Bliss Ahead

Bliss Ahead

A Chapter by Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy

Kazuma’s POV.


Yawn. Ah, it’s morning. Yawn. He stretches his both hands, as he twists his body to face the other side.


He stares at the person next to him in the bed.


Oh, yeah. I just had a wonderful night with kyo-kun. He smiled cheerfully.


It was very satisfying. Last night was incredible, it really feel great. It feels like I haven’t had such a great sex for a while.


That was really a, ‘Wow’! His eyes sparkle in joy, then he looks at kyosuke again, who is sleeping soundly beside him.


He stared at his face He’s really cute when he sleeps like this. Though he’s also cute when he’s awake, but he look so innocent when he’s at this state.


He turns his whole body to face him, as he had his right hand as a pillow to support his head.


 You look so innocent my cute little kyo-kun. Just like when we first met, I was allured by this innocent sleeping face of yours.


He touches kyosuke’s cheek, caressing it then slowly leans forward to kyosuke’s lips.




----------DING--------DONG------         *doorbell*



 He froze for a while, what the hell it’s too early for a nuisance


He tends to ignore it, as he continues moving his face closer to kyosuke.



----------DING--------DONG------         *doorbell*



Pissed.  A dreadful expression marks upon his face.


Shut up!

 Who the heck disturbs my morning this much! Arrgh!





----------DING--------DONG------        *doorbell*



He jumps off the bed as grouchily dragged his feet towards the door.


What’s wrong with this hotel, don’t they have in their stupid little brain that some guests are trying to have their moment in the morning.


What the hell do they want?!



----------DING--------DONG------         *doorbell*


Sh*t! Shut up already!



Then he harshly opens the door, “WHAT?!” as he yelled.



“Room Service.” That person greeted him with a goofy smile on his face.


















           *dotsu*       (sound of an impending doom)




He throws a deadly glare to the person in front of him.


“C’mon Kazuma-chan, aren’t you gonna invite your beloved father inside?” Miyagi said as he smiled widely.


------SLAM------ *door*


He just stands there, with a pissed sign on his head.


Sh*t. It’s the stupidest idiot in my life.



----------DING--------DONG------         *doorbell*



It’s so early in the morning. And how does he know that I’m here. Arrgh!



----------DING--------DONG------         *doorbell*



“Kazuma-chan c’mon open the door, I have a gift for you.” Miyagi’s cheerful voice calls out to him from the outside.




What the hell does he want?!


Then he harshly opened the door again.



“What do you want so early in the morning?!” he yelled at him.


“Let us come inside first.” Miyagi said in a cheerful voice still with a goofy smile on his face.


He angrily glared at Miyagi’s face for a moment.


Then he widely opens the door, to let Miyagi in, together with his secretary, Chizuki.


This idiot Miyagi, what does he really want? He’s really good at ruining the blissful days of my life. It still pisses me off when I remember what he did last time.


However, I’ll forgive him for it, because of him I had such a wonderful time last night, it’s really worth waiting for. It’s so different from the last time, since kyo-kun had totally surrendered himself to me last night.


Sigh. The excitement still lingers, such a bliss.

Thinking about it makes me forget, how pessimistic he is.


He’s anger lessens a bit.


Then he looks at Miyagi, who is comfortably sitting on the couch with his legs cross.


He was able to calm down now, “So what do you want so early in the morning?” he calmly asked him.


“Nothing.” Miyagi calmly replied to him. “I just came here to have a chat with you. So how was your first night together Kazuma-chan?” Miyagi said with cheerful smile on his face.


Pissed. His eyebrows meet, as he feels like his blood pressure rises.


What did he say?


He’s just here to chat?


He’d interrupted my bliss, just for the sake of chatting?!


He clenches his hand, as his fury arises again.


IS HE REALLY THIS BIG OF AN IDIOT?! He yelled in his thoughts.






           *dotsu*       (sound of an impending doom)




“Chizuki-san do me a favor, and take this stupid father of mine out of my face.” He said, to Miyagi’s secretary who is standing behind him.


Miyagi chuckles, “Don’t be like that Kazuma-chan, uh, didn’t it go well with you lover last night?” Miyagi said with a sympathetic look on his face.


