![]() The Petals of Life will Fall...A Story by Erza![]() Mission#0577. Objective: Defend Grievance Outpost. Date: Dec. 24, 2025. Sent: Lennox, Azaria, Armani, Jack "Cyclone", Terra. Location: Grievance Outpost, Utah, USA. *WARNING: SUGGESTIVE LANGUAGE*![]() "Outpost Grievance, report." "We are under heavy Elemental fire, unknown assailants. Many casualties and wounded, and increasing by the minute. If we do not get back up now, the outpost will surly be taken." "Understood, ETA is 10 minutes. Stand your ground, stay in cover, and keep field of vision blinded as best as possible, we will be there shortly." "Roger!" "Man, sending us out the day before Christmas, should've just ignored their request." "It doesn't matter Jack, no one wants to be in the middle of a battle on Christmas, but its either let the enemy take over an outpost close to the main base and lose many lives, or defend it and lose less, at least that is the hope." "Weather there is more deaths today or not, the lost of this post will surly lead to more overall. Let's just get this over with." Lennox isn't wrong, nor am I, but Jack gets on my nerves sometimes and I cant help it. Either way, I would rather protect what is left of the war torn and resource depleted country that I live in then let the power hungry of whoever take it over. My Name is Azaria, One of the few of my Elements that exist in what is left of the world. Seeing how most of you guys won't know anything about this, I will fill in what has happened. In the year 2019, All Nuclear containment, security, and conditions were stopped. This was known as N-Day. Ever sense then the planet as been thrown into a state of anarchy, chaos, and entropy and the world that was once Earth was transformed into a radioactive wasteland that makes it the plant it is today. Some places are safe to venture, even though void of life, while others are unsafe due to different radioactivity levels, which was quite obvious due to the glow that come off of objects. Sometime between now and then, a new bread of soldiers came about, those who could wield the elements. I will spare this process of becoming one and the process of joining the new army that was formed, but just know that there is now a new branch called Elemental Warriors. Each elemental, once reaching a certain level of skill, will achieve the ability of a tier form. There are currently only 2 tier forms that are known of, with a theory of a third, but that is a story for another time. The first tier achieved by extreme practice; the second, only achieved by a want for life, or Emotion. There is one kind of special element; however, called Neutral, a person who can wield all of the elements. The reason for this being so rare is due to the amount of elements being present and the amount of radioactivity that is required to achieve this. Either way, that is the gest of the background history. Currently Armani, my closest friend and Water Element; Jack, a.k.a Cyclone, Wind Element; Lennox, Fire Element; and Terra, Earth Element, are currently off to save Outpost Grievance from an unknown group of aggressive attackers. Armani Is one of the two only friends I have. She, while very much more optimistic, cheery, and happy than I am, is the one person I can trust with anything. She was the first to know about me being a neutral. Many tend to say we are dating, due to our actions towards each other, but that is not the case, that Is just us being us. Lennox is my other friend. While more recent then Armani, he is still a great person to have around. He is not afraid to make comments others are and can easily get someone to laugh and chuckle, but when in the mists of battle he is the best strategist anyone could ask for, along with the best of his element. There is two things about him though that I can never seem to figure out: One, he is always in a neutral state of emotion and body description, which makes it hard to figure anything out about the guy, he is practically a walking mystery. The second thing is that I get the sneaking suspicion that he wants to be more than just friends with me. I see him staring at me from time to time and every time we are by ourselves he is fidgety, nervous, and slightly blushing, which is the opposite of how he acts. Like I said, walking mystery. The other two are simply other solders of the same base. Nothing really important to say about them. "Hey Lennox, any idea how this battle might turn out?" "Hmmm...its hard to say. While in the past we always mange to keep a hold of this point that is said to be an important point, we always lose many people that end up making it seem like it was for naught. The only thing I can say is that we'll have to see how it turns out to be." "Heads up guys, landing zone coming up. Get ready for a drop." Was the last thing said on that Helicopter. "....zar...Azar...Azaria...AZARIA!" I wake to see Lennox In front of me. "Azaria! Get up, quickly! We don't have time for this." I slowly get up, shaken from the fall of the Chopper. "What happened?" "We were hit by fire, managed to control it to save us but couldn't save the driver or the vehicle." "Do we know who's attacking us?" We started to run towards the front line of the fight. