Dear friends and readers,I have decided to check-in to a psychiatric hospital. So, I won't have internet access for at least a month. Please keep writing. I will come and check this website as soon I am released.
As some of you know my mental health is rather frail, and I have been doing my best to keep my head above water. But I, or rather my sister, believe that I need to spend time in the ICU. The food is bad, I don't really like doctors, and going to bed at nine isn't my thing. However, this is (possibly) a matter of life and death.
I am okay as of writing now. Actually, I have been numb rather than depressed these past few months. Reading your poetry and stories was the only time I really *felt* anything. I mean this, reading your words have kept me going. But while art is healing, it's not a cure. I need to be institutionalised, at least for a while.
This was written in two minutes so I hope I didn't say anything to put you off. Let's meet again. My comments will be all over your posts in short time.
Bon voyage!
Edit: thanks for all the love guys! i will be missing you. i just uploaded the rest of my poetry series blue skies in Berlin please take your time going through them for i might not post for a while.