![]() The AscensionA Chapter by Stephen CaldwellChapter 130: The Ascension
Through the bulk of the hill up to Ashley’s hairdressing school, the sun had started to set and Trevor was getting worried. Worried about Alan not showing up and about what he was going to do with Percy if he was going to come with him. Which he was. When they finally made it to the back lot of her school and sure enough she was out there smoking and waiting for them to come meet up with her. “Yes. Alan’s to come and pick us all up. He figured since he drove you out here that he’d come back to get you.” “Actually I rode the bus, but semantics. How nice of him. This is exactly what I needed.” “Yeah, lucky for you he likely just wanted to pick me back up.” She stuck her tongue out at Trevor and went back to smoking. Trevor went and lit one up too. “Percy. Where will you go when this is all over?” “When what’s all over?” Trevor had to think about this for a second. “When Belial’s plan is finally foiled and I’m saved for all that is trying to exterminate me. What will you do then?” “I guess I’ll try to find a place to live.” “Oh? I was thinking about killing you. You wouldn’t rather I do that?” “No. No way. I don’t’ want to die just yet.” “Okay then. I’ll just let you go when we’re done.” “That’s settled.” He said in repose. Trevor nodded and looked over at Ashley. Then he flipped through his phone at Blaine and Maria’s new numbers. It was progress in motion where he was concerned. No time to rest just yet, he needed to get back to his own city and reevaluate his options if he ever wanted to find Belial’s trap. He put his phone away. “What’s all this talk of demons and bombs and things being over?” Ashley asked abruptly. “Just business as usual for me.” He said squirming. “Alright.” She obviously knew he didn’t want to talk about it. “What do you think we should do when we get back to Jamie’s? I wouldn’t mind getting drunk again.” “I’m still a little drunk from the show.” Trevor admitted. “Oh, you went to that Christian metal show?” “Yep. It was amazing.” “Glad to hear it.” Trevor didn’t know what to say after that. It was quiet out here in the November day. Trevor felt good though. Safe. “Alan’s on his way.” she told them. “Fantastic.” Trevor burst after a long silence. “Good for us right? Hey, Trevor, would you buy me some beer?” “Yeah, I’ll buy you some. Since you got us a ride home.” He stuck his tongue out and he got a laugh back. “You know I’m a star.” he blurted out loud. “Hey, I’m a star too.” Percy retorted. “I’m also a star.” Ashley said with a leaky smile. “We’re all stars.” Trevor finished with. It was around an hour before Alan arrived.. When he did it was uncomfortably silent. They all dove in the car to get out of here. Alan was surprisingly talkative. “Whew, today was a blast.” “Really? How was it?” Percy asked uncanny. “Well, I basically took everyone home. Then went into work hungover and killed it, I must say. “Killed what?” Percy asked sincerely. Alan just laughed full belly. “You took Megan and Brittany home bro?” Trevor asked. “Yep. It was an epic excursion.” “That’s what’s up.” Trevor smiled. The ride was quiet past then except for Hurley’s music. A lot of people called him Hurley instead of Alan for no reason at all. The ride on the interstate was incessant of boredom. It made Trevor want to smoke the whole way. So the windows were cracked the whole ride and Trevor couldn’t help but notice Percy was stoic the majority of the way. “Perce.” Trevor interrupted Hurley. “Yes sir?” “What do you think about demons?” “Most are scum.” “You think so?” “Yeah, except for Satan. He’s an honorable, but evil one.” “Really? He wrote the book I’m reading.” “That’s no surprise. He’s always been smart.” “Wow. So he was in heaven once?” “Yes. It was not that long ago now that I think about it.” “That’s amazing. Now I don’t feel so threatened. Do you remember more now?” “Yes. I remember much more now that I think about it.” he repeated. “Amazing. Let me know if you think of anything important.” he said. Trevor sat back with his hands crossed. “Bang bang.” Percy said as the music kicked up on the stereo. This was going to be a long drive. When it was over the four of them exited the car as quickly as they had entered. Jamie’s driveway felt like a safe haven and he stepped up onto the porch and remembered about buying Ashley beer. “Ashley, let me get your beer money.” “Okay dude.” “Hurley.” he said crass. “Yes?” “Let’s go get some beer.” “You sure about that?” “Yes.” “Okay. But, I’m drinking some.” “Deal.” After their trip to the store and two songs later Alan and Trevor arrived with two full cases of beer. Trevor wasn’t phased by the darkness enveloping them. He