He walked through dirty streets. Dirt from all the places he had been coated his sandals and feet.
His clothes were old and worn and like a beggar he had not a penny to his name. He had a face like all the rest, but he was different in a way that just can't be explained.
He walked alongside the lowly and spent almost all his time in the presence of sinners. Those that followed him were persecuted and called blasphemers.
Everywhere he went people flocked to him. And when he spoke he spoke with power; everyone listened.
He spoke of God and said he was his son. But people didn't listen and he was shunned.
He performed many miracles. But still people were cynical.
He made blind men see. And he set lost souls free.
He made the lame walk. And he told the dumb to talk.
He fed five thousand with nothing but two fish and five loaves of bread. And he even did the seemingly impossible task of raising the dead.
But even after witnessing all these miracles; some still didn't believe. Their foolish hearts were still naive.
The pharisees became scared of him and decided he had to die. But to be able to find him they needed someone on the inside.
It was Judas Iscariot who would offer to betray Jesus. For this service they gave him thirty silver pieces.
Judas led them up to Gethsemane where Jesus was praying. He betrayed his Lord with a kiss, and Jesus went with them without complaining.
The men brought him before Caiaphas the high priest. Caiaphas questioned him, but with his answers the people's anger towards him only increased.
Caiaphas decided Pilate could decide what to do with him. And when Pilate asked the people what they wanted they said,"Crucify him!"
Pilate sentenced him to die upon the cross. For that is what saving everyone's soul would cost.
After he died he was laid in the tomb. Just 33 years after he had come out of his mother's womb.
But death was not the end for him. After just three days our savior rose again.
He came to this earth to die on the cross and save you and me. And one day very soon he will return to eventually see all men before him on bended knee.
This was great, I love how you spoken out about Christ and his many miracles, the way he was so sinless, and still lived with the low, the ones who sin, and turn against the word. This is so amazing, you have a talent with words that many must envy (I know I sure do) :D I love the ending, the beginning, all the words in-between. Such a great piece! Very encouraging! :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Wow again thank you so much. I don't know how many people envy my writing, but thank you for the man.. read moreWow again thank you so much. I don't know how many people envy my writing, but thank you for the many compliments. :)
11 Years Ago
! So many people must! Who couldn't!!!? and your welcome!!! :)
But even after witnessing all these miracles; some still didn't believe.
Their foolish hearts were still naive.
Great write, even today we are not different after receiving all the blessings, still doubts him, faith is a true and direct gift from God, that means you are gifted, enjoyed, keep going
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you so much Linda! I totally agree with you. I often compare America to the Israelites. God di.. read moreThank you so much Linda! I totally agree with you. I often compare America to the Israelites. God did so many miracles for them and they still turned their backs on him. He has also done so many miracles for America and we turn our backs on him.
11 Years Ago
You can see it universally still there are plenty of Christians turning away from religion in Us com.. read moreYou can see it universally still there are plenty of Christians turning away from religion in Us compared to previous decades, all religions meant for goodness of mankind and do respect them equally, may be I am not broad enough to accept the idea not having religion will make the world better, I work in an institution which is not catholic but another religion but when I see the people praying I feel so proud to work in that environment, I can be wrong, but that is what I feel, great job Erik, keep going, wish you good luck
Wow Erik! How did you not hit me up to read this piece?
Aside from being true words...you rhymed it to perfection and flawless...
Reads perfectly smooth...Amen my bro...I love it!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I thought I did. The last few poems I have written I believe I have sent you read requests. If not s.. read moreI thought I did. The last few poems I have written I believe I have sent you read requests. If not sorry. And thank you so much. Means a lot!
11 Years Ago
It must have slipped you but no worries, I'm going to swing by you daily to make sure
I don't .. read moreIt must have slipped you but no worries, I'm going to swing by you daily to make sure
I don't miss anything...nice work bro!
Amazing stuff Erik! I loved the ending! I think this is one out best pieces of writing you have. Certainly a 100 Thanks a lot for sharing man, keep up the good work.
I just read my read requests now, I love this and I'm very impressed that you had written about Journeys Jesus had went on and things he has done. Very good, I loved it. :)
I've been using writing as an outlet for the stress and anger of life since I was a kid. More just freestyle or creative writing than anything. I let my feelings guide me more..