the regulations
to relevance
and commonsense
and sticking stuff up that should be down
we have found ourselves within the Ground
the soils
with our toils
and trouble boil
in the cauldron
black as the kettle
the mettle
between us separates us both
a sacred oath
broken trust
sold for lust
the heart rusts in
our detections
of the infections to late
and misguided so we try to confide
the smart in a safe haven
like heaven just
a little cell trapped
only going insane
the only hell is humans
as employing
killing a profession
a lesson in brutality
and secrecy we all see
but we say can't be
For we are to good for violence and cruelty
so we silence
those that say other wise
and take there two cents and throw that sense to the beggars
that beg for
an answer
not necessarily the truth
but that is to Brute
and is brutal
but your attempts are futile
to stop the truth for leaks, peak ,and squeak s
will screech
so you shall be
Impeached gone from power
sour with loss as you cower
and toss every night in you bed
within our society
a bullet in its head