was ready to go inside. The two of them walked in and Jamie was wrapped up in sweat pants and a hoodie, slung open like a cage door. Ashley was sitting down in the kitchen and Percy was right next to Jamie as if he’d been in there talking to him. “What have you guys been doing?” Trevor asked them. “I’ve been showing him my poster collection.” Jamie said. “That would make sense.” Trevor responded. “Time for brews.” Ashley opened up. In both senses of the term. Beer time was now. Hurley was up next and then Trevor cracked one. “Percy?” “Yes?” “Do you want one?” “Oh, yes please.” he stuttered. Trevor threw him one and he opened it and it splashed in his face and everyone laughed. “Jamie?” “Yeah, bring me one.” Trevor obliged. “What are we going to do tonight?” Trevor asked him seriously. “Just chill, I guess.” Trevor thought about it and at once relaxed. “One night of no stress or urgency.” He said. “Yes indeedy.” Jamie said. “Good.” Trevor said with a sigh. He could actually be poised to party mostly alone and in the company of people he could let his guard down around. The presiders were rolling in their graves; if they ever were alive. With his beer, Trevor stepped the length of the house and watched Ashley as she slowly sipped hers. “Come on. This party is for all of us.” She tipped her can slowly again and said nothing. “Jamie. Hey Jamie!” He had went into his room. “Can I invite David?” he said as he walked into his room. “Yeah, go on ahead.” He said dismissively. “What’s the matter?” “Ashley and I had sex last night and now she won’t talk to me.” “That’s funny. Now I met this girl Maria tonight and she’s a real catch. Let me tell you.” “Does it always have to be about you?” he asked sarcastically. “Go talk to her. What do you want me to say? You knew this would be awkward. Hell I can’t even get it in with Megan but I tried. Sometimes that’s all you can do is try.” “Okay. I’m sorry about that. I’ll try that, man.” Trevor went outside to call David and smoke a cigarette. The wind was bellowing against the porch rail and his face. David told him he’d be on his way but who knew how long that would take. Trevor puffed on his cigarette till it was all gone. Getting back inside from the chill, he opened another beer and saw Ashley a bit more lively than before. Alan on the other hand, was skulking on his phone at the edge of the room, skimming from boredom. Trev grabbed his bag and grabbed his red beanie from it and jumped up and put it on Hurley’s head. He looked up wide eyed and clutched it to his head. Trevor stood up and marched around toy soldier style in the kitchen while Ashley pointed and laughed. Trevor was so happy and thrilled. It encompassed his entire being as he drank his beer walking back and forth. Everything was still as he walked back once more. He had accidentally activated time-stop. Which was okay, but he needed to get back to real time. He walked into Jamie’s room and found him there with the covers pulled up. He had a fantastic idea. He would get in David’s truck when he rolled up and get him good when he arrived. He flicked off time stop and went to the bathroom. He came back out and started messing with Percy. He began running his hands through his hair, and then jumping and patting him on the head. Percy was dumbfounded, then Alan had a revelation. He talked about girls and then this girl talked to him about the same thing, a mysterious coincidence. It mentioned something about how females had unreasonable standards and that led to more failed relationships. He was apparently getting in good with her though through text messages. Trevor became bored. He put on a song and danced across the kitchen. Nobody was staring at him this time. They were all looking at their phones. Percy was nodding off and Trevor went up and smacked him. Handing him a beer, he paraded around the kitchen, smiling and drinking. When he was finished with that it was time for another cigarette. Trevor had a brilliant idea while he was outside, he would write a song about Percy and his battle with amnesia. When he got back in he got out his phone and began typing. It was simple but effective. It was when I couldn’t remember that I had to get it together My eyes were burning in the wind and in the morning I created sin