“It was so fine, not until you stupidly interrupted it again!” he yelled at him, as he clench hard on his hands to hold his fury.


Miyagi chuckled again, “I guess you had a wild night last night.” as he said in a cheerful voice.


“You really amazes me sometimes, how could a father in a right mind would casually reassesses his son’s sexual welfare knowing that he just had sex with another man.” He touches his forehead as he feels like it’s going to blow out his brain off, any minute.


“Nuh, I can’t do anything about that. If that’s really your preference then I’ll support you. That’s what a father have to do, it’s your life, and I’m just your father. ” Miyagi answered him then he chuckled afterwards.


Yeah he’s this big of an idiot.


He let out a big sigh.


Somehow, by those words his anger for him seizes.



“And besides I’m here to meet your current lover again. I haven’t really conversed with him much, since last time was such a big shock for him and he’d just run away when I asked about his relationship with you.” Miyagi said with a big idiotic smile on his face.


“No way. Why do you have to meet him? He don’t have any business with you.” He replied in a cold manner.



“That’s so rude Kazuma-chan, I just want to meet my beloved son’s lover. You haven’t introduces anyone to me yet ever since.” Miyagi sulk.



“Haven’t you thought that maybe I haven’t had one?” he coldly replies to him.



“So you say that he is your first? Really?! Wow! That’s great. I am now more eager to meet him right away.” Miyagi said in a cheerful voice with a big idiotice smile on his face, he could even sense the excitement he has in the latter part.



He slightly blushes, “Hey, why are you making such a big fuzz out of it?!” he yelled at him to hide his embarrassment.



Darn it! Idiot Miyagi!


Oh, sh*t! My tongue slips I let out such an irrelevant information.


Now, he would really make a big fuzz out of it.



“Of course, it’s my son’s first romance. I should meet my future son-in-law”

Miyagi chuckles as he tries to tease Kazuma.



He blushes, as his face reddens like a tomato, he panicked.

“Wha---what?! Shut up! It’s not a deal. What are you saying first romance?! I had many sexual partners already and don’t say son-in-law, it’s not like I’m going to marry him! I’m just following our deal to have a steady relationship with him for a month. Don’t make such a big fuzz out of it!”

He pants after he said those obviously defensive words to Miyagi.



Miyagi giggled. “I’m not. It’s just a joke, don’t wear yourself too much.” He said then he smirked.


“Or maybe, you just fall for him after what happened last night.” He said in a teasing way as he chuckles afterwards.



“Don’t joke around! Who’s going to fall for it?!” he yelled at him.



Miyagi still giggling, “Okay, okay, calm down now. You’re lover’s here, it would be too bad if he misunderstands your words. Since you’re such a shy boy.”



He said to Kazuma with a smiling face. He even put emphasis on the latter part.



Kazuma furiously turns around and found kyosuke standing at the door of the bedroom.



Shock, his face reddens. He can’t find any words to say.






He looks at kyosuke with such a shocked expression on his face.







Then he remembers Miyagi.

He throws a deadly glare to the person who is cheerfully smiling behind him.


This is all stupid Miyagi’s fault.





Kazuma’s really speechless of what just happened, he just froze in front of them.




“Ohayo Gozaimasu, Kyosuke-kun.” Miyagi greeted kyosuke’s as he left his seat and went towards him.



Then he grabs kyosuke’s hand, and caresses it with his hand then he kissed the back part of it, while saying, “I’m Miyagi Takumi your future father-in-law. Nice to meet you again kyosuke-kun.” He said in a husky voice.



“Wah-----Huh?!” Kyosuke panicked as he blushes when Miyagi kissed his hand.



Then Kazuma furiously went in between them then he harshly pulled kyosuke’s hand away from Miyagi’s hold.



Pissed. “What the hell are you doing old fart?!” he yelled at him,

“Don’t touch him so easily! And what are you saying father-in-law?!

Don’t talk  nonsense you idiot!”


He yelled at him with all his might while holding tight on kyosuke’s wrist as he clenches his other hand in front of Miyagi.



Miyagi giggled, “Chill Kazuma-chan, I’m just introducing myself again to your first lover. I didn’t know my precious son was the possessive type.” He cheerfully said as he chuckles afterwards.



