If one man truly believes his truth is right and any other man's is wrong, then what is he actually learning during his time spent here on Earth? What is it about his truth that makes it the only right way to believe?
Does he have proof or is it faith? If proof, what was the variable that he judged his truth against to prove his belief as fact? Clearly, if all other beliefs are false to this man then he has no real basis to test upon; so how could he ever come to an unarguable conclusion? If faith, what measures his degree of certainty against another's? There is no true way to know one man's level of devotion to a belief over any other persons.
What do you believe? Are you right? Am I? Is your neighbor? How much does that matter to you? Does it matter so much to you that what you believe is right that you are willing to give up an innumerable amount of chances in your life at the possibility of having a more fulfilling existence? The day that a man stops learning, is the day that man starts to die.
I have enormous respect for anyone who embraces Socrates words, "The unexamined life is not worth living." You have examined your inner and outer worlds in great detail and I can see that it's brought you immeasurable happiness. My own beliefs are much different than yours. You seem to be a mind/body dualist whereas I believe that everything is made of a single fundamental substance, and your ideas about rebirth seem to be literal interpretations, whereas I favor the Buddhist concept of rebirth (it's difficult to explain because they don't believe in an eternal soul that survives physical death). In any case, we both are in search of truth and understanding, and I appreciate that you took the time to write such a clear and unabashed explanation of who you are.
What is truth? A very good question. I have argued this question before logically. It depends on point of reference. And, belief alone does not ensure the validity of truth. Interesting argument you present.
Yes, very useful, significant points really. It's a temptation to feel we are right and others are wrong, but as you say, when we never really test these beliefs fairly or openly against anything we will never learn anything! Good points! :-)
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