![]() DemolisherA Chapter by Stephen CaldwellChapter 70: Demolisher
“Right! Right!” he was signaling for him to turn there. Trevor sped into his car and out onto the road. He didn’t want to have to replace his car and especially not having to explain why it got totaled. Interestingly enough it was a breeze getting down the freeway. He had faith his associates had a way around to get home. He could see the blown in part of the theater in the distance. It wasn’t burning though. A massive toppled mess. The affluence left him scarred. When would he be able to track him down again? Much less having the time to. Who knows where he may have run off to. The light hours were running down and he needed to know why he was being hunted. The bars on his phone were leveled at three, meaning if he wanted to call David for help it'd be a hassle to reach him. His vision still keen on the lines passing under the car, and where he was right now. He couldn't derive from any of the road signs hanging up above him. He was positive he'd never seen them previously. He finally caught wind of an interstate sign that he knew took him home. It was getting close to nine-thirty when he made it there, it felt appropriate to call and make sure Jamie and Laurie made it back okay. It was a brief and terse conversation. Jamie likely wasn't enthused about going to the city for starters and seemed resentful about the way it all played out. The tone in which he said goodbye was especially sharp. No matter, he would have to sit down with him later, or get him to use his abilities in proper fashion. Trevor couldn't comprehend what that entailed. He was beat for the night. His skin felt like it was going to strip off like bacon from a pig, which could have something to do with the flesh of the undead being wrest from his hand. He recollected his leg being touched and had a minor fit there in his bedroom. Spasming in discomfort when entering the restroom, he distracted washed himself for the concurrent hours of the evening. Maybe the most time he'd ever spent in the shower. Coincidentally he wasn't basking in the shower or the onward flow of time replaying of happenings the course for that which had yet to. These were straining on him and telling him to get out. Out of this and out of here. Out of his parent’s house and leave for something average, plain, and undisturbed. Something no one would know about. He was only fooling himself. It was too late for that. He doubted there was any scenario where the obstacle was not there. Trevor would have a contingency though, he always did. He just hadn't come up with it as of now. The only thing left was to let things play out as they were. As they would. The lightbulb went out in the bathroom. Trevor grunted. He wasn't worried he would fall out of the tub area, but it was uber perplexing. He stepping out wide-footed and broadly. Palm on the wall to find what he was looking for. He was under the impression that all he had to do was turn on the sink light. Apparently, that wasn't so, he jerked open the door and crept out. He was uncertain how long he'd been in there. He found a clock, 12:58 it said. Curbing his movements as looked around the house and outside. It couldn't have been more than two minutes when he heard the most bone-chilling sound he ever had. He didn't feel as though he had everything under his control. He reinspected the time, it'd gone past one now. Not the time you'd usually suspect from some off-screen horror movie to bring out a terrifying antagonist. Trevor's heart was beating at a fast pace. He went back to his bed and sat on it with the lights-off. Twenty-seconds later something happened. It wasn't something he heard and clearly not what he saw. Some alert that life or a mystical force was near-by. As if on purpose, Trevor fell asleep in a flash. If he was in a dream he wasn't aware of it. "Where am I?" Everything had gone black. It was like he was trapped inside of a still nightmare. He wondered what had become of him. He couldn't move around, and as far as he'd witnessed there was nothing here. He was a consciousness somewhere. Trevor stayed in deep confusion for a while. It was settled, he would have to try to speak. "HELLLOOOOOOOO!" he yelled. An echo once and the only time. He wasn't sure of how many fractions of a second it took to get back at where he was so he couldn't get a reading of how large this space was. It seemed a lot like Origin, however he couldn't see at all and there wasn't any indication that anyone was present, even himself. He did in fact feel like he wasn't maintaining a physical form in here. "Ah." he muttered. He was frightened by his spectral being. Something he couldn't imagine. Trevor would've turned his back if he could. Precisely then he heard a whirring behind him. He ws there stark, but couldn't move a muscle. Every piece of him began to tingle and he felt as though he were shaking violently. That was that and he had to get assiduous or he would not make it out of here. In a fling, he reared around and was a facing a drastically different direction. Dizzy as he was spun, he figured that he didn't have the mobility to escape this place. No other presences appeared to be around. As he was sorting himself out, he gaed up and stared at a bead of light shining gold from the way in front of him. It beamed intently on him, because he was definitely the only one in here. He squinted and adjusted to its luminous source. It dawned on him that maybe this was where he was designed to go all