![]() RepartureA Chapter by Stephen CaldwellChapter 122: Reparture
October of the year he met Percy when he came down from the heavens, Seven months had passed since the incident at the apartments with the ghastly girl. Trevor hadn’t seen any of the intercessors or encountered anymore of the supernatural. He was getting ready for a Halloween party that was happening that night. It came upon him that he wasn’t looking very appealing in his ragged janitor suit and white mask. He blackened his eyes to make it look like there was a shadow inside to put on a more convincing display. He had been looking forward to this organized partaking of darkness and festivity. There wasn’t much to go off of except the place and his costume. Since he didn’t have any idea what the party would be like, he’d have to play it by ear this night. There were guests slew through the small one bedroom, one guestroom place, and he was having trouble even making space to stand. He was cornered drinking beer in the midst of a haughty amount of it being tossed into the controlled crisper part of the fridge, in the kitchen by the counter-top. Two members were here, Jamie and the other intercessor Alan. It was the biggest fest he’d ever witnessed in his young life. He’d talked to David after the occurrence beforehand and he didn’t seem to want to get involved tonight. Something was up and he was walking on egg-shells trying to get out of whatever was to come. He needed David more than anybody and it wasn’t easy. Trying to get him to come around was like taking a rock from a crater. Tonight was going to be one of whimsy and relaxation. All covered up in a silly Michael Myers mask that he’d gotten from Alex. Now the party was getting started and he’d had about four beers already. It didn’t feel like a normal party though, something was different. Like the guests all knew there was something else going on and he had no idea what it was. He was feeling like an iconoclast in the wake of all that was going on around him. The room was packed and Nate was once again set up to play the music through his speakers on the DJ board. Halloween night always had some kind of mystical influence on people so he chocked it up to that. The party was set at a lake house that lay on one out on the country. He couldn’t have picked a better party spot himself. The host being a guy named Fred. Fred wasn’t here yet which was odd. The place was jumping and he hadn’t even arrived. He was an all out pretty boy with features of a greek statue that could break at any moment. He didn’t need the reminder that the party might not have meant to be started this early. But, sure enough it was. There was nothing that could be done. He went out on the porch for a cigarette and found a bunch of people out there hanging out and smoking as well. There was one woman sitting there all alone. He didn’t have the guts to go talk to her alone, so he found Marty and pulled him over to help him speak to her. “Heyya, how are ya?” Trevor asked. “I’m fine. How about you?” “I’m great. Fantastic. I’m Trevor and this is my friend Marty.” “I’m Kristie and I have a lot of free time on my hands so I thought I’d come out here.” She started clicking around on her smart phone and looking through text messages. Trevor sat down on the bench next to her and Marty wandered away without saying anything. Trevor was grateful for his appearance albeit he didn’t have much to say but saw her as attractive. This made him think of Peyton and her in another state. He couldn’t imagine being with someone else right now but that was moving too far ahead anyway. He was just trying to strike up a conversation. “How did you make it out here tonight?” “I’m friends with Nate and he invited me.” “Oh, that’s interesting. I spent a week at his house months ago.” “You were the one that slept on his couch for a week?” “yeah, that was me.” “How did you even manage to do that?” “You know.. I just had to get some rest.” “Okay then.” she smiled and he accidentally put his hand on top of hers and took it away. She lit a cigarette and sat there under the moonlight with him at her side. He put his mask back on and starting doing silly theatrics and she laughed. “So Kristie where are you from?” “I’m from the city. It’s unique to me to be out here in the dead silence. It’s nice in a way.” she said. “That’s great. I think so too, although I’m not that far from my home.” “Really? Where do you live?” “The sub-division city to the south of here.” “Oh, right. The one that’s full of cops.” “You’re right there is a lot of cops there.” “hahaha. Sucks to be you.” “Indeed. It seems it does.” They both laughed and smiled and he lit up another cigarette himself and stared out at the lake. It didn’t look like the moon was out but something was shining down on them through the trees. Fred still wasn’t here yet and Trevor paid it no mind. He was enjoying his time with Kristie. What was a party without spending it the way you like. He could see several people out by the dock and they were hauling a*s into the lake. The way they were going it was going to be a soak-fest from the bottom up in the house later. That was okay he guessed, after all just as he’d said before people should party the way they want. Most of them were probably half-drunk by the time they were diving in the water. He could see Alan down there getting dizzy and falling in. It was a sight to behold. Kristie was sitting there with a blank look on her face. Trevor was wiping out a beer he had and was set on getting himself back inside. He did it and the house was still packed though not as much as earlier. Nate was manning the DJ spot and people were having a blast. The music was loud as it was invigorating and Trevor