Love Drunk

Love Drunk

A Poem by Andrea

Love that is like the finest red wine...or maybe not.

You are
a glass of the finest red wine.
So seductive and sweet
and each desirable sip
glides between me lips
with ease.
So delicious.
So devilishly good.

My glass is empty
I need another fill,
another fix
of you.

The bartender takes my glass
and fills my empty hand with a cup.

You are now
a plastic cup of beer.
so tacky and bitter
and each undesirable sip
does all but kiss my lips.
You are now
so insulting.
So ridiculously cheap.

But I drink your cup empty
I refill until I'm drunk
I still can't get my fix
of you.

© 2012 Andrea

Author's Note

I would love if you could give me some feedback whether it is critical or good. Thank You :)

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Wonderfully written. ive known this feeling.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great use of metaphor! As you describe the fine wine and cheap beer, you capture the awes and woes of being addicted to the drug of love

Posted 12 Years Ago

Thats so true...taking the times which are great and comparing it with a delicious wine...then taking the times you want to pelt him to the floor and comparing it with bitter beer. Great metaphors :) (I think thats the word)
I would just say there is a word here and there that doesn't fit. Try re-reading in a couple of months and seeing whether you can improve it

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is different, very.
You try the finest wine (elegance)
But wind up with the bitter beer (commonplace)
Although he is cheap and insulting, you
stick around until you want him desperately
Then it is too late. You are drunk.
This is excellent writing, very imaginative
and paints a brilliant picture.

Great writing

---- John

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 2, 2012
Last Updated on February 2, 2012




...Goodbye. more..