along. But, why now? After months and months of duking it out with rapacious enemies and the likes. He turned off these thoughts and fumbled around in his mind for a viable definition of what he was involved in right now. It didn't take him very much time to give up and throw any reasoning out the window. For a reined period of of two minutes, he was there timing how long it took for anything to happen. If he'd known any better it would've overtaken him and blanched out his whole existence. But, it wasn't like him to back down from a challenge or an unknown event. For ten minutes, he waited formulating what he could see and that which he could not. When that time was up, he stared straight into the beam and it took ownership of his corporeal form. "What happened?" Trevor was in an even darker, more confined space. He could move his body now though, starting with his head. "What might I owe the pleasure?" said a tongue from the corner. It took him many seconds to register something had been said. "What... What's going on?" he shuffled. "I see you've made it in one piece." the voice beckoned. "Another step down, huh?" Trevor scoured. He didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't at all receptive. He looked over to where he heard what had called him and a glaring red ball sat on a pedestal as if it had for thousands of years. "Huh.... Helllo?" "Hello." It called back and lit up to a slight degree. "What the?" Trevor screamed. "How may I help you?" There wasn't any indication this could be coming from anything else. "Why have you come here, young chap?" Trevor was leery. He couldn't tell what to make of this. "I don't know that myself." he responded. "Hold on. Let me read you." It said. It took it's sweet time. "Mmm... Okay. I see you made it here the old-fashioned way." he told Trevor. "How's that?" he asked. "Well, you died." "Tell me oh glowing ball of wisdom, how can I be dead?" "The undead left you with an infection and you died on your bed." "I know I washed everything off, how could that be possible?" "I told you, you got the infection and didn't heal yourself afterwards. Careless, I'm afraid." "I don't believe this...!" Trevor burst. "What was of knowing all of this do you have?" What're your credentials?" "Credentials? I don't understand." It spoke. "I know everything about whatever I can see. I can read you like a book if I get the chance to. Therefore I'm not a glowing ball of wisdom as you so selectively put." "Whatever. You aren't this. You aren't that. How did I get here?" he asked threateningly. "There is another way, though it involves excessive amounts of energy and channeled appropriately. "Okay, what is it?" "You have to feed the energy into an amulet provided by one of the kings of hell and put it in a closed off patch of ground during a blood moon." he said. "Complicated." "is so..." "I do have one of those!" he admitted. "Excellent!" "But, those never happen!" Trevor whined. "Oh... I forgot you aren't at all immortal. I'll just have to make you im..." "There's no time for... Whoa, you can do that?" he asked amazedly. "Yes." "I can't wait that long, and neither can my friends." "Ah, right. The designated seven disciples. It should be interesting to see how things work out." "I'm planning on making it all count. Wait, how do you know about that too? Right... You can read my mind or something like that." "It's more like reading your life in it's grandest scope, but yes." "Please, spare me the details." Trevor said sarcastically. "You can do it on a full moon, but it will require massive quantities of power. A lot more than you contain." "Thanks for the info. I should be able to take care of it." "Alright then. How do I return here?" he asked one last question. "I'm fairly sure you know the way you came." "Not distinctly..." "Semantics my good friend. I see you've been looking for a God." he said. "A God? What the motherfuck are you talking about?" "Please use proper language. I'm saying you've been looking for a God. A sprite from the heavens to be exact." "What the hell is a sprite." Trevor blurted gruffly. He forced a hock. "I'll never get used to your manners." he replied. The orb chuckled. "Trevor kind-of grinned. "Technically the specific one you're looking for is a rogue angel. He'll be looking for you in... Approximately two months from now. Not much more than half if you want to get nitpicky." Trevor worsened. Could a being called a sprite really be what he was looking for? This was one time he didn't doubt a tiny red ball with intelligence, and he was actually dead. How was he going to get anything done with that bogging him down. "So..." he was interrupted. "What is it now, young man?" "Can I get out of here? How can I come back?" he asked. "I'll give you what life you have left back, but promise to heal yourself as soon as you get back. Don't forget!" "Thank you, I'll never forget thi..." He gulped a breath of air in his bed and felt the iron grip of death on him. He belted out in agony and motioned to heal his diseased leg." It still came as a shock when he lifted up the leg of his jeans and found a pinkish gash that leaked out. He flexed his hand over it right away and salvaged his limb pronto. It couldn't have arrived more quickly. He felt his health coming back to him and climbed out of bed. © 2016 Stephen Caldwell |
Added on December 22, 2016 Last Updated on December 22, 2016 Author![]() Stephen CaldwellConcord, NCAboutMusician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..Writing