

A Chapter by Stephen Caldwell

Chapter 123: Infathomability





            Trevor woke up the next day with a splitting headache. He paused and then jumped in the shower. It wasn’t long before he was fully soaked and clean. The night before he drove himself home drunk and was feeling a bit woozy. The ride home was dark and seemingly endless. Knowing exactly where he was going but not really paying mind to the roadways he was going from lane to lane and kind of having a blast doing it. Not knowing whether to dry himself off or get somewhere before the day would end, he ended up going out front to smoke a cigarette. He couldn’t get Kristie off his mind, it was puzzling to him that she was so forward and yet so reserved. There wasn’t any doubt in his mind that he could have taken her home if he wanted to. That was just the icing on the cake though. For sure he was certain he could make more out of this than what it was if he really tried.

            The time was right, he needed to see David again for the first time in months. He ran up the street to his doorway and found himself ringing the doorbell. The dogs hurried to the door. David remained up in his room for the remainder of the time that Trevor remained in the front porch of the house that was sitting relaxed that had the over-leaning hang that let the place havea each brick allow a feeling that nobody could be there or everyone could be. But, David was there and allowed him to come down and find Trevor standing there. The sunshine was creeping in on him and burning his back for a spell. David made it out before the dogs went too crazy. “What’s up with you now?” he asked. “Nothin’ as you can see.”

            “Okay, but what is up with you.”

            “The gods have allowed me to see you today, so I came.”

            “You think so?”

            “Yes, I do.”

            “So what do you want from me today?”

            “I still have questions I want answered and I need you to help me.”

            “I don’t know how I can help you. My life isn’t yours and you can’t control me as you wish.”

            “That’s not my goal. I need you to shoot your beams at my enemies. That’s it.”

            “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not gonna let your antics get me killed. I saw you when you came back from that Percy guy. You were half-dead. I had to get a ride home from Kris before it reached one o’clock.”

            “I was just doing my duty. Nate shouldn’t have picked a fight with him in the first place.”

            “That’s beside the point.” he said. “Now Percy is God knows where and I have an even bigger problem.”

            “What’s that?”

            “A ghost told me I have to save the planet or I will have to watch him destroy it.”

            “A ghost told you… I’m glad you’re so devout in this quest, but I don’t think I can participate.”

            “But, I need you. You don’t believe me do you?”

            “Can you blame me? What ghost told you this?”

            “The demon Belial. The hooded demon we defeated. He said he’s gonna bring down the wrath of the heavens on Earth and destroy humanity.”

            “and how will he do that? Assuming I believe you.”

            “A device that will send an energy beam like yours in the outer regions of space where the angels preside.”

            “How would we stop it?”

            “I don’t know. But, you’re my number one intercessor and my very best friend.”

            “Well, that’s uh, great. I guess I can lend you my hand.”

            “Oh, thank you. You won’t regret it.”

            “You don’t have to grovel for me. Like I said, I’m glad you’re so devout about something.”

            “Yes. Humanity erased is kind of a big deal.”

            “Then I couldn’t hit my favorite bars.”

            “You have favorite bars?” Trevor questioned but David became aloof. “What’re we going to do today?”

            “We need to search for Percy. Although he might show up eventually anyway.”

            “Why don’t we ask Karen again?”

            “That’s a great idea. But, we need to be careful. He’s much more powerful than I expected.”

            “Like how so?”

            “He harnesses the power of electricity. I couldn’t even beat him with two shots of my energy. His right arm is pretty torn up though.”

            “So he’s injured and roaming around?”

            “It would appear that way. I can heal myself which is a major improvement.”

            “Since when can you…”

            “Since always.”

            “Oh.” he sputtered. “Since I introduced you to Don that fateful night.”

            “Oh, since the beginning, huh?”

            “Yeah, among my ability to sear people to ashes with one touch.” Trev didn’t want to tell him about his ability to stop time because it would be awkward that he hadn’t told him by now. “Whaddaya say we get over to Karen’s.”

            “Hold on a minute. Trevor was wearing the green shoes that David had given him. “We’re gonna need some more firepower.”

            “What do you mean.”

            “We need Jamie, Alan, Alex and Simon.”

            “Sounds like a party.”

            “Oh, it’s gonna be epic.” So they got in David’s truck and headed off towards Jamie’s. Trevor knew he could get Alan and Alex to come over via the cell phones he and Jamie possessed. Thinking that he chose to call Alex on the way there. Once they arrived that’d be two intercessors down. “Hello?”

            “Alex, this is Trevor. I need your help.”

            “What do you need?”

            “I need your powers. We’re gonna try to get Brittany back.”

            “Alright. I’m in.”

            “What’s that in your voice?”

            “Disappointment. This all happened at my house so I’m partially responsible.”     

            “Okay. Meet me at Jamie’s. We’ll be gathering there.” David was speeding amidst the back roads to get to Jamie’s. There was a fuzzy sound on the radio that Trevor honed in on and spaced out on. The song was a melodic punk rock song that rang into the distant corners of his ear-drums. They made it to Jamie’s. He called from outside and he let them in. “Hey man. What’s goin’ on?”

            “We have business to discuss.”

            “What kind?”

            “Retrieving a kidnapped girl.”

            “When did this happen?”

            “Almost two years ago at Alex’s place.”

            “Oh my. Where do you think she’s been taken to?”

            “To hell.”

            “Like the hell?”


            “F**k no. I don’t want to go there.”

            “We have to save her. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, just keep an eye on things up here.”

            “I’ll go with you. I’ll follow you to hell.” David said. “The fact is, I’ve been there before and returned.”

            “That’s fantastic. How do we get in is the main question.”

            “That I haven’t figured out yet.”

            “You could ask Don.”

            “That’s an ingenious idea.”

            “Who is Don?”

            “He assisted in getting our powers. He’s the one who gave up those necklaces.”

            “Oh, sounds like a scary guy.”

            “Terrifying.” Trevor told him. Jamie’s dogs began barking. “Looks like Alex is here. Jamie I want you to call Alan over here too.”

            “Okay. Is he going to take part in this operation?”

            “Yes. I’ll need his expertise.”

            “I’ll call him right away.”

            “Now’s the time to go see Don.”

© 2016 Stephen Caldwell

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Added on December 22, 2016
Last Updated on December 22, 2016

Living Virtues


Stephen Caldwell
Stephen Caldwell

Concord, NC

Musician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Stephen Caldwell

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Stephen Caldwell