![]() LarynxA Chapter by Stephen CaldwellChapter 88: Larynx
Minutes passed and Trevor knew he had to get up and figure out how to make the ambience right. Despite being lonely in a homely kitchen with two people, he stared off into a part of the ceiling and got out of his seat and went to the walkway area to see what it looked like. After he saw a cat box and some other stuff he stepped back in and peered at Ashley who was munching at the counter. When she saw him, she instantly swept what she was eating away and strayed to the inside of the center arena and off somewhere. He took it as she was getting out of socialization mode and he sat down across from Megan at the table. Before he could speak she looked at her phone and nodded off for a bit. He himself got up and walked to the center passage way. His stomach hurt. Might’ve been something to do with the stew. But, he gazed into the open bedroom and saw Ashley lying there. He couldn’t help but stare at her while she lay still on the bed and all sprawled out with her back turned and the lights on. Before he could get any more entranced with this he slunk over to the beanbag chair and moved to a relaxing position. He noticed the lights went off in the Master bedroom. He began to wonder where David had gone to. “Was he in the bedroom with Tara?” He was shocked that he’d be so unencumbered in doing that. But, it wasn’t the most abnormal thing he’d ever encountered. Megan got around the bend and bent down in the front of him. “Hi!” he said with eyes wide open. “Hiya.” she said.. “How’s it going?” “Shhh…” she shushed him and pushed him back into the beanbag chair. “W-what’re you..?” “Hold on… I swear everything here isn’t what it seems.” she told him.. “I-I know a lot actually.” “Really? Then that’ll make this easier.” She started huddling up close to him. He started getting turned on, but contained himself and straightened out underneath her. “This might feel kind of odd. But, bear with me.” Some sort-of tubes came out of her wrists and strung themselves into his ears. “ahh!” Trevor screamed, but she muffled it with her hand. “I’m going to retrieve the signal pacifier that that man placed in you to hide away inside me. I”ll decide what to do with it later.” “You mean…. Wait a minute. What are you?” he whispered almost face-to-face. “That doesn’t concern you. But, what’s going on in there is an abomination.” she pointed toward Tara’s door. “That’s pretty mean of you to say.” he retorted. “Yeah, well it’s the truth.” “So when’s this going to be finished.” “Almost got it.” some crimson liquid drained out of his skull like an IV, but right into her arms. It was something that made him quiverish but he knew it was better than not getting it out of him. “Okay, I’m all done.” she told him.. “What’re you going to do…” she kissed him deeply and pressed up against him with a locked in touch. At the same time he heard the bedroom door open and somebody walk out. She kissed him more and pretended like she didn’t hear it either. David lowered himself into another odd kind of chair and sat there. Trevor looked around her and worked himself up to see what he was doing. He was sitting there with a confused look on his face and Trevor felt sorry for him. What she’d said to him kept swirling in his mind and he couldn’t help but wonder why. Then Tara exited her room and Megan began fooling around with him again. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying it. So, he stopped and she sat down beside him. He put his arm around her and she settled down into the crook of his side. He looked at the other two. Tara had a sort of distinguished expression on and David was just leery like he always was. Why was anything wrong here? Except for the fact that he just had his brain drained of a particular source. He couldn’t picture the answer to that. Though they’d likely just had sex that didn’t mean it could explain it all. Where were Megan and Tara before all this and why had Ashley secluded herself. These were things he was hard pressed to think about. He was slightly aroused himself. Though there wasn’t a wrench in the ways of Trevor that couldn’t stop himself. If anything he was exceptionally disciplined as one could be. He didn’t need her to tell him that. He knew the room was crowded with them in there, but they were obviously done with whatever they were up to. Trevor paused and then pulled her closer to him. She smiled at him while David looked distraught. More than likely he now faced regret. It didn’t help that he was the one main assistance Trevor had. The hour was late, and David probably wished to go home. Though, Trevor yearned to lighten the mood and stay a while. He was leaning towards seeing this through and f*****g Megan. It came from the whole experience. One thing led to another. Notably, how his head felt when she did that service. He was grateful she had the capability of removing the worst part of his apparatuses. It made him think about Peyton. He missed her. But, he couldn’t inhibit himself from anything just for the sake of hinderance. “Nice going chief.” he blurted. He almost did an obligatory hand-over-mouth gesture from speaking without thinking first. “Who are you talking to?” Megan asked him in a sweet voice. “David! I’m talking to David!” he said uncontrollably. “What?” “I’m saying awesome job!” “Uhm…” “Way to go!” Megan laughed under a muffled hand. Trevor could tell. “Anyway, thank you.” he said to Megan. “Give me another?” “Hmm?” He planted a kiss on her mouth with his hand on the back of her head and jumped up. “All right! Let us go!” Trevor pointed to some random direction implying they should leave. “Uhm… mkay dude.” David said. “Hey, this was great. Can I get your number?” Trevor asked her. “Yeah. Hold on.” she wrote it down on a post it and he folded it into his pocket. There was no time like the present. “Say goodbye to Ashley for me.” he said to the group. Then he and David made their way out. Trevor was exhuberant and David was untidily gloomy. He couldn’t wait to go find something else to do. Tired and relieved at the same time. “Might you want a cigarette?” he asked him. “Yeah, gimme one.” he replied. “Mmm.” Trevor passed one to him. “Now what?” Trevor said. “I guess we go home.” he answered. “Whoa… whoa… I’m just getting warmed up. Wouldn’t you like to go do something fun.” “No, not really. I’d just like to go home.” “Oh, I guess I’ll take you home then.” “Are you not going to go to bed tonight?” “Well, I’ll probably do that. But, if you aren’t coming with then I’m probably going to check some stuff out.” “Like what?” “Oh, I don’t know… maybe see what Jamie’s doing or go find another demon or create to kill.” “Oh… huh.” he said quizzically. “So, like, do you just go patrolling for things like that, or do you run into them.” “Usually run into them. But, I have.” “Right. How do you think those things and we feel about this?” “Uhm.. Well, I guess you would have to look at it like I do and say I’ve got to do this for myself and besides were the ones who are being forced to endure this for God knows how long.” “Mhmm… and what’ll you do if you meet and opponent you can’t beat.” “I’ll die I’d assume.” “So, huh…” he sighed. “I’ll go with you.” he spat reluctantly. “Alright! Let’s go.”© 2016 Stephen Caldwell |
Added on December 22, 2016 Last Updated on December 22, 2016 Author![]() Stephen CaldwellConcord, NCAboutMusician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..Writing