Kazuma’s face reddens, “Huh?! What are you saying possessive?” He offensively reacted.



Miyagi ignores his reaction, with a goofy smile on his face he grabs kyosuke’s other hand again.


“Kyosuke-kun, please take care of this shy son of mine. This is his first time being in a relationship, so please do guide him.” He said cheerfully then he chuckles afterwards.





Anger tolerance exceeded.





           *dotsu*       (sound of an impending doom)









“Ouch! That hurts Kazuma-chan! *sobs* I was just concern for you as a loving father. *sobs*” Miyagi sulk as he touches his head.


Pissed. “It’s your fault idiot! What kind of a loving father would embarrass his son in front of other people!” he harshly exclaimed to him.


Miyagi chuckles even though his eyes are teary,

“So you mean to say that you’re embarrassed about it? Uh---it’s so cute. My arrogant son knows how to be embarrassed now?” he said in a cheerful voice then let out a big idiot smile on his face.



Rage reaches to its more than maximum level.



He grabs kyouske’s wrist, as Kyosuke startles “Woah!” as he pulled him inside the bedroom.


“Wait for me here kyo-kun, don’t go near to that old fart anymore.” Then he let go of his hand and gets out of the room.



-----Slam---- *door*



“You stupid old fart, why did you say that for?! What the hell are you thinking?!” he exclaimed to Miyagi.



Miyagi smiled, “What did I do? I don’t find anything wrong to what I did, right Chizuki-chan?”



“Hai.” Chizuki emotionlessly agreed to Miyagi.



Kazuma smack his own forehead, as he had a pissed mark in his face.

“That’s it. I want you both out of my face. NOW!” he said as he grabs Miyagi’s arm to drag him out the door.


Miyagi resisted, “No! I don’t want to! I still want to have a long chat with you!” they pull each other as Miyagi pulls himself to the opposite direction from Kazuma’s direction.



Pissed, “Don’t you have any other things to do than to mess up my damn life?!” He said as he still keeps on pulling Miyagi as hard as he could he had slowly dragged him towards the door.



Miyagi tries to pull himself back, “But Kazuma-chan what else is more important than my precious son’s love life! It might affect your future you know?!” he said in a sulking voice.



“No!-----Y---you have---to go! If you don’t go I won’t follow that damn deal any---more.” He pulled him hard as Miyagi resisted harder as they come closer to the door.



Miyagi suddenly stop resisting, -----bam----(bumping sound), that makes them suddenly bump into the door.



“Ouch!” Kazuma said as his face bump into the door.



“Are you alright Kazuma-chan?” Miyagi said in a worrying voice as he tried to assist Kazuma.



“Obviously I’m not, idiot! How can I, when my face just kissed this stupid door. Darn you old fart it’s your fault!” he still yelled as he touches his nose, “Ouch!”



“I’m sorry Kazuma-chan.” Miyagi said in an apologetic voice.



Kazuma looks at him while still touching his nose, “Just leave now, it’s weekend so I want to enjoy as much as I could with him. So don’t interrupt us anymore.” He’d finally calm down, when he saw Miyagi’s apologetic face.



Miyagi slightly smiled, “Okay then, and please do remember one of the conditions of our deal, ‘No sex on school days’.” He cheerfully said as he widely smiled afterwards.




“Just shut up and go!” he opens the door then slightly pushes Miyagi outside as Chizuki-san is following behind him.



“Oh, by the way Kazuma-chan, I had left the congratulatory gift for you, if I had known that this is your first love life then I should have prepared a big one.”


He said as they are outside of the room already, then he chuckles afterwards.



“Stop making it a big deal!” he yelled as he shuts the door.



“Alright Kazuma-chan we’ll go now, have fun in your first relationship.” Miyagi shouts from the outside of the door and he can even hear him giggling.



“Shut up old fart!” he yelled back at him with all his might that makes him pants afterwards.



When he hears, their steps had farther away from their room.


He grouchily went to the couch, as he dumps his body in it.



That damn old fart! He just don’t know when to stop when he starts teasing, he’s the worst ever!


I’ve got what I deserved in letting out such an irrelevant information.



He let out a big sigh then covers his face with his both hands.



Sh*t! What was I thinking?!


