roam About the place to look for someone’s help.
There were hundreds of us that were caught here And trapped against our will as we were forced Strange remedies upon us. There was fear That gripped us all, though there was no more war.
There were those that shook something terribly That their poor legs would not hold them up straight. Their arms would spasm as they tried to flee Incoming ghosts of those bombardment fires.
Then there were those who had no arms or legs, Those who had been cursed enough to trample Into the blast. The ones who grasped the dregs Of a stump as it morphed into a claw.
And lastly there were those like me, whose face Held no likeness to any beast of God’s Make. Light and shadows fell in waves to grace, In wobbled lines, their scared and bulbous hides.
And There were those who wore the masks of tin. They sat upon our face by spectacles That held the iron mold over the sin Of our blood making and war partaking.
That was months ago, seeming of another age. Now I was slowly being shipped home upon the Train of invalids. The starting of another page Of my life slowly opening up right before me.
A brand new page of my life with my fiancée. She had told me that she would wait for me Until the war was done. But how could I say That I was the same man that had said I love her?
I no longer looked the same and I did not act The same either. I had no cheek for her to stroke That was of living flesh. I had no jaw intact To kiss her, just a mask of tin to cover my hurt.
What would she think? Hell, what would she say? Would she stare in shock or perhaps turn her back? Would she take the hand I reached to wipe away The tears that came up to her sapphire blue eyes?
Would she turn her back from me when we slept Together at night? My face from her nightmares, Her shoulders will tense to douse the fear that crept Up of the monster that had made its bed beside her.
With a heart full of fear I stepped off that train. My bootsteps drowned out by the hiss of the steam And the roar of the whistle. The searing pain trapped within the tightness of my chest burned.
She stood at the end of the platform, the sun Formed a halo upon her head, its golden rays Shamed by the gold of her hair. Much like spun Soft silk, it fell around her pale oval features.
It felt like years before I finally came to her. “Virginia?” I called quietly, almost afraid that She might hear. There was nothing to deter Her when she saw, her arms came around my neck.
My body almost melted in that warm embrace. The tightness across my chest growing but that Was nothing compared to the joy in her face Upon having me close to her. There was no fear.
She did not even turn away when I bent to kiss Her pink lips with nothing bur the metal jaw. She pulled tighter to me, a look of utter bliss On her face as she spoke my name, “Andre…”
“I’ve missed you so much,” she said the tears Of joy swimming upon her eyes as she reached To stroke my cheeks. The pull of my fears Slowly started to ebb away upon her gentle touch.
“I love you.”
© 2011 EuroReviews
2 Reviews Added on April 29, 2011 Last Updated on April 29, 2011 Author