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Who is it?" "France." France was thought to be a weak country too involved with saving their country to invest in warfare, well so much for that thought. " I have more questions for later, but for now let us fight." "Agreed." We reached the front lines to see Cyclone get blasted back and through the air, save himself from the fall, then runs back into the fray. Not much could be said about the battle, except that it was no easy task. Lennox was right about the attackers being from France, but what was more stunning was how they were easily balanced in strength compared to us. Lennox immediately entered His 1st form, and even then they attacked back with ferocious power, with 1st tier as well. Lennox in his first tier is a reckoning alone to deal with, even more so his 2nd. I only have seen his 1st, and I have not heard about anything with his 2nd tier, so it frightens me to think what it could be. Either way, his 1st tier is a strictly close range form, where he wears an extreme reinforced obsidian chainmail immune to basic to intermediate elements. Along with this he carries a battle axe and a broad sword that not only can be coated in fire, but can also split into a dual wield. What added more to this was how the surface of his skin becomes pure fire that radiates heat beyond normal capabilities. Yet somehow in this form they managed to hold him back, so he was unable to do anything, reverting back into his normal form. I don't know how the battle is currently going, I took a hit in the head from a wind Elemental, but I do know two things: I most certainly pulled my weight in the battle, harming them greatly, and that they will most certainly need m- "NO!" A stray Fire Ball whizzed by my head, and instead flew and hit the infirmary bay, Where Azaria was recovering from being spun in two directions at once and landing head first on the ground. Now the infirmary was up in flames. "Everyone! Fall back, Defended the wounded!" The soldiers that were left followed me as I fell back *[Pandora Hearts-Reminiscence]* No...Please no... We reached the rubble, where we split the current soldiers into front liners and Medics. I was a medic. Where is she...where is she! Where! We began our search through the rubble for survivors, and try our best to get them out relatively fast and easy Please be alive...Please... We found most of the soldiers: Most of them got out only with a few scrapes and bruises, others had new wounds that needed to be dealt with or reopened wounds. Come on, COME ON! I know you are here somewhere, I Know you are. "Sir! We got most of the wounded, what are your next orders?" You Promised me you would live, that we will see the light of the bright future! Come on! "Sir! What are we doing next?!" I can't lose you like I lost my Sister, I just cant...please...I need you...please...please... "Sir!" ...No... .......... ...not again... At this point everything else was a mere dull buzz in my ears and mind, much like the fly that buzzes around you and never goes away. Azaria and her what seemed lifeless body was the only thing that was on my mind. "SIR!" I was shaken back to reality. I need to lead them, but I cant ignore Azaria. "Soldier...take the reigns as leader for now, guide us to the nearest outpost that is safe...I am currently unsuitable for the task. My last command is a retreat from this battle however." "R-Right. Everyone! Retreat! Gather all of the wounded and retreat!" This will most likely be my last command as well. They...these Bloody Frechmen...have taken away the one and only precious light that I held dearly that was my Azaria. I don't care if she truly knew my emotion or future intentions, she was my guide, my north star, my sun, and they had gone and snuffed it out. I could no longer sense the flame of life in her anymore, one of the many abilities gains once training has exceeded just simple weaponry. I, however, am still wrong from time to time with this skill. Either way I knew there was no mistake, she was....I am not going to even say it. They took her away from me! First my sister..." "Brother...where are we going?" "Some place safe Sophie, same place safe." I remember every moment of that day, even her brown-hazel eyes boring into my back. "What happened to Mom and Dad?" "They...are away, but don't worry, they know where we are." 'Please..I don't want to see this again...please' "Do you know when we will arrive?" I picked her up and smiled at her. "Don't worry, we'll get there soon enough." 'No...Stop, don't go there, go around, anywhere but there!' We continued to walk, and we would have made it to the next marked camp had it not been for the bandits jumping in front. I stepped back, set Sophie behind me, and walked up to one of them. "Excuse us sirs, we need to get through here." They looked at us and simply laughed 'Quickly, get Sophie!' "Nah, not going to work that way buddy. Pay to pass, so pay up!" "Sorry, I don't have much to offer. The only things we have is each other and our clothes." "Yeah right, how else would you have gotten here without a map hmmm?" "We were at a town earlier in the week who helped us by directions." "Yeah, sure." "HEY!" I turn to see Sophie in the hands of another Bandit. 'no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no...' "Hey, put her down!" "Aww, or what, you have nothing to give us , so I think this little girl her," she was crying in the bandit's arms. "will compensate well." I Lite my arms on fire. The bandits stood agape, and reluctantly backed away. "I said put...her...down..." 