moved to get himself a third beer before the fridge was raided by the many guests. To his surprise there were many left and he cracked one open as soon as he took it out. He was trapped by the counter again though by people dancing. He ended up in the bathroom with two girls who wanted to take a picture. They took one and then another outside the room. He couldn’t get a grip on what he wanted to do. So he went out front and sat out there with a couple buddies. Michael, Marty, Jamie, DJ and few others to be exact; Trevor had a pocket full of money and was looking for the bud. Michael had what he needed. He took out a bag full of weed and served him up an assorted blunts worth for the time. He couldn’t hold it all in one hand and had to put the bag in the right hand pocket of his hoodie. He didn’t have anything to smoke it out of, but Marty did. A big bowl of glass that had a large deep pack, he put a bunch in there after breaking it up on top of his car. He puffed and passed, a deep breath. The intoxicating aroma and more-so the feeling grasped him like a wrestler in a match. Washing it down with beer, he felt lurid and fancy and he couldn’t shake the high coming over him now. Out of the distance a large sound, a crowd, there were people gathering around a group of cars on the other side of the front of the house. Trevor and Jamie moved over to see what was going on. Now the bowl had been cashed and Trevor had the rest safely tucked in his hoodie pocket. There was a fight going on. A small skirmish if you will. Two boys were wrestling on the ground and punching each other. They weren’t really hitting each other and it looked more like the one was trying to pin the other one down. The people around were making a big deal out of it though. It was odd that they were so immersed in such a scuffle but Trevor was too high to think about it. The moon was out now, he could see it among the dusky sky. The high grass was tickling his feet and it didn’t feel like he had much to see besides what was inside. He wanted to hear the music some more. But, he also wanted to smoke more. He was at an impasse, so he decided he’d smoke another and then go in a listen. Not to mention grabbing another beer. Marty was present at the car section, well the other side was a car section too but this is where his friends were parked. Seeing a chance to get another one going, he picked up the weed bag and got in his car. He broke it up on his lap and let the music play on the stereo, not enough so the battery would die. But, he had his CD playing and it he felt grand. Jamie was with him when he got out and so were a few other people including some girls. Trevor became bashful and asked Marty for his pipe again. He got it out and Trevor packed it large and full. Ignoring the sounds coming from all over, they smoked until the second one was done and kept smoking cigarettes and drinking beers. Trev went inside to get another one but immediately came back out. This was the place to be besides Kristie not being there. The girls were lined up to hit the bowl in rotation, but Trevor hadn’t broken up more to pack. So he just stuck buds in there and lit it up. An hour later Trev was in the living room of the place. Jamie was freaking out because Laurie was talking to some guy and he wasn’t happy about it. Alan had walked through the house naked and went into the bedroom to put his pants on. So people were talking about that. It wasn’t anything to do with him being drunk. He just wanted to walk through naked. It was very strange and people were talking about his dick and he didn’t care. Not that could be seen anyway. Drunk swimming had taken a different turn it seemed. The others came in soon after that had been taking a dunk in the lake. That’s when it happened. Trevor and rest were drawn outside because something had happened to Fred up the road and when he made it there he was in shock because he had been driving and crashed his car. Trevor ran up to see him. He was at the top of the hill that divided the property. “Where’s your car?” he asked. “It’s up the road a ways. I couldn’t handle being in it anymore after I wrecked it. I wish I could fix it myself but I’ll have to get my insurance to take care of it now. It’s too badly damaged.” “Will you take me to it?” he asked. “Maybe, if you can get me there without having to walk back.” “What if I fix your arm and leg.” He looked at him and he had his pants torn where his thigh would be. “How would you manage to do that?” “I have special powers that can take care of that.” “You have what now?” “Just watch.” Trevor leaned down and hollowed out his energy letting it flow deep into Fred’s wounds. He watched as the bone refixed itself and straightened out his gait. “Now will you take me there. I want to see what shape it’s in.” “Yeah I guess so. Thanks. I don’t know how you did that but I think it’s pretty spectacular.” “No kidding. It’s come in handy many times for me.” “I don’t know exactly where it is. It was a pretty long walk.” “Just point me in the direction and well go.” “Alright. It was off to the right.” “You know your house is flooded with people.” “My lake house. This is my lake house.” “Right. I don’t know how you’ve managed so many people tonight but congratulations.” “Thanks. I don’t think I could’ve done it without Jamie and some of the others.” “I’ve been having a lot of fun. So your wreck is kind of a let down unless I set it right.” “Well, you know I did see a figure in the road. So that’s why I swerved and crashed.” “Really? What kind of a figure?” “A cloaked man in all black. He looked like he was gonna let me hit him and I turned hard and fell off a divot and down a hill.” “That sounds terrifying.” “It was. I