![]() Chapter 4A Chapter by ErinAlexMy eyes widened. My heart skipped a beat. My breathing went fast. He was talking about me. Me, the little kid. Why me? I was just a piece of fox-dung for all he cared! "A certain child has been born... and you all know who his parents are." My ears pricked in curiousity. "His mother died in his birth and father, disappeared." The clearing was silent. All of the cats were waiting for Black to continue. "He has been named Fleck. We must treat him with... Shadowtribe personality to toughen him up. He is mute." Everyone in the clearing gasped. Snow glared at Black with a knowing look. "No, he is fine. Do not doubt him and do not let him be abused because of his disability!" Black's cold gaze glared back. "Watch me." Snow's eyes widened in amazment. "You.. you are horrible!" she hissed. Many cats in the clearing gasped in shock. Black hissed in fury. "Snow! I am your leader! Respect me!" Snow snarled. "I will when you respect Fleck!" Black snorted. "A kid?" "Yes." He glared uncertinatly around the clearing. "My word is law!" He finnally said. "The child will be treated as a lesser! Meeting over!" he turned and stalked into his den. I pulled my head out of the wall and jumped into my bed as Snow stalked into the den. I stared at her. She stared back. I cocked my head. What does he mean? Were are my parents? Snow sighed. "I knew this time would come." She stared at me. "Just not so soon." I bared my teeth in an obvious 'Tell me!' gesture. Snow's face straightened. "It, is a long story." My face twisted in anger. "But we have time.." She sat down and began to talk. "Your mother, was a good friend of mine. She, she was my friend since we were trainees. She became married with this..." Snow paused and thought about something. Her face was frowned with a hidden secret. "With a popular man. They had a few litters, but those kids grew up and either died or left the clan." Her eyes betrayed the lie. "Your mom died giving birth to you." She closed her eyes so I couldn't read them anymore. "And your dad, he just decided that he would rather live alone than with family that meant nothing to him." That seemed truthful enough, but something still didn't feel right. "That was a long story made short." She explained in a hurry. I snorted. Fox-dung. There was deeper truth behind my history, and I would find it out. "Why don't we go outside?" Snow asked. I nodded reluctently. She, once again, led me outside. She pointed to where the kids were playing. I sighed. "Go." she instructed and glanced toward Black's den. I went, but out of the corner of my eye I saw her walk to his den. "Hey! Look! It's shorty!" I sighed as I heard Sharp yowl. "What's up?" he asked. I glared at him. He knew perfectly well that I couldn't speak. "What's wrong? Dog got your tounge?" he mocked. My lips curled in a snarl. "Speak up! I can't hear you!" he jeered. I cracked. I jumped on him. But Sharp was big. He was at least 3 years older as well. He broke out laughing as I hit the ground. I had cut the jump to short. He unsheathed his dagger. "You want to play?" he smirked. I unsheathed my knife. I looked and saw Black watching us. He was gazing at Sharp, before I could tell what was in his gaze, a huge weight pushed against me. I looked into the green eyes of the little rat. My teeth bared and I slashed his chest, knife unsheathed He laughed. He actually LAUGHED at my efforts to free myself. To be honest, I probably would have laughed to. A tiny kid, slashing the fur of you stomache in a desperate plea to get away. I was useless. Useless and weak. Sharp's eyes glowed and he sliced his dagger across my face. I squealed soundlessly as blood dripped down my face. It burned my eyes and made my mouth water. I wanted more. I hissed in fury and took a huge shove. It pushed Sharp right off of me! I jumped, slashing down on his ear. He squeaked in surprise and slashed my ear, nicking it. I let go and shook the blood off my ear. Sharpkit wasted no time. As soon as I paused, he jumped. He landed square on my shoulders, his nails digging into my skin. I felt the wind knocked out of me, I could hardly breathe. I turned to see Black. His face was filled with pride and something else, something I couldn't tell. To make it worse, Sharp started jumping. My back shrieked in protest of not moving away, but my legs had buckled beneath me. He jumped, and landed right on my chest. I started coughing, terribly. A horrible fit came, and it wouldn't leave. He stepped off me to let me quit, he must be mouse brained. The only reason he would back away, would be if he thought I was coughing up vomit. I haven't had any mice or anything, how could I possibly have barf? And my point is proven. While he was backed away, I seized the opportunity and ran. I ran as fast as I could. © 2012 ErinAlexAuthor's Note
Added on September 9, 2012 Last Updated on September 9, 2012 Author