Trevor was proud of himself for about five minutes. He was really just ready for David to get here, that would get this party right. Trevor read off the lyrics again and then put his phone away. Everything would be better when David got there. He was always the life of everything they got into. Whether it was a small get together or a raging party, he knew he to carry himself and well. So Trevor had no worries about him coming off as unfavorable when he got there. He had a plan for when he got there, he was going to reveal that he could stop time with a practical joke on David. It would be glorious. There would be a price to pay of course to allowing him to know, but that was something Trevor was prepared to give up. He wondered how this prank would go and taking a puff of his cigarette. He realized that it wasn’t the end of the world to come clean with him and even if he did to everyone. This was a revelation, he didn’t need to get out, he needed to get in and stay in. It was a request that he couldn’t deny. He had to go through with all of this and stick it out. He needed to be cool with all his friends and keep a straight face while he revealed all that he had learned. David was the easiest to talk to and a simple step. But, the rest, well that was a doozy. It wouldn’t be easy to come out and say that they could take over and put an end to the demon scourge. The attribute to this and all its forthcomings would be the true test of time and strength. So he didn’t need out, he needed through and through he would go.
The truck pulled up exactly four minutes after he was done thinking. As he was, the thought of doing this became so much more real and when the moment finally came he almost couldn’t do it. When David approached in his truck, Trevor moved down the stairs and flicked on time-stop. He walked over to the truck and opened the door and sat down in the cab. He turned time stop off and looked over at David and winked at him. David looked at him like he’d seen a ghost. “Look at me David.” he said. “Yes?” he said intrepidly. “I’m here to tell you something.”
“Oh like how you got in here?” “Now don’t freak out. But I can stop time.” “You can what?” “I can stop time. Among my other powers.” “That’s amazing. How do you do it?” “I really don’t know. I just can.” “Do you know how useful that is?” “Yes. Yes I do.” “Then you know you could run up on enemies and get them.” “Yes. I’ve done that.” “Incredible.” He said. “Most definitely.” “Trev, I gotta hand it to you. You have the game plan down pat and I’m glad to be your friend.” “Thanks buddy. I was thinking the same about you before you got here.” “Really? That’s such an honor.” “I’d say so.” Trevor laughed. “You remember when we killed that ice apparition?” “Yes. I think so.” “I used time stop to get in the back of your truck.” “I thought you got in there kind of fast.” “Yeah. It’s handy as hell.” David stared into his green eyes. “You know this means we have a chance to win. Are there more enemies?” “That’s something I also wanted to talk to you about.” “Talk about what?” “There is a threat to the world that is caused by a demon’s bomb that will bring down the wrath of heaven on Earth and destroy a part of it.” “That sounds serious.” “I don’t know how to find it though. That’s the problem.” “Man, how will we find it?” “I’ve got an idea of how to get to Belial and it at the same time. Belial is the hooded demon you killed.” “Wait, he’s still alive?” “No, his ghost is doing this.” “That’s wild.” “I know, I wouldn’t believe it either.” “Well do you want to go inside?” “Yeah, only if you tell Jamie and Alan what I’ve said here.” “Sure, I’ll tell em’.”
The two of them walked in together. David was his representative right now for his relay of information and he needed him to come through with his part in all of this. It wasn’t his job more than his duty to get them in it with his own piece of the plan. And the plan was to kick a*s and repiece together this team. Not to mention hindering Belial’s device from going off. But tonight it was all about destressing and keeping it chill. No demons or bad omens coming into play when they were just at Jamie’s hanging out. Trevor wondered if David had told them yet, then he came out of the bathroom and grabbed a beer. “I need you to tell them.” he said. “I’ll keep Percy and Ashley distracted.” he continued. “Okay bro, I’ll get on it.” he said cordially. While he went to talk with Jamie, Trevor popped a CD into the DVD player in the TV in the kitchen. It was a heavy band and more than sufficient to keep them occupied. Percy was staring right at him so that was a good sign. Ashley still looked bored and that was also beneficial. Alan was bobbing his head in the oven area. Before the first song was over, he went over and patted Ashley on the head. She just looked up and smiled at him, then went back to looking at her phone. Percy got up and got himself another beer from the fridge. It was quite shocking but Trevor played it cool. He got up and got himself another beer and wondered if Percy would pick up on it not being cool that he got one by himself. Probably not.