'NO! Stop! you going to get her killed!' "Heh, so you can control a little fire, so what? Try to hurt one of us and her head will go rolling." Rage was building, slowly losing control. The very emotions were building in both memory and in time. I see the outcome playing out slowly... first red rage... then bright orange... ending with two spurts of crimson... "NOOOOOOOO! NOT AGIAN! D****T!" I see the heavy, shallow breathing coming out, very rapid, but slowing down. I pick her up and began running towards camp. "bro..the..." "Shhh, don't talk, save your strength. I'll make sure you are ok, just stay with me." "it...hurts...hurts...so..much" "I know, but please, just bear it, I'm going to get you help, just live with me, please, stay alive long enough..." ...Silence.... ...the blood stopped... ...the flame is gone.... ..and now, she has suffered the same fate. I must protect what is left of her, preserve her body. I began a sprint with the rest of the soldiers, carrying Azaria in my arms. I passed everyone, trying to catch up to Amari. I guess it was good she was slower than me, for it did not take long for me to catch up. "Armani!" "Lennox! There you are, and you found Azaria!" "Yeah...here, take her, I need to fulfill a deed of revenge." "What do you mean?" "Just take her and you will see." I handed off Azaria to Armani, not before kissing her on her check, my good bye. I felt cold running down my checks, a feeling not felt often. "Lennox..." I could see concern in her face. "Thank you...for introducing me to Azaria, and for everything you have done. Please, take good care of her, for what is left for her." Confusion was riddled on her face, but I whirled around, standing where I stood. It is time, to show them what fear truly is...to show them what happens when they gain an enemy who has nothing to lose... I stop, farther up ahead, to see what Lennox was doing. I know Lennox was powerful, but to take on an entire army? What was he thinking? "French, stop where you are." The army stopped in response. "I offer only two options to you who destroy all that I believe in: Either you surrender, repair what was lost, and pay for what can be repaid for damages and death. If you do choose to continue...sorry...try to continue, then you will see what happens when you gain an enemy who no longer has anything to lose." His voice...solid, still, loud...yet devoid of life...of emotion...only death was present. "Don't listen to him, he is a merely just one person! Just squish him." A cheer followed by the army marching towards him responded to the command. "hehehehe...Hehehee..hahahah.HAHAHHAHA! HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" The army faltered, and stop. His cackle...it was not of good...but of evil...no mercy...genocidal... "Well!? You already made your choice, come at me! Come and kill me! I dare you to try!" The army didn't move "He has a death wish and he is requesting it! Fulfill it for him!" Hesitantly, the army continued forward, it was only when the army was only yards away did something...bone chilling...happen. A powerful scream was elicited from Lennox's mouth. He immediately Went 1st form, the 2nd form...then into a 3rd form! This form of his...seemed impossible. The heat came off from him seemed immeasurable. The ground around him both was burned and melted at the same time. The range was easily many yards in circumference. Around that area the ground was lite on fire, sending disarray amongst the soldiers. The heat... I need to get away or I just might suffer from third degree burns, and I was about 50 to 75 yards away from him! And his appearance! He was intensely bright, so bright that I could only look at him for split second. He was A bright white color, very intense and long lasting. Only two things could truly describe what he was and how he looked...a sun god...or a white phosphorus fire daemon. "Say hello," His voice was the very sound of a booming, fiery and crackly conflagration. "To my personal HELL!" He grew to a size that his new voice would fit, and even bigger... Soon, only whiteness was left of Grievance Outpost. I was busy running towels, medicine, and messages between the many tents of medics back at the main base when he came. I was hoping to get a chance to see Azaria in her cot after I discovered that she was...dead, but I refuse to believe that. I handed her off to the doctors then soon became the Hermes of the medics. I was in the middle of delivering gauze and slings when I see a limping figure coming towards base. I did not what to make it, but when I recognized it was Lennox, I quickly handed it off to a near by soldier to run across the yard to get to him "LENNOX!" He looked up, and it was only when I was close to him that I notice his state. His leg was bloody, dirty, swollen, and twisted beyond any use, thus being dragged. His arm was in a similar state, but looked like it was hanging on barely by the skin and bones that was there. his head was bumpy and his left eye closed and blackened. His clothes, torn, burnt, ragged. It was all I could so to refrain me form tackling him with a hug; I was too afraid to do it. "Lennox...what..." "I...gave them...what they deserved...for the pain." "But you....what happened to you?!" "I...I...don't...know. Just remember fire...and blood...white...and the fall...some were still alive..." "Lennox?" "Tell Azaria...how I felt...I'm coming home...Sophie" I barely managed to catch his head from hitting the ground, sadly