couldn’t have asked for a worse fate tonight.” “Fate, huh? I could say the same about myself.” “So you say. But, when it actually happens to you that’s when it’s a bad ride.” “Trust me, I know.” They kept walking on. The damp wet night splattering on their faces. “Hey Fred. How much longer till we get there?” “It shouldn’t be long now.” The ground was getting heavy under Trevor’s feet. The farther it seemed they walked the more bounce in his step it took to keep up. Fred was strong and well paced. Trevor was adequately equipped with stamina and strength from years of training and fighting. He’d used up some of his energy healing Fred, but it hadn’t brought him down yet. From the moment he fought the burning man to climbing up the wall some place in hell, he couldn’t shake the impending strain on his body when he moved down the road stealthy under nightfall. The worst by far was when he faced the night ghoul that terrorized the country-side. Now he was back here and he felt like it could come back at any minute. “I see it! I see the car!” Trevor was eclectic. He was proud to come this far to the car after drinking, despite his windedness. “The car’s down here.” He looked down the ditch. It was a wreck. The front side had slammed into a tree and pushed the dashboard into the space in the front seat. More over on the right side showed where it had wrapped around the tree and crushed the engine and the fender into the tire wedges. It was a beaten up Subaru to say as little as possible. “Now I have my phone, so I can call the police here.” “Good. Do that and tell them you need a tow truck.” he said. He remembered the time with Michelle. He could’ve used a tow truck then, but made it out of there alright. This was much worse. “You said you saw an apparition when you wrecked?” “Yeah, he had a black hood. He, uh, or she.” “It couldn’t be.” Trevor though in the back of his mind as he mulled over the wreckage more-so than he had before. “The one you crashed to avoid, what did he look like?” “I don’t know it was too fast. I was going very fast to get here. Um, he had a hood on. I believe. That’s all I know.” “No way. No, no, no.” It was perplexing to Trevor’s mind that he could return. But how? Were the gates of hell unlocked now. Or maybe he’d held onto his form here somehow. He saw a great cloak of gray and white light in the woodlands. He wasn’t going to let it go. He charged after it with all the speed he could muster. Tumbling through the woods he spread out to his right at the same time catching a glimpse of it to his left. Rushing off to the left, he saw a field coming into view. He came out of the woodlands and onto flat ground. He looked around. Nothing. No glowing aura. No gray cloaked figure. Feeling like he was in a dream, he was slightly intoxicated anyway. First a flash. Then a sputtering. The figure appeared before him. “Hello Trevor.” “Hi. I’m sorry, I forgot your name.” “My name is Belial and I’m a demon.” “Yeah, I got that much from the last time we met.” “Okay. You never cease to amaze me.” “Where’s Brittany?” “She’s in my chamber in hell.” “Lovely. Oh, by the way, I got rid of that gift you gave me. It’s in circulation now in my friend’s bloodstream.” “You don’t like my style? Well, that’s too bad.” “I will find a way to get her back from you.” “Oh, I’m scared. Look like I should run away.” “A lot of good that’ll do. How are you here anyway.” “My spirit is tied here through the trap I set up.” he said. “It’s a handy card in my deck actually.” “Trap? What trap?” “Ah, now I have your attention. What I have devised will ring out through the ages and devastate the world and the whole time I had your help.” “Me? Why would I help you do that?” “Because you see the powers that be have been focusing on you and your “Heroic efforts” leaving me to work in the shadows.” “You’re saying there are beings that have been watching me.” “Yes, from the heavens. I know they’re watching you.” “and how do you know that?” “Because I’ve seen the one called Lucipher hanging around you in the streets. If that’s not proof the elder ones are watching then I don’t know what is.” Brushing off the notion of Percy being who he was talking about Trevor asked him one more question. “What is it that you’re planning.” “The anchor that’s holding me here is the reason I’ve summoned you. It is the ultimate weapon against the heavens. An atomic blast of demonic energy like the stuff you use only on a much larger scale. It will charge for a period of time and then shoot and pierce straight through the havens and decimate their domain in tow.” “That concerns me how?” “and… wait what?” “How is that my problem?” “Well, I figured you’d want to know how I’ll be doing this. If the plan succeeds then they might just unleash their wrath upon the world. Besides the first to fall.” “I guess that would be up my alley.” Trevor scratched his head. “This was not the reaction I was longing for.” “I’m sorry? What were you expecting.” “Like an “Oh no! I have to save the world from imminent destruction.” not “How is it my problem.”” “I’m sorry. I’m not sure I even believe you.” “You don’t believe I’ve set in motion something to destroy the world.” “No. I don’t know.” “Have I ever lied to you before?” “No. You weren’t lyin’ with that head game thing.” “You mean the universal transceiver.” “Yes. That.” “That was a special gift from me to you.” “Yeah, at the cost of Brittany. You really are a devil.” “What did you think I would leave you that for nothing? Nothing’s for free.” “I didn’t even want your mojo to begin with.” “Then why did you accept it?” “Because I didn’t know what to do back then.” “That was quite some time ago. That’s no excuse though.” “I guess I’m just an imbecile then.” “I would