Trevor thought he’d go see if Jamie and David had finished their conversation. Getting in the bedroom door, he saw David was getting done talking to Jamie. Jamie looked at him with a sad expression and Trevor didn’t know how to respond. So he looked at Jamie and at David and then walked out. He turned around to ask Jamie if he was coming to join them.
“Yeah, I’ll be out there in the minute.” Trevor only hoped Jamie had been warned not to talk about it.
When Jamie arrived out in the kitchen he immediately grabbed a beer and headed out to the front porch. Trevor followed him. The others soon followed after them. Trevor breached the front door and moved in after Jamie on the front porch. Clinging to his arm chair and Trevor standing there shrugging to himself. They decided to have a chat.
“What are we gonna do bro?” he asked considerably. “We’re going to fight, that’s what.” “Good cause I’m tired of this already.” “Alright. Well we’ll have to work together if you’re okay with that.” “I guess I’ll have to be.” He said slowly. The others rushed out the door. “What are you guys doing out here?” Ashley asked. “Discussing business.” “Oh, okay.” “Like we need to hit Azazel where it hurts. If you want to take him down, you need to clip his wings.” “Do you care if I listen?” Ashley asked naively. “Yeah, no problem.” “Yeah, but how do we do that?” Trevor asked. “We keep him pinned down and you sweep in and destroy his shoulder blades. That’s when we strike.” “That sounds feasible. How did you figure all this out?” “I deduced that if he was an angel that the only method of taking him down was to get rid of his wings.” “Smart.” “Thanks buddy.” “I’m glad you could contribute. But, how will we find Azazel?” “That I don’t know.” “Okay, well I’ll worry about that.” “Guess what?” “What brother?” “I’m getting’ drunk.” “Hey, me too.”
As the night went on, Trevor found himself lucid and wary. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was coming and soon. But, for now he would keep on and work at it slowly but surely. Chipping away at the armor of his foes. Percy had been giving him the run around. Not that he really cared. He had been slipping beers and sitting there pretending that he was drinking the one he had been all night. It was most frustrating for all of three seconds. Then Trevor decided it didn’t matter. What did matter was having a good time tonight, he might not get many more chances. Now that things were calming down and getting much better to be exact. Trevor wanted to take the time to celebrate prolifically. He still gallivanted around the kitchen and put on softer music, but as time went by he wondered what would become of each party in the room. When they would make something of themselves if at all and when they would get into the world without thoughts of impending doom or bad mojo; it was all too new and fresh for him to think that would never happen. He wasn’t experienced enough to get into things without thinking first and being as careful as possible. The idea was that he could eventually take out a mass of people without being seen, as far as he could tell that was definitely possible. There were things that didn’t seem to be able to be located at this time and when they did come forth, he would have to be ready. That was the name of the game.
Time ticked by and Ashley went into Jamie’s room, assumedly to talk or whatever else they wanted to do. Alan was still in party mode with him, but Percy looked like he wanted to rest. So he showed him the tanning room with the couch in there and told him to lay down. He did so in orderly fashion. Alan and Trevor stayed up all night drinking and jamming to music and yelling at the top of their lungs at about four in the morning. It was all they could do to burst out laughing and Jamie came in the room and asked why they were calling out at this time of night and started laughing himself. It was the best night of Trevor’s young life at the time and if there were any more to follow he would have never guessed it. © 2016 Stephen Caldwell |
Added on December 22, 2016 Last Updated on December 22, 2016 Author![]() Stephen CaldwellConcord, NCAboutMusician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..Writing