![]() EncoreA Chapter by Stephen CaldwellChapter 119: Encore
Spun through the traffic in the heat of the night in May, he used the signs as markers for his way back home. Traffic lights became blurry splotches of light in the wake of his journey and he was still sure he was right behind the two that was leading them to the after-party. Lights flashed up ahead and it appeared someone had been pulled over. The blue and red lights beamed in as they whizzed by. “What a lucky break.” David spoke. “Yeah. No kidding.” “What does that mean?” Percy asked innocently. “That we’d be in trouble if we were in his position. Drinking and driving is a crime.” Trevor paused as he let the power of his words sink in. “Remember when I said you couldn’t stay in the park after dark? That’s what could happen to you.” “Oh. Thanks for getting me out of there pronto.” “You’re welcome.” Trevor said closingly. Trevor sped up to stay close behind the other two. They made a right onto one street with a state as its name and rushed into a packed driveway. “I guess we’re here.” Trevor said. Trevor took down some notes on how to get out of here in case of an emergency. There were people strewn throughout the front porch and many more waiting inside. Trevor hesitated to go in. He wanted to stay outside and smoke a cigarette, but after some coaxing he went on in. He stood next to a guy named Kris he’d only seen on the internet before. He offered him a drag of his black & mild cigar and he took it. Trevor already had a beer in his hand and was offered another when he went into the kitchen. The team was running wild and Trevor couldn’t keep up with the pace. David was taking shots of tequila and Jamie whiskey. The owner, Nate, was boarding his stereo and DJ equipment and bringing down the house. There wasn’t a lot of problems here to be seen. There were girls, alcohol galore and the latest jams coming in through the speakers. Particularly a new rap song about b*****s. That was that though. Trevor climbed into the kitchen through to the back porch where a circle was smoking bud and he figured he’d join. It was easy; the grains of anxiety lifted from him and he crept back inside to see what was going on. It was getting loud in there and that wasn’t always a good thing. A quick thorough check would have to suffice. He looked in and David was doing a body shot of a girl and Percy stood there in bewilderment, clinging to the counter like a knot on a log. Trevor pleaded with them to let him do one and they agreed. Down he went on the slope of this females body attempting to reach the alcohol at the middle of her tummy. The pierced bellybutton surged and he went for it. Holding the table steady for his own balance for the most part. She squirmed once and he moved past it with his tongue, catching everything at once. He took the shot. The body shot. His eyes and throat were screaming from the tequila. His tongue warm and dry from it. Kris was up next, he had his hands in his pockets and was ready to go. He moved up closer to the girl and leaned in as the liquor was being poured on her chest by Nate and another house guest. He took it like a man and moved down just as Trevor had and lapped it up forcefully. By now there had been a silence in the room because most had cleared out into the living room or the porches. The light were out in the living room but there were strobe type lights flashing and the girls were mostly lined up on the couch. Percy was also in there waiting for someone to interact with him. Trevor got a beer from the fridge and came to hand it to him. The girls on the couch caught Trevor’s attention. They were whispering amongst themselves and it looked to be interesting. Eyes shifting, head hung and chatter around them. Nate was manning the DJ booth once again and had this serious look on his face. Kris was looking pleased with himself back in the corner of the kitchen. The atmosphere was stifling. Trevor eased into the kitchen for another beer. “Hey, you can’t take that many.” said some kid. After that there was a ruckus in the living room. The girl they were taking tequila shots off of was slapping Nate in the face. Trevor heard, “There was wasn’t there?” Nate was sort of smiling every time she hit him. She kept assailing him. Trevor closed in. “Alright. What’s going on?” “This pig put piss in the tequila.” Trevor looked at her. “It’s not funny you monster.” she shouted. Trevor moved in. “I don’t think there was any piss in that tequila to be honest with you.” “I know there was.” she struck him again. Percy leaned over. “What’s piss?” “It’s urine.” Trevor told him. He still had a confused look. © 2016 Stephen Caldwell |
Added on December 22, 2016 Last Updated on December 22, 2016 Author![]() Stephen CaldwellConcord, NCAboutMusician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..Writing