Upload: Fractured//06:21:03:11
HyperModern fiction: Dislocated
>>The sound reminds me of://Dreams//no longer functioning : :Sirens in bloom in-memories:: promise - nothing is forgotten wetwired and pulsating= unhinged and-or misplaced::Functioning as program://LIFE - maintained and kept - running-on-empty//ALWAYS falling apart=Blossoming sirens find their way::away from me>>words escape-find a way=traveling distance>>I find myself in a million places =good job-haujobb-skinjob< nothing is forgotten>>everything's forgiven> "Must Let Go://But-Never-Throw >Away"<-D_DiN> Peril Eyes - in-memories::faith is awaken =Retina::glimpse of brand NEW heaven> i died > Sirens echo the sound of LIFE:Functioning as program://LIFE - breathing//There Is A Way Out - no way out in-memories:: promise < There are beautiful blue skies underneath a sea of clouds= NEVER FORGET. Drifting into sleep or dream - perhaps in your mind. My Mind. My God: I've been here before. Tonight: illuminate You. LIFE: Functioning as program://LIFE - I switch off.
I couldn't resist... I had to let my fingers and mind run lose. I'm just a little fractured: sick.