say you were apathetic to the core.” “You might be right.” “I’m ready for this, oho, and you can’t stop me.” “Okay. I got it.” “Hahaa, yes, That’s what I was waiting for.” “I’m glad I’m humoring you.” “It was everything I could ask for and more.” “I’m elated.” he said. “You’re a gem. Oh, by the way, I have some more things to inform you of.” “What’s that?” “I have some intel on who you are. It’s not much but it’ll do.” “What that I’m an intercessor? I already know that.” “What? No. What’s an intercessor?” “One that’s been ingratiated with this power. There are seven of them and together we’re unstoppable.” “Well you better gear up then. So that’s who your friends were that night.” “You mean the night we killed you.” “That’s right and I’m rather furious about that.” he said. “But, can you save the planet?” “I guess we’ll see.” “Anyway about you. How should I say this? You’re special. You’ve been kept watch by being above since birth. You are what I would like to call a saw-sage.” “Saw-sage? Meaning what?” “Everything you do is being monitored by the heavens and somewhat through hell.” “Oh, that’s just great.” “Hell tends to have worse reception than heaven likely does. I have a good seat in my domain though. Tends to I said.” “So why would the demon Belial have an open seat to my destiny.” “Well that remains to be seen. I’m guessing I just have friends in high places. Friends like Satan himself.” “I see. Well that changes things doesn’t it.” “It sure does. No my plan will go into action and you’ll have to try and stop me.” “and Don wants me to stop you?” “Don has always tried to throw a wrench in my plans. It’s nothing new.” “That would explain why origin is separate from hell.” “Origin is the place of creation. Hell is well, hell.” “That makes sense.” “Are we done here? Goodbye Mr. Ferrell.” “Wait… aren’t you…” Too late. He was gone like a bad wall-paper job. Trevor stared blankly at the tremendous field before him. It was like it had been farmed at some point. Nevermind that though, he had to get back up to Fred. When he arrived back the cops had moved in and started getting a report on the car while a tow-truck pulled it out of the crevasse. The night was still young and he told Fred he was going to go back to the house and he decided he would go with him until the party was over. “The police can take care of it from here. I’ve already given them my insurance information.” “That’s good then. Let’s go.” This time the trip was an uphill battle. He couldn’t find any way around trudging up the hill in search of the right house. It was a strange area for Trevor but Fred seemed to know his way pretty well. Once again he was a beast on the walk back. Trevor could hardly keep up with his strong willed steps. It was a miracle that he had healed his leg and head and gotten to this point now. Now he knew what was going to happen and all that was left to do was to stop it all from occurring. The trip was grueling but he made it safely with Fred in the lead. He saw the group of people all gathered in the front yard awaiting their return. There was a huge celebration that ensued. Most people were like, “I’m glad you’re okay.” To Fred. Really he wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for Trevor’s powers but that wasn’t for them to know. Fred moved inside as did many other people. Jamie and the rest remained outside in the summer heat and smoked and drank as much as they pleased. Trevor went inside to get another beer and then went to the front porch where Kristie was still. He started chatting it up with her and found that he could talk to her for hours and never get bored. That was when it hit him. What about Peyton? She was the manifested love of his life but he never got to speak to her before she left for another state. He needed to tell her how he felt and it wasn’t going to be easy. Then he cast off this notion. He would talk to her later and that was that. Kristie was sitting cross legged looking pretty and he swiped his hand over her thigh once and she didn’t deny him when he did so. He looked at her longingly but she had this smile on her face that said tonight wasn’t any good for him to come on to her. So he didn’t. The night went on, as guests slowly left the house one by one, Trevor got a few more photos in from the friends he made getting closer to the end of the night. Two more beers in store for him too, he made good on his last two by drinking them outside while smoking the rest of the bag of weed he bought. Michael joined in and added an extra two bowl-packs before heading out himself. The night ended on a good note, Trevor was enamored with the way the night had gone. He moved to the inside and saw an empty place in the kitchen area. There were obviously people in the guest room and the bedroom by the way that he heard voices in there. The place was out of control, so he started to head back to see Fred again. He was hanging out by the front porch leaning on his bad knee. Trevor asked him what he was doing and he said that he was waiting for his girlfriend to get there. “Well, she’s late, huh?” It was already getting late and he warned him about letting people stay here, but he didn’t seem interested. He was more immersed in sitting there drinking and watching the people flood out from his lake house. “Are you enjoying this?” he asked him. “Yes. It’s quite peaceful watching them all leave. The more get out, the more I feel entirely at peace with my surroundings.” “That makes sense.” Trevor said. “Yes. I believe it does.” © 2016 Stephen Caldwell |
Added on December 22, 2016 Last Updated on December 22, 2016 Author![]() Stephen CaldwellConcord, NCAboutMusician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..Writing