With Hate, Love, The Deceiver

With Hate, Love, The Deceiver

A Poem by Erik Daniel

A letter from the devil.

Dear Human,

     I heard that you cursed God the other day and I just wanted to tell you how proud I am to hear it. I wish more people would realize that they don't need him, but even amongst trials they still thank him.
Imbeciles. Listening to me was the only smart moment that Adam and Eve had in their entire lives.  Anyways, I figured since you are turning your back on God that I would clear up some lies that he has told you.
     Firstly, he does not care about you. All that crap about him dying on the cross to save everyone from their sins is the biggest lie ever told. I mean look at all the terrible acts that are committed in his name! Does that sound like a loving God? That void inside you that you thought would be filled by God, it will never be filled. But please keep trying to fill it. I love watching you be miserable.
     Another big lie you may have heard is that true beauty is on the inside. If that's not a lie I don't know what is! True beauty is on the outside and try as you may you will just never be as beautiful as some people. Tough luck. But please, continue trying. I love watching you fail.
     Oh and that addiction you have been trying to break? Yeah you know; the one you don't want anyone to find out about. You are never going to break it! Stop trying! It's pathetic watching you say, "Never again." and then turn around the next day and keep doing it. If it makes you feel good then do it!
     What about the lie that with God you wouldn't need anything else? If he is for you who can be against you? How about everyone! Once you accepted him you only felt more alone; am I right? Those kids pick on you more! Where is God every time they attack you? Loving God; if he loved you wouldn't he save you!?
     Where was God every time you cried out to him when you were thinking of committing suicide or cutting your body? See, I was with you every time. When you put that gun to your head I made sure it was loaded and I pushed you to pull the trigger. When you stood on that stool to hang yourself I made sure the rope was tight enough to do the job. When you ran that blade over your flesh I had my hand on yours helping you keep going. See, I know you want to leave this world and I am simply trying to help you!
     The reason God wasn't there for you in all of this is that he is dead. That's the simple truth. God is dead. That love you were looking for when you turned to him; you'll never find it. You have no point, no purpose, no reason to your existence. You are born, you live, and you die. Simple as that. I hope that you see the truth now.

    With Hate, Love,
The Deceiver

© 2014 Erik Daniel

Author's Note

Erik Daniel
So, a while back I wrote a poem titled "Dear Child". And I wrote it as a letter from God to you and I tried to make it relatable for everyone. I was thinking about what the devil would put into a letter knowing that Jesus calls him the deceiver. So, I tried my best to come up with some lies Satan might use. I hope that none of you are offended and that you see the point of this piece. God is not dead. He is surely alive. And if satan is telling you some of the lies in this poem I urge you to talk to me or someone who knows the Gospel. There is always hope. And God does love you.

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I think you did a really good job showing the lies Satan tries to tell everyone, and sadly sometimes people seem to believe in them, that's why he is called the deceiver. I like your author's note too, telling people that there is always hope and God does love them.

Good Job

Posted 10 Years Ago

Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

Thank you!
~*~Peace Keeper~*~

10 Years Ago

You're welcome
if there is no god then there is no devil, the goodness in us is god and the bad is the devil....it's a matter of choices.............

Posted 10 Years Ago

Enticing! The internal struggle between good and evil, saint and sinner. I enjoyed.


Posted 10 Years Ago

Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much!
Interesting write, personally I am a believer that god is you is me is the plant and the tree, god is the sky, the oceans, the stars and the universe in its entirety. God to me is the ever flowing force within everything. I don't believe in speaking of the devil and trying to scare people into believing that they must believe in something..... no ... that's not what life is about, life is about walking the path, seeing the light and keeping on walking, sure we fall down, but we have the opportunity to get up, it is up to us, god is within us and when we truly seek to understand ourselves, including god then we must look within ourselves not cast judgement on others, or cry poor to our lives, no, we must look within ourselves and we shall see that we had all of the answers to our questions all along ... when you follow your heart and soul then you need nothing else to guide you as everything is connected and god is within all ... x

Posted 10 Years Ago

Great work bro as always...keep it up.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much man!
You faith shines through on God and your warnings on Satan is appropriate and needed. A wily one indeed and whiperer of evil. A wonderful spiritual write...:)...................

Posted 10 Years Ago

Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much Sami!
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

You are welcome. Any time...:).............................
Wow. This was... intense. It's almost scary, too, because, like how I could hear God speaking to me from your poem "Dear Child," I could almost hear Satan speaking these lies to me here. It's a dangerous place to be in when you find out what he's trying to get you to believe. I'd just, very gently, caution you to be careful just because, though God can use anything for His glory, Satan can weave himself into things in small, devious ways and could use this piece in a way that could cause doubt to creep in by being the famous thing he is, a deceiver, as you say here.

Regardless, this is a powerful piece, Erik, for sure!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

Thank you Kelly! I thought about that before I read it. That's why in the Author's note area I wrote.. read more
Kelly M.

10 Years Ago

Ah okay!! :)
I think this is pretty accurate of something the devil would write to us humans. The crafty, evil deceiver he is. I thought this was a good write Erik.


Posted 10 Years Ago

Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much Stephanie!

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8 Reviews
Added on April 1, 2014
Last Updated on April 1, 2014
Tags: God, Satan, Hope, Lies, Hate, Suicide, Beauty, Devil, Letter, Truth, Emptiness, Addiction


Erik Daniel
Erik Daniel

Waterloo, IA

I've been using writing as an outlet for the stress and anger of life since I was a kid. More just freestyle or creative writing than anything. I let my feelings guide me more..

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