making his leg look worse and getting dirt into his arm. "Help! I need help over here!" Others came to help carry Lennox over the med bay. At this point, I can't stand all this stress. Now I have to deal with two people who are on the brink of death. I sent the message to the doctor I was working with that I need to take a break, and quickly went to see Azaria, I need to have some good news to help my current state. "Excuse me, I would like to see Azaria if I can." The doctor turns around and looks at his clipboard. "Yeah, you can see her, but not for long, she needs to recover without worry." "Thank you." I went through the rest of the tent to finally find her. The red make on the end off her bed means she is in extreme condition, but alive...alive...thank god. I sit next to her bed quietly, and remained there for a few minutes before she turns and open her eyes. "Your awake." "mmm...kinda..." Her voice is horse and raspy. "At least your alive, Lennox and I were worried that you had died." "Nope...How is...Lennox anyways?" I can tell by the look on her face that she could see despair on my face. "*Sigh*...I'll tell you everything when you are not in such a condition." "Armani, tell me what happened." "Azaria, I don't think-" "Cut the crap, I don't care if I am about to die or not, if I do die id rather die knowing my friends are safe then worry over nothing." "...Fine, but I still don't recommended you listening." I explained everything from the moment the fire hit the bay to Lennox's stand to his mangled body. By the end of the explanation she was shaking and crying. "I didn't want to tell you it for this reason, I did not want you in a bad emotional state along with physical." "Lennox...why did he..." "Risk an eye for an eye? Azaria, you are absolutely blind. The reason why he risked an eye for an eye is because how he feels for you. For crying out loud most the things he did was for the fact that he loved you with his entire heart, to the point that he would hurt himself just do it would help you, make you happy." "I-I thought he had a crush on me but never believed it..." "Look, I'm going to leave now to go check on Lennox, I hope you heal real fast, but please, don't broad over this." I left her, found Lennox, and asked to see him. "Sorry, he is in unstable condition and I don't want to risk anything." "Let her in..." "You are to unstable! I refuse-" "I don't give a f**k about my condition, I don't want her to tare her hair out just thinking about me. Get in her Armani." I walked in to see him laying in a similar cot. "Hey." "Hey. How are you?" "Surprised that I'm not dead considering that amount of pain, broken bones, and blood I loss." "But its good your alive, right?" "Yeah, of course." I sat next to him, looking him in the eyes." "I want to thank you for getting to me. I am not sure what I said before I passed out, but I thank you so much either way." "Of course, although I do have a few thinks to ask and tell you." "Ok, fire." "Who is Sophie?" For the first time, he was not stone faced, he actually showed hurt an sadness. "Sigh...Sophie...was my younger sister." "Was?" "She was killed by a group of bandits while I was trying to find this camp." He explained what had happened to her and how he blames himself for it. "Had I not try to kill them, she would still be here, alive and living the most normal life possible, had it not been-" "Lennox, its not your fault. They threatened the life of your sister, you acted the best way you could within the situation. There was no convincing them, nor getting out without killing them, so it was either leave your sister or try to save her. Don't hold it against yourself." "I try to tell myself that but it doesn't change the fact that I feeel guilty for it. It's one of those things that just won't heal, but thanks anyways. Anything else?" "Yeah, before you passed out, you told me to tell Azaria that you loved her." "Which I assume you did?" I nodded reluctantly. "What she say?" "I left for her to think and recover before she told me anything." "Alright...I just hope she doesn't she hates me." "She would never hate." "Maybe." "Sigh...move over." "O...k?" He slowly, and very painfully, even with my help, moved over, at which I climbed into his cot with him, hugging him and cuddle with him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I don't want to hear another word about you eating yourself over anything or you worrying about anything, I just want you to relax and think about the future you will have now." "Heh...I will, Armani...and you know, I actually don't care if Azaria's response is no." "Why is that?" "Because I just fell in love with someone else." I smiled, then kissed him on the check. "I'm glad, I might just take you up on the offer." "I hope you do." "Let's wait until we hear Azaria's response, for you to heal, and to get home before we get hasty." "As you wish...You know something Armani?" "Hm?" "I thought for a moment, referencing my heart... The Petals of life would fall... But now, I know that the rose is just growing" "I love you Lennox." "I love you too Armani."
© 2019 Erza |
Added on March 16, 2017 Last Updated on February 26, 2019 Author![]() ErzaOklahoma City, OKAboutI'm Just a nobody, yet everyone knows me. Im a somebody, yet no ones notices me. Writing is my voice, and it is the path that I use for anything needed: Entertainment, emotional relieve, Expression, a.. more..Writing