He even told kyo-kun about it. Damn! It was so embarrassing.


It was so uncool.



He sighed again as he rested his back in the couch then he stared at the ceiling.



“How should I face him now?” he asked himself.



I feel so tired so early in the morning. My mood just really rotated 180 degrees.



“What should I do?” he asked himself again then he raises his right leg to put it on the top of the table.



Then he just notice that there’s a basket covered with plastic cellophane on the top of it.


“It’s that idiot’s Miyagi’s gift.” He harshly grabs the card on the up of it then he reads it.




Congratulations for having a lover son, here’s a small gift to add up with your happiness. Enjoy.   ~__^ *wink* 




“That old fart after he ruins my day, what does he mean ‘enjoy’?!” then he harshly ripped off the plastic cellophane, a bottle falls from the table.



What’s this? He picked it up then reads the label. ‘Super Lubricant’.



A lubricant? Then he reads the lower part of it, ‘with a fast acting aphrodisiac’.



He continued reading it, ‘it would surely make your sexual activity more intense and pleasurable’.



He smirk “That perverted father of mine is surely useful sometimes.” He said as he carries the bottle and went to the bedroom where kyosuke is waiting.









Meanwhile, as Miyagi and Chizuki get into the car, on their way to the office.



“Did you got it Chizuki?”  He faced Chizuki with a serious look on his face.



“Yes,  Takumi-sama.” His secretary replies with an emotionless expression as he shows him the memory card.



He excitedly grabs the memory card, “Very good. Now I have another piece to add up in my collection.” He said then he cheerfully smiled widely as he giggles afterwards.



I’m very sorry Kazuma-sama. He didn’t know that he was been out wised by his own father. Takumi-sama is really obsessed to his son. Chizuki’s thoughts.




*Miyagi was able to plant the cameras way ahead before Kazuma check into that hotel, then by his connection with the owner of the hotel, he was able to set him up, as he recorded the wild sexual activity of his beloved son.*




Sorry Kazuma-chan this might be the last entry of my collection, I did follow our deal when you asked to take off all the cameras in your apartment. Yet the hotel is not your apartment so I didn’t violated any of the conditionsl. Miyagi’s thoughts.



“I’m so excited to watch it. This is an exchange for the awesome gift I prepared for him.”  He cheerfully said then he chuckled.

© 2013 Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy

Author's Note

Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy
E.E. @ your service:
Thank you so much for reading our yaoi fan fic. minna-san.

I would like to thank our group in FB:
Yaoi unlimited III
Yaoi Reverse AMO
Lovely Yaoi (thank you for promoting our work in your page admin)
where we mingled with our fellow yaoi fanatics.

Please feel free to join us in these group minna-san.
And feel the bliss in living our Yaoi addictive life.

I would also like to thank Ms. Katie the owner of Yaoi addiction Society for all her help in promoting our work, Domo Arigatou Katie-san.

Then Most especially to our dear editor who help us correcting our faults
Emily-sensei thank you so much for all your help, we really can't thank you enough.
And thank you so much for all the ideas in the sequel. ^_^

And to my beloved bf Rei-chan: I love you forever and a day ^_^

To our beloved readers:
Please anticipate the events between kazuma and kyosuke.
As how would their blissful romance may end up unto. ^_^

This is E.E. once again at your service, See you next weekend for the release of the chapter 8.

thank you minna-san *bow* (-_-)

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Awww more more more seriously don't leave me hanging. BRILLIANT WRITE

Posted 11 Years Ago

Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy

11 Years Ago

i'm glad you like it >.<
i thought it was boring ^_^
I'm just good at expressing love sc.. read more
Time's The Bond

11 Years Ago

you truly suck not sucks. Honestly I think you did quite well just well I didn't get a clear picture.. read more
Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy

11 Years Ago

Yeah, it was really meant to be like that in this chapter ^_^
Im sorry for the word hehe thank.. read more

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1 Review
Added on March 16, 2013
Last Updated on March 16, 2013


Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy
Ermadski Erma & Rei Zy

Mars, Japan

We're just simple person who has a wide imagination that would go beyond anyone's impression about us. We are obsess with mangas especially yaoi mangas and We're interested to become a yaoi manga w.. more..
