Description of the awesomeness of Jesus and the mercy I found in him that you can also find.
It's still hard for me to picture the king of kings as a servant. The Lamb of God washing the dirty feet of lowly men and hypocrites.
Or the fact that a man who had no sin died for us foolish men. And not even the grave could hold him because after three days he rose again.
Or that all we have to do is touch the hem of his garment and we will be healed. And once he comes into your life he will protect you like a force field.
Oh I could go on and on. But there are no words in human language to describe the majesty of what you have done. I will never be able to grasp that when you said it is finished that the battle had been won.
You make blind men see and you set the downtrodden free. He will will never leave you or forsake you and that, my friends, is a guarantee.
He will take your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And if you want your sins forgiven; all you have to do is confess.
You may be lost right now and finding God may seem hard. But the beauty of his grace is that he meets you where you are.
He stands and knocks at the door of your heart. All you have to do is open it and he will come in and give you a fresh start.
Oh savior, my savior: How great is your love!? That you rain down on us from up above.
In my life I rejected you but your grasp on me was strong. You took one look at my sin and all you said was; BE GONE! It is because of your mercy that I will get to see the light of a new dawn. And even though I rejected you I now know that you were by my side all along.
welcome to the daylight..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Man this is truly amazing! I clicked on this because of the epic title, expecting something out of this world and ! wasn't at all dissapointed! Jesus is indeed the way, the Truth and the Life!
Way to show your faith man! I'm so glad to have read this, thank you for sharing! This is truly an absolutely perfect poem.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Wow. Thanks bro. Means more to me than you know. You should check out more of my writing! I'll check.. read moreWow. Thanks bro. Means more to me than you know. You should check out more of my writing! I'll check out yours too!
That was really beautiful...Jesus is our saviour...and all we need to do is cry out to Him...and He'll comfort and protect us...People need to see more of this..
I've been using writing as an outlet for the stress and anger of life since I was a kid. More just freestyle or creative writing than anything. I